Thanksgiving Fun

Thanksgiving plans?

If you live in the United States then you already know that one of the most looked forward to holidays is fast approaching. Thanksgiving, which is a harvest festival where family and friends get together to enjoy good food and celebrate what they are thankful for. If you’re in Canada, then you have already enjoyed this holiday and those of us in the States hope you had an excellent time. ;)

Now over at OtakuBoards, members have been discussing what they have in mind for this year’s holiday, as well as sharing what they did. I know that for myself it’s something I always look forward to. I positively love making turkey and all sorts of scrumptious goodies for the day.

Then later after the feast, it’s often a wide variety of social events from watching sports, playing games together to braving the crowds on what’s known as ‘black Friday’ to do some holiday shopping. I always have a good time.

So what do all of you like to do? Any special traditions or dishes that your family makes? If you’re not in a country that has this holiday, what do you have that is similar?
