Thread of the Week

There are a couple of unique threads this week. First up:


It's a really simple question: if you died tomorrow, what would you want to be remembered for? And what do you think you'd be remembered for?

I really have no idea what people would remember about me. I kind of think that's really for others to decide (in my case, anyway).

Moe points

I will quote Dagger (the thread creator) on this one:

"To put it simply, a moe point is a superficial trait that heightens your interest in or affection for a character. It can be physical (e.g. hair ribbons, eye color, school uniform, bust size) or more abstract (such as cute catchphrases and other quirks)."

There are some awesome (and quirky) responses in there already. What superficial traits draw you to your favorite anime character? Jump in and let us know!

Thread of the Week

Which series grabbed you from the start?

This thread is already turning out to be most interesting.

There are quite a few shows that I wasn't terribly interested in at the beginning, but which grabbed me later on as I kept watching. I think if a show can really grab you in its first episode, then it must have something special about it.

So what shows/series grabbed you from the start? Most of my examples are probably non-anime, but as far as anime goes, I think Bleach interested me straight away. Ironically I stopped watching after a few episodes though. I should probably go back and keep watching, because I felt that there was something refreshing and unique about Bleach.

Art Studio Update

20 (at a time) Theme Challenge!!

New Member yakiimo has created a rather cool new thread which is already receiving some great submissions.

As per usual, OB's artists do not disappoint! If you're an artist here on theOtaku, you may find that OB's Art Studio provides a great place to compete in specific art challenges (or to simply participate in community art projects).

Congrats to yakiimo for a successful project so far - I hope we'll see more to come!

Thread of the Week

Unfortunately I don't have internet at home right now, so I thought I'd put up a couple of threads here for you guys to check out.


New member RiaBinx started this thread, which has become quite interesting. Dreams are odd things - it can be fun to analyze them at times too.

The Dark Knight

This thread continues to be one of the more popular movie-related threads on OB at the moment. And for good reason; The Dark Knight has received great reviews and most people seem to be saying that Heath Ledger's performance was really impressive.

I personally enjoyed the movie and there's been quite a lot of interesting discussion/debate about it on OB. If you haven't yet posted your thoughts about it, I urge you to do so!

Anime Central Update

Yay, more recommendations! visualkei is in search of a short series to watch. And by "short," she means shorter than, say, Death Note, which is clearly an excuse for you all to go crazy and recommend every 26-episode show ever made.

"short" anime series

Here's a new anime which, by all accounts, more people should be watching. Um, I'm not going to lie--that includes me. I'll get to it soon, I promise. If I understand correctly, it's officially available to anyone with a PS3.... and not-so-officially available to anyone with an Internet connection.

Xam'd Lost Memories