Alexa Hex And The Cursed Ones (The first six chapters)


I would like to thank my Gram for putting up with me and my crazy stories and my Catie-Jane for being my Emma and of course my Sis V for being as crazy as i am.



Alexa sighed as she walked the streets of New York. She was 16, a working girl, took care of herself; She even lived on her own. Alexa was different than most of the humans around her. She was half demon. Her father was a powerful demon lord who controlled over half of New Yorks demon population and her mom? Well she didn't like to talk about that she didn't even think about it or at least she tried not to.

Her mother had been a wonderful and caring person when she was alive and still sane. Even though Alexa told other that her mother died when she was a baby that was hardly true. Alexa had spent seven wonderful and bliss filled years with her mother. Her mother had given up everything to protect Alexa including her own life. Alexa's father was a sick and vial man who wanted to control her and use her like he did with her brothers. Alexa had ran away at 14 and made her own life and she never regretted it.

Alexa's mother had died trying to keep her out of the clutches of her father and she wouldn't give Drake Hexington the satisfaction of her returning. Alexa had been on her own now for two long years. Her father had most of her long silver hair chopped off when she first moved in when she was eight years old but now it was to her waist and longer than it had been before. Alexa missed her older brothers more than anything. They had practically raised Alexa themselves and always seemed to be there when she needed them.

Alexa passed a huge store window and looked in longingly at the clothes. She wouldn't have enough money this paycheck she would have to wait; Alexa would just have to keep on wearing her old black skinny jeans, black tank top and sneakers. Alexa wore her usual clothes, with her usual makeup. She would eventually have to buy more make up too she was almost out of black eye liner and her favorite gray eye shadow. Alexa's thoughts turned back to getting to work, she didn't go to high school. 1. She didn't want to 2.Schools didn't like her and 3. Her dad had pulled strings to get her a 'private' education which ended on her 14th birthday when she ran away from home. Last nights latest nightmare kept replaying it's self in her head again.

The smell of blood and death filled the crisp Autumn night air. A small gust of wind blew threw the Alley where the smell was coming from. A young, tall woman with hair the color of silver stood over a dead human body. She stood there with a evil cat like grin as cold red blood ran down her arms, off her hands and onto the ground. The darkness of the Alley seemed to emanate from and swirl around the girl. The girl lifted her head up to the sky and let out a bone chilling scream before disappearing into the darkness. A chill crept down her spine as the images flashed threw her mind.

“This is ridiculous,” Alexa muttered as she made her way threw the crowded streets, her old black back pack slung over her shoulder. She headed down the 3 story walk up and out onto the streets of New York City. She would have to ride the subway...again. She had a job, and a fake ID but no license and no money for a car. Alexa walked slowly towards the subway station. A smell of ashes and sulfur drifted threw the tunnels seemingly unnoticed by the humans.

Alexa scanned the sea of people around her searching for the source. She could already feel her fingers turning into claws and her eyes were probably starting to get noticeably darker by the second. There was one thing Alexa couldn't stand more than anything. That was the stupid mindless and soulless demons that threw the world into chaos called shadow runners. You thought regular demons and half demons were bad? These were worse. The quick moving shadow demons left a trail of blood and death behind them wherever they went and caused a list full of problems for other demons.

Alexa followed the smell until she found a dark an secluded corner away from the other people. This was bad and Alexa could feel it.

“STOP IT!” Alexa heard a small voice squeal. “Please give it back!” The voice came again. Alexa peered into the shadows to see a small girl maybe five or six trying to get a small stuffed bear back from two shadow demons who had possessed a couple of boys. They were big boys too. Not chunky but they were muscular.
“You know you shouldn't pick on children. Give the girl back her bear and leave” Alexa sighed as she walked confidently into the shadows. Her fingers were fully equipped with claws now her eyes had turned pitch black.

“Isn't this cute, the little lady is trying to be a hero.” One of the demon -one with red hair- laughed at me.

“Maybe we can peel off her skin and fry it?” The demon with brown hair said licking his lips.
“This is the last time I'll ask. Give her back the toy and go away.” Alexa practically growled as the little girl hid behind her shaking.

“How can I put this lightly? Um, no?” The red head laughed. Alexa was getting fed up with these shadow runners and fast. Alexa sighed and suddenly she was in front of the red haired demon landing a roundhouse kick to his chest which sent him flying about two feet. The brown haired demon came running at her and she stepped out of his way at the last minuet.

“Not very bright are you boys?” Alexa laughed darkly as the red head stood up shaking his head.
“Have you ever heard a dying child scream?” He asked. “Its like music to my ears. Care to hear?” He added glancing at the little girl.
“Ever have your arm ripped off and got beat with the bloody end of it? I'm quite good at it,” Alexa said guarding the small girl. The red haired demon ran at Alexa ready to kill but Alexa grabbed him by the shirt, spun to the side and slammed him sideways into the wall. She just smirked as the demon slumped against the wall. “You next?” Alexa asked the brown haired demon who just backed up disappearing into the darker shadows. Alexa's eyes and hands returned to normal and she picked up the small bear and walked over to the little girl who was still shaking with her eyes squeezed shut.
“Please don't hurt me!” She said.
“It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you,” Alexa told the little girl quietly as she handed her the teddy bear. Alexa was surprised when the little girl didn't take the teddy bear but instead hugged her. She stiffened but eventually relaxed. She wasn't use to having contact with humans. Sure she worked with them, lived along side them but that didn't mean anything. This was different.
“Thank you for saving me,” The little girl said smiling.
“Not a problem.” Alexa laughed getting down on one knee to get a better look at the little girl. She was small, her light blue eyes seemed to laugh and her brown curls made her adorable. She hugged her stuffed bear to her chest.
“His name is Maxi and he was a present from my mommy,” The little girl told Alexa.

“Oh and where is your mommy?” Alexa asked standing up and dusting off her pants.
“My mommy and daddy died when I was little.” The little girl said smiling.
“I'm Alexa,” Alexa said not sure what else to say or do.

“I'm Emma. Can I go home with you?” The little girl asked.

“Don't have a home?” Alexa asked. This little girl was adorable but Alexa had her own issues and problems to deal with without adding another person to the mix.

“No. I got sent to the orphanage,” Emma said stopping in front of Alexa and giving her the infamous 'puppy dog' look.

“Fine,” Alexa muttered.
“YAY!” Emma said happily. Alexa took Emma by the hand and led her out of the subway tunnel and back to her apartment. Alexa SHOULD have been excited that another person wanted to be near her and she SHOULD have been happy that the little girl didn't run for the hills screaming but she wasn't. What was she supposed to do with a five year old? She didn't know the first thing about kids and not having a normal child hood herself didn't help much. Emma climbed into the window seat near the fridge and looked out wide eyed. “It's so pretty out side Alexa.” Emma laughed looking over her shoulder at Alexa.

“You know the only thing out there is a empty lot right?” Alexa said with a sigh.
“Yep! But look at all the pretty flowers!” Emma said pointing out the window at the empty lot at the dandelions growing in it. Alexa just sighed and grabbed her cell phone and called off. She never called off but she might as well. She had more than enough time saved up and either way she would be paid. “Alexa do you live here all by your self?” Emma asked.

“Yes I do,” Alexa answered getting up and walked over to the fridge to see if there was any left overs to eat.

“Where's your mommy and daddy?” Emma asked curiously.
“My mom died when I was a baby,” Alexa told her. Her mom was one thing Alexa did not discuss. Ever. That was the one subject she couldn't stand. Do five year olds ever run out of questions? Alexa thought to herself as she pulled out a cold piece of fried chicken and popped it in her tiny microwave.

“Can I please have some milk?” Emma asked tugging at the bottom of Alexa's shirt.
“Sure,” Alexa said digging in her fridge to find milk that was actually good and of course there was none. After a make shift lunch Emma had managed to drag Alexa out of the house and to the lot where the dandelions grew. Emma hardly ever let go of her bear. Maybe it was the only thing she had control over? Or maybe it was her last tie to her family? Either way Alexa couldn't keep her more than a night. She barely had enough money to take care of herself let alone another person and then there was her work. It wasn't that she didn't care or didn't like the girl. She just deserved more than a monster for a caregiver. Emma tackled Alexa and sent her falling backwards into a cloud of white dandelion fluff. Alexa laid there beside Emma staring at the dandelion floating by and her eyes felt heavy.

“Alexa! Alexa Hex!” A soft voice called out to Alexa. She was smaller and her hair was in a short bob. She was spinning in circles in a field of dandelion laughing and smiling.

“I'm coming mommy!” Alexa laughed running threw the dandelion towards a woman in nuns clothing.

“Alexa how many times do I have to tell you. You mustn't call me that.” The woman chided.

“Yes Ma'am. I'm sorry Sister Ella.” The young Alexa said looking forlorn.

“I'll forgive you for now Alexa.” The woman said hugging her then suddenly Alexa was ripped away. The fire was on fire and Ella was no where to be seen. The young Alexa was on the ground crying ad people yelled at her. They accused her of things she hadn't done and knew nothing about. She could smell the smoke and feel the heat of the flames around her.

“ALEXA!” A familiar voice screamed tearing Alexa from her dreams. The smell of demons was overwhelming and the sun had gone down. Alexa quickly jumped to her feet pulling Emma to her side. Her fingers had already began to form into claws and her eyes changed from gray to black.

“Come on Emma we're going in.” Alexa said taking Emma by the hand and started walking.

“Alexa I'm scared.” Emma whimpered.

“Emma what ever you do don't look up and don't be scared OK?”Alexa told her quietly as shadows seemed to dance around them. Alexa stared at the side walk repressing the urge to look up at the shadow demons as she quickly closed the last few yards between her and the door. Alexa made the mistake of just glancing up but in away it was a good thing. She realized they weren't shadow demons they were minion demons. Demons that took over corpses that her father used to do his dirty work. Like trying to catch Alexa for example.

“Alexa!” Emma squealed crushing herself against the older girl.

“It's OK Emma don't be frightened.” Alexa said picking up the girl and disappearing into the house kicking the door shut and jamming it shut with a wooden chair. Alexa carried Emma threw the back door as the front door came crashing down. This is madness! I do one good thing for some one else and this happens! Who ever thought of karma should be shot. Alexa thought to herself as she tired to out run the demons but they were closing in on them and fast. Alexa skidded to a stop in front of a 24 hour coffee shop which was the only light for another blocked and slipped inside with Emma.

“Are they gone?” Emma stammered her eyes squeezed shut again and she was holding onto her stuffed bear so tight her tiny knuckles had turned white. Alexa crouched by the door trying to catch her breath.

“No but they can't come in. They don't like the light or people.” Alexa reassured Emma. Why was she so attached to one little person she didn't know? Things were getting confusing for Alexa. What was she going to do? What was she supposed to do? She only ever had herself to worry about now with Emma things were different. Alexa sighed and Emma looked up at her with sad eyes. “Come on Emma lets get some hot chocolate.” Alexa said standing up and putting on a small but fake smile for Emma who seemed to buy it because she smiled back.

“Can I have extra marsh-mellows and a cookie?” Emma asked as they walked to the counter.

“Marsh-mellows yes cookies no. Your already hyper.” Alexa told her glancing over her shoulder at the door with a worried look.

“Please Alexa? Please? Please? Please?” Emma begged.
“Oh fine.” Alexa said giving up and placing the order. Alexa took their food and drinks to the booth farthest from the door and placed Emma on the side facing away so the little girl wouldn't become upset and so Alexa could keep and eye on the demons outside. Alexa watched as Emma finished her cocoa and her sugar cookie. Emma had fallen asleep in her booth fifteen minuets ago and was using the wall as a pillow. It was almost hard not to with the smell of chocolate, coffee and baked goods swimming around the room. Alexa looked at the glass door again. The demons were growing impatient.

Alexa had always been hunted by people, by hunter and by her own family but she was wild. She wasn't normal she was a disaster but she was a wild beauty that no one could capture or at least that what her father had drilled into her. No matter how he put them the words still rang in her head. They were not words of kindness from her father just words. They were meaningless and meant to sooth the tension between the two.

Alexa clenched her teeth at the memories. She didn't want to remember. She didn't want to feel. Why couldn't her past just let her be? All she wanted was to be left alone but as long as she was being hunted it would never stop. That was when the coffee shop lights one by one started to explode and go out.