Alexa Hex And The Cursed Ones (The first six chapters)



Alexa felt James staring at her and she had heard his older brothers comment. The staring was...less than comfortable for her to say the least. After her little situation with Devin in the closet Ashlyn had come charging into her room and told her she had come to make her look 'Like a TRUE hunter' and for some reason Alexa found herself letting the other girls help. She thought back to the episode in the closet again and sighed as she sat at a table by herself. Her mind wandered to Devin and what it might have been like to kiss him. The only reason she had restrained herself from doing so was that she felt another presence nearby.

“Would Alexa Hex and The Carson's please report to the battle room.” A voice said threw the static and crackling of the intercom speakers. Alexa rolled her eyes and stood up. Humans were so lazy. They couldn't bother to send some one to tell her to her face they had to use a stupid box full of metal and plastic? Alexa followed James, Florian and Ashlyn half way to this 'battle room' before Devin joined them followed by Emma who appeared to be five again and in jeans and a dark blue t-shirt with some logo on it with Blaze at her side.

“Alexa whats going on?” Emma asked looking up at her.

“Not sure, just stay close in case something go's down OK?” Alexa told her with a half worried and her usual half bored look.

“OK.” Emma said grinning as she walked between Alexa and Blaze. They walked into a massive room that looked like something out of a sci-fy movie with wires hanging from the ceiling and lights and button flashing different neon colors. Griffin was standing in the middle of the room watching as their small group entered. Griffin smiled at Alexa which made her more cautious of the old woman than she already was.

“Alright, I suppose the lot of you would like to know why you're here.” Griffin said with a somewhat tired sigh.

“That would be nice.” Devin muttered just to have Florian smack him in the back of the head.
“Alexa you you please come over here?” Griffin asked as she shuffled towards one of the walls a silver remote in her hand. She raised the remote and pressed one of the many buttons and the wall pulled up to reveal another wall decorated with weapon with the occasional hole here and there where weapons were missing. “Which one stands out the most to you?” Griffin asked with a smirk. Whats this old bat up to? Alexa thought to herself as she let her gaze wander over the wall of weapons. The only ones that caught her eye was a pair of oriental looking swords. What are they called again? Alexa thought to herself. Katana's She suddenly remembered.

“I'll take the Katana's .” Alexa told Griffin pointing to the two swords. Griffin smirked and others around the room seemed to gasp and whisper.

“If you think you can handle them then take them.” Griffin told her with a confidant look. Alexa stepped forward and took the katana from the wall and adjusting the straps that ran across her back so they fit right. “Very interesting. No one else was able to touch them but you picked them out right away and put them on with no hesitation. My old weapons fit you. Florian over here.” Griffin ordered and Florian immediate walked over to her side.

“Yes Ma'am?” Florian asked glancing at Alexa before turning his attention to Griffin.

“On my mark the two of you fight. Understand?” Griffin asked backing up. Alexa and Florian just nodded. “Alright then,” She said when she was a good distance away. Alexa already had her hands on her Katana's and Florian was reaching for his double ended spear. “FIGHT!” Griffin called out. Alexa had her katana drawn and she had managed to back up about a yard putting distance between herself and Florian. Florian just shook his head as he pulled out his double ended spear. Alexa watched as small star patterns and jagged triangle patterns glowed brightly the same patterns on her katana. Florian ran at Alexa swinging his spear at her but she ducked and came up slashing at Florians stomach. Florian jumped back the blades cutting open his shirt and two small lines of blood where the tips had barely grazed him. Alexa barely danced out of the way when Florian spear came swinging at her. Alexa hissed as one of the spear heads cut threw her shirt leaving her with a nice sized gash on her arm. Alexa fought back and blocked another attack on her wounded arm. Florian went down and kicked out Alexa's feet from under her. Alexa gasped as colored spots danced before her eyes. Crap! Florian's going to kill her! James thought as Florian brought his spear up and with one swift movement brought it down aiming for Alexa's head.

Alex looked up, her eyes wide with surprise, to see James grasping the shaft of Florian's spear which had come only millimeters away from killing her. Alexa scrambled backwards her heart pounding in her chest. James released the spear as Florian turned and stormed off. James looked over his shoulder at Alexa who was staring at him with a still shocked look. Alexa shook her head and managed to pull herself together.

“Lexa! Your hurt!” Emma said running over to Alexa not bothering to keep her adorable five year old shape.

“It's just a scratch Emma I'll be OK.” Alexa told her calmly.

“But Alexa your bleeding. Please let me help you.” Emma pleaded. Alexa gave the younger girl a small smile and ruffled her hair.

“Fine.” Alexa said allowing Emma to pull her by her good arm down the hall to the kitchen.

“James.” Griffin said motioning for him to come over to her.

“Yes?” James asked suspiciously.

“Keep an eye on Alexa. She most likely has an inner demon and when she wakes it will be chaos, also I want you to order Alexa and Emma's wanted posters taken down.” Griffin told him. James nodded and left the room and went to do as she had asked. Things had gotten very complicated for both James and Alexa. Alexa now saw that Florian was out to get her for one reason or another and that maybe Devin could be helping him? James for some reason seemed to be on her side. Because he pitied her? Or maybe he was just stupid? James felt he was making progress though he still didn't know why he was so interested in that one demon girl. She seemed emotionless at times except for when you angered her or like with Florian and you some how surprise her. She was cold, rude, and ignorant but James would get her to open up, he's get to the real Alexa...eventually. James smiled at that thought as he walked down the long hallway.

“Ouch! Emma please be careful that stings.” Alexa's voice drifted down the hallway.

“I'm sorry Lexa I'm trying to be careful and I already told you it would sting a little.” Emma was saying as she finished cleaning the wound on Alexa's arm and started to wrap a bandage around it. Alexa was sitting in a kitchen chair while Emma stood beside the table with a first aid kit. Alexa looked up as James walked into the kitchen.

“How's the arm?” James asked as he grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit on the marble counter and sat across the table from Emma and Alexa.

“Its fine. Thank you for saving me I appreciate it.” Alexa told him with a small half smile.

“Florian was going to kill you. I would have done it for anyone.” James said with a shrug.

“Oh so I was right your just stupid.” Alexa laughed slightly.

“What do you mean stupid?” James demanded with an irritated look.

“Risking your neck for some one you don't know. Its just stupid, reckless, and idiotic.” Alexa told rolling her eyes.

“Well isn't that what happened with you and Emma?” James said glaring at her.

“You don't know anything about Emma or myself.” Alexa snapped at him.

“Emma likes to talk so I know quite a bit.” James chuckled.

“We have a high level demon causing trouble at the old abandoned hotel down on fourth street. James, Alexa and Devin get on it.” The voice crackled over the intercom before Alexa could come up with a good comeback.

“Lexa you gotta take me with you! Thats daddy's house!” Emma told her with a worried look.

“Fine.” Alexa said not having time to reason with Emma and James already out the door. Alexa and Emma waited impatiently with James as Devin came racing towards them. Devin had his daggers strapped to his belt, James had his scythe and Alexa had both of her katana's.

The abandoned Hotel was more decrepit than Alexa had remembered with its boarded windows chain link fence and several condemned signs posted around it. Alexa, Emma, Devin, and James had climbed over the fence and were now working on how to slip into the house unnoticed. Alexa walked up to the door with Emma right behind her leaving James and Devin watching helplessly.

“Yes?” A gruff and harsh voice said as a small eye slot opened to reveal a pair of deep blood red eyes.

“We're here to see are father; Drake.” Alexa said crossing her arms impatiently.

“Yeah you and every other demon in the city.” The voice laughed roughly.

“Fine if you want to be like that.” Alexa said rolling her eyes and pulling out one of her katana's and running it threw the demons head before kicking in the door and returning the weapon to it's sheath. “Emma never take no for a answer especially in family matters.” Alexa told her younger sister with a smirk. Alexa and Emma walked in with James and Devin behind them. Alexa walked confidently threw the halls with Emma behind her trying to ignore the whispers around her. “The half-breeds back” Alexa heard one say. “Brought the little dream assassin with her.” Another had replied.

“What is all the blasted commotion out here!” Drake bellowed as he appeared in the hallway in his demon form. He was huge having to crouch in the hall because of the ceiling. Two massive tattered bat wings were currently folded behind him. His skin was a light purple/blue and he had no nose only two small holes where his nose might have been and two sickly yellow colored ram horns protruded from his temples.

“Hello Dad.” Alexa said between clenched teeth.

“Oh Alexa. You're still alive?” Drake asked with a disgusted look.

“Yes I'm still alive dad.” Alexa sighed rolling her eyes.

“Thats a shame I thought my little pets would have finished you off and it seems you've met your sister.” Drake said with a smirk as he crept towards the small group of hunters, small demons scrambled out of his way as a massive lizard like tale lashed back and forth.

“Emma stay behind me.” Alexa hissed not taking her eyes off of her father.

“Come Emma I have another job for my favorite little demon.” Drake said with a grin revealing two rows of sharp, pointed teeth.

“I don't want to! I want to stay with Lexa!” Emma said clinging to Alexa's side. Drakes eyes grew wide but then narrowed with anger. He drew back a clawed fist and before Drakes hand connected with Alexa's cheek she pushed Emma back into James and Devin. Alex turned her head with the blow but it still hurt and made her neck cracked. Alexa's eyes watered as blood ran down her face and neck but she didn't let herself cry.

“Now lets go Emma.” Drake said reaching for the girl.

“Don't you dare touch her!” Alexa hissed sinking one of her katana's into his hand. Drake screeched and snatched back his bleeding hand.

“You parasite! How dare you disobey me!” Drake told her as he shrunk to his human form which was a tall muscular man with a shaved head and pitch black eyes thought his pointed teeth and claws remained.

“Don't. Touch. My. Sister.” Alexa said her eyes had turned black as she pointed both katana's at her father.

“You really want to die don't you.” Drake said rushing at Alexa who spun out of his way and slashed one of the katana down the length of his back. He hissed and knocked both katana's from her hands. Alexa staggered backwards panting watching as the other demons laughed quietly. Alexa lunged at Drake sinking her claws into his shoulders causing him to cry out in pain before slamming her into a old grandfathers clock and let her sit there for a moment half in the clock among the shattered glass before snatching her by the hair and his knee came up to meet her stomach. Drake released Alexa's hair letting her fall to the floor. Alexa laid there for a moment before pulling herself up on her hands and knees coughing up blood.

“Get Emma away from here James.” Alexa said her eyes squeezed tight.

“Lexa!” Emma yelled wanting to run to her sisters side.

“I'll be fine just get her out of here!” Alexa yelled at them and Devin left carrying a struggling Emma over his shoulder leaving James to watch. Alexa inhaled sharply as her father kicked her in the side and sent her slamming into a wall. Alexa looked up at Drake with a looks somewhere between sad and terrified. Spots danced before her eyes and the world had gone dark around the edges as Drake smirked down at her. Alexa had passed out and Drake was raising his hand for his final blow and to kill Alexa. Before James could even think of helping Alexa two boys appeared stopping the demon and one who looked oddly similar to Alexa was at her side picking her up.

“You coming hunter?” The demon boy who looked similar to Alexa asked as he walked past carrying Alexa out of the house while the other two boys occupied Drake.

“Shouldn't we go back and help them?” James asked.

“My brothers can handle themselves and they will meet with us later, right now we need to worry about Alexa.” The demon boy said laying Alexa on the back seat before getting in the drivers seat. James climbed into the passenger seat not seeing Emma or Devin.

“Why exactly are you helping us?” James asked with a suspicious look as the pulled out of the drive way and onto the highway.

“Because I'm Alexa's brother.” The demon boy told him and James just stared at him in shock.