Thread of the Week

What are you reading?

This thread has become one of the most successful in the Anthology. There are some great recommendations and summaries here, so if you're looking for some new reading material, this thread is for you!

I haven't been reading anything terribly interesting lately, although I'm still slowly going through Watchmen. I shelve it each time something new comes along, but this is mostly because I don't want to finish it too soon! I'm really loving it.

What is your all-time favorite book? Mine is definitely still Nineteen Eighty-Four, although there are some that have come close to knocking this one off the perch.

Thread of the Week

Jiggly Stuff

OBer (and prolific artist) jigglyness has put together a thread showing off selected picks of her artwork. There seems to be a good mixture of themes and ideas presented - well worth your time.

Jigglyness has been an active artist on OB, especially with the Graphic Worm. I love to see OB artists creating threads like this and promoting/discussing their work.

(Apologies to jigglyness for calling her jigglypuff! I must have Pokemon on the brain, haha).

Thread of the Week

A little late, but better late than never!

The Debates for '08

So the American election is nearly upon us and the last debate has just happened. What are your thoughts? Are you even paying attention to the debates at this point?

Darren May Cry

If you're not familiar with Dragon Warrior's crazy OB parodies, then you're really missing out. His latest is Darren May Cry. Poor Darren, he needs some tissues.

Make sure to go and check it out! If you're an OB regular, you might even find yourself with some kind of weird and inappropriate cameo.

Thread of the Week

Worst Bloody Movie Ever Made

What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

I'd say the worst I've ever seen is Epic Movie. I think I watched about five minutes of it before switching it off. It's so unfunny that it hurts. I actually wonder how a script like that can be approved and funded, let alone even written in the first place. Ugh.

Anime Central Update

The upcoming season is just about upon us... thanks to Shin for making this thread!

Fall '08 Anime Season

Is there anything you're interested in? Economic issues aside, there seem to be more new anime airing with practically every season. In a way, it's amazing that there are enough fans out there to support them.