Alexa Hex And The Cursed Ones (The first six chapters)



“Demons were vial creatures who don't deserve the right or glory to live in our realm.” At least that was what James Carson's instructor had pounded into his thick skull for the last 10 years of his life. James (17) and his three brothers Blaze (The Baby 12) Devin (The problem child18) and Florian (The leader21) James was left an out cast. He was lenient with demons. Maybe more than he should be but he couldn't help but feel sorry for them. To relate to them. Florian constantly chastised him for it, Blaze thought it was a joke, and Devin? He seemed no to care.
James and his brothers had been shipped here when James was 8 and Blaze was 4. His parents had been killed by shadow runners and Florian had made it his life goal to get revenge. Devin took it the hardest. He wouldn't leave his room for days. He had been their favorite. He was the one who was going to become a great and powerful hunter. Was it really this easy for things to fall apart? Just one mistake could leave to a life time of misery? For James thats the way it seemed.
“Hey did you guys hear that?” Blaze said blowing a chunk of blond hair out of his eyes.
“Whatever is left of your brain rattling around in your head? Yeah.” Devin laughed His long black hair pulled into a pony tail at the nape of his neck. All four of the boys were dressed in either black or charcoal gray. James had what normal people called 'emo' hair. He wasn't Emo or Gothic he just likes dark things and when you hunt demons the less the demon can see the better. James had a black t-shirt, a pair of black flair jeans with about five different chains hanging off of them.
“Shut up both of you.” Florian sighed sounding agitated as always. Devin just rolled his eyes as Florian ran a hand threw his dirty blond hair and poor Blaze looked like some one just killed his puppy. Thats when they really did start to hear it. In the distance they could head small pops and then the screams started. The four brothers took off running towards the sounds. James could smell the demons even before he saw them flooding into a little coffee shop. Blaze was not dressed for fighting in his black shorts and t-shirt and there would be no way for Florian to move in the dark gray trench coat he wore almost all the time. Devin and James would have to go in. A gray long sleeve shirt and jeans isn't exactly fighting gear but it will have to do. James thought silently to himself.
“Ready?” Devin asked looking over at James. He had been thinking the same thing .
“No but we don't have much of a choice.” James said before pulling out what looked like a one foot silver pole. He pressed a small button on the side and it grew until it was six feet in length and a blade snapped up at the tom that curved. Along the silver shaft and on the blade of the weapon were swirls, crescent moons and stars carved into the metal which seemed to glow with a light of their own. This was James weapon of choice. A scythe worked for him like a staff. It was like an extension of his body he could use to defend himself and it was the only thing he knew he'd ever have any control over.
“Then let's go.” Devin said pulling out two long curved daggers which had the same swirled and moons carved in only his seemed to glow brighter with anticipation of the up coming fight. Both James and Devin crept into the building seemingly unnoticed. There was a girl or maybe it was a demon-James couldn't tell from the shadows engulfing the room- standing in front of a small child slashing at any demons that came even close.
“This is going to be fun.” James said sarcastically as her swung his scythe and swung it cutting four demons in half at the waist sending greed foul smelling blood onto the floor and wall. Devin had already gone to work on ripping apart two demons when James ran over to where the small child was. James was shocked when he saw claws coming at him grazing his cheek. James quickly used his scythe as a staff turning it side ways and pinned the young demon girl to the wall.
Her eyes flashed between purple to black as she fought against him until she gave up and her eyes stayed a purple color and he let her go. She hit her knees gasping and choking. Her silver hair covering half of her face and casting the rest in a dark shadow.
“Alexa!” The small child -a girl- said worried as she ran to the young demons side.
“I'm Fine Emma.” Alexa rasped out as she coughed and stood up. James took a step forward but Emma stood protectively in front of Alexa to both James and Alexa's surprise. “It's OK Emma just get behind me.” Alex told Emma not taking her eyes off of James.
“A little help here bro!” Devin yelled as he tried to hold off the rest of the demons which was not an easy task. James and Devin made easy work of the rest of the demons with Alexa and Emma just staring at them and standing out of the way. Alexa from the looks of it had several cuts and bruises but the Emma girl didn't have a scratch on her. Devin walked over to Alexa and grabbed her arm silently yanking her to her feet. Alexa.... James thought. Why does that sound familiar....
“Hey James what do we do with the half-breed?”Devin asked.
“Watch yourself hunter.” Alexa warned silently as she watched James. She looked calm, almost emotionless. Thats when it clicked. James had seen a wanted poster for a young girl named Alexa Hex. She was the daughter of a very powerful and dangerous demon lord who ran almost half of the cities supernatural and demon population. If you needed to smuggle in vampire blood, werewolf fangs, curse marks or even demon servants; whatever it was as long as it was illegal The Demon Lord Drake was the man to talk to.
“Lets take her to Griffin I'm....not sure what we should do with her.” James said uncertainly.
“NO! NO! NO! I WONT LET YOU TAKE MY LEXA!” Emma cried out clinging to the half demon girl. Alexa looked down at the child still with her eerie calm look.
“It's fine Emma.” She told the child quietly. “She will come with us and you will care for her while I talk to your instructor?” Alexa said forming it as a question but it was made to be an order.
“I'll take care of her.” James promised with a nod.
“It's alright Emma go with him. He's good he won't harm you.” Alexa told her quietly and with that Emma went over to stand beside James as Devin harshly tied Alexa's hands behind her back. Alexa tried not to move her wrists to much because every time she did it rubbed her skin raw. James knelt down to Emma's level and gave the little girl a small smile.
“I'm James Carson.” He said offering his hand.
“I'm Emma” She said watching him curiously. When James realized that the little girl had no intention of taking his hand he pulled it back and stood up. James let out a small sigh as they left the coffee shop. After everyone had left (Except for the poor worker which the demons had half eaten) James out away his weapon and pulled out a lighter and set fire to one of the back sitting booths and quickly followed after the others. Devin had already reached Florian and Blaze. Emma was clinging to Alexa again and Alexa had a seemingly bored look about her.
“Devin for the last blasted time I want to know why you have a demon and a human standing in front of me!” Florian said enraged.
“Because I told him to. The child has seen allot and the girls a half-breed.” James said with a shrug as he walked up beside Devin.
“You know 'Half-breed' is a bit rude. I do have a name you know. This is why people don't tell you hunters anything because your all just so rude and full of your selves.” Alexa said pointedly and both Florian and Devin glared at her.
“Her names Alexa Hex. I saw a wanted poster for her at the main house. She Some big demon lord daughter.” Blaze offered. Leave it to the 12 year old with photographic memory to figure that one out.
“I have no relations to Drake Hexington.” Alexa said between clenched teeth. James and his brothers had struck a nerve with Alexa. That was interesting. Usually demon or half demon children with parent's that high up in the supernatural world would use it to whatever advantage they could even against hunters. Is this girl crazy or just plain stupid. James thought as he crossed his arms.
“Fine we'll take her to Griffin but she's your responsibility James.” Florian warned as her turned and left the three younger boys on their own.
“He doesn't have any issues with you guys at all does he?” Alexa said with a half of a smirk. Blaze was behind her staring at her hair and he reached out a hand as if to touch it. “Touch my hair and I'll cut off your fingers.” Alexa warned as she peered over her shoulder at the boy with a deadly look. Blaze snatched back his hand quickly and tried not to look horrified.
“Is it really that way or did you dye it?” Blaze asked curiously as Devin and James escorted Alexa down the street hidden by the shadows.
“It's natural.” Alexa said sounding amused but her face displayed no emotion.
“Do you have wings like some demons or are the kind without?” Blaze said babbling.
“Blaze this isn't twenty questions just shut up already.” Devin snapped as they turned to enter the alley. Alexa came to a dead stop remembering her dream from earlier. Why was she being so paranoid about a silly little dream? It had never bothered her until now.
“Come on half-breed.” Devin said yanking Alexa forward and Alexa stumbled forward a few steps before they continued walking. Alexa stared at her feet her teeth clenched. She had a gut feeling something was horribly wrong but she didn't know what. Her demon enhanced senses weren't picking up anything other than the decaying garbage one could easily find in any alley around New York. Alexa slowed down just enough so that Emma was as close as possible without tripping over each other. Devin yanked on her arm again and let out a small sharp gasp of pain.
“Stop hurting Alexa!” Emma scolded as she shoved his leg causing him to stumble. Devin spun around and raised a hand as if he was going to smack her. James lunged forward but it was to late. Alexa with lightning quick speed sunk her teeth into his arm causing him to cry out in pain. Alexa gaged as blood trickled into her mouth.

It didn't have the acid like taste of demon blood or the salt copper taste of human blood. It was bitter and hot and caused Alexa to gag even more. Alexa didn't let go until Devin slammed her back against a wall causing her to smack her head off the bricks and she slid down the wall until she sat at the bottom. Alexa watched as the dots danced before her eyes and Emma watching them wide eyes with horror. Devin brought hes foot back as if to kick Alexa but James stood in front of her with his scythe drawn.
“Thats enough!” James snapped at his older brother who glared at James and Alexa before walking ahead muttering to himself.
“Alexa!” Emma said running to the young demon girl and hugging her tight. Alexa Winced from the pain. “Are you OK?” Emma asked with watery eyes.
“I'm alright Emma you need to let go of me so I can stand up now.” Alexa told her as she watched James her eyes never leaving his face. She didn't trust him and she definitely didn't trust his brothers but at the moment she didn't have much of a choice so she would somehow have to force herself to trust this stranger. Emma let go and stood close to James as Alexa stood up not waiting for James to offer. “You need to cut me loose.” Alexa told James with a sigh.
“Why?” James asked with a somewhat confused look.

“I'm not the only demon in this alley and it's going to be midnight soon and I doubt you want to be out during the haunting hour.” Alexa said sounding some what annoyed and loosing her bored and calm demeanor. Cool and calm Alexa Hex had left as soon as she smelt the familiar smell of a demon. When I was Emma's age no one was ever there to protect me. I'll do whatever I can to protect her. Alexa promised to herself. Alexa was anxious, whatever was in the alley with them was not revealing itself and keeping its distance and both Alexa and James hoped it would stay that way.

James took his scythe and cut the ropes that had bound Alexa's hands behind her back. He reluctantly pushed the button on his scythe and it returned to looking like a small one foot silver pole. Alexa rubbed her wrists where the rope had rubbed them raw. Emma was back at her side. Emma was becoming a constant companion and even though Alexa knew she should mind it she didn't.

“Lexa I'm tired.” Emma said tugging on the hem of Alexa's shirt as they walked down the alley towards a dead end.
“Get on.” Alexa said crouching on the ground and allowing Emma to climb on. James had stopped and waited for the two to catch up. In all of the years he spent with his brothers hunting demons he had never seen one so devoted to protecting some one or so....caring? Was caring even the right word for what he was seeing between Alexa and the small human girl? He didn't know but something inside him tugged at his mind to want to find out.

Alexa heard something move behind them and she quickly -to James surprise- pulled a long dagger from his boot and ran it threw a shadow demon as it lunged at her. The demon seemed to collapse in on it's self before turning to dust and blowing away in the wind. Alexa stood there for a moment the markings carved into the dagger shining brightly until they dimmed and Alexa handed it back to him.
“Uh, Thank You?” James said unsure of what to say.
“So we're at a dead end. Is there some secret door or something or are we going to sit here and wait for flying monkeys to come carry us off?” Alexa asked back to being all cool and calm. Emma had fallen asleep with her head on Alexa's shoulder but Alexa didn't seem to mind. James took the dagger and draw it lightly across his palm before putting it back into his boot. He waited for the blood to well up in his palm before pouring it into a small hole in the ground. A few minuets later not only was James cut on his hand healed but the dead end had opened to a wall with to massive wooden doors carved of pure white birch.
James held the door open for Alexa to carry Emma threw before locking up behind them. They were finally at the main house. It was bigger on the inside than it had looked outside. The inside of the main house (The main head quarters for the New York hunters) had somewhat of a Gothic Cathedral feel to it only less dramatic. There were paintings everywhere and most of the furniture was a navy blue or black with gold accents here and there. Florian, Blaze, and Devin were at the end of the hall talking with Griffin.

Griffin with her wrinkles and pure white hair in a bun on top of her head looked like some ones grandmother but at one point she had been one of the greatest female hunters but now that she was retired she ran the New York Main House. Griffin watched wide eyes as James walked towards the group leaving Alexa to look at an old tapestry.

“You brought a demon to the home of the hunters?” Griffin said staring at him like she was about to rip off his head.
“She's half demon, and she has a small human child with her and I don't have any experience in this type of situation so I brought her here.” James explained.
“Even after she attacked your brother?” Griffin said her face turning red with anger.
“In all honesty it was purely self defense on behalf of Emma here. That hunter,” Alexa said motioning to Devin. “Raised a hand against a defenseless human and a child to top it off and if I'm not mistaken it goes against one of your many oaths.” Alexa said still carrying Emma.
“And how did this human child come into your possession?” Griffin asked suspiciously.

“She was being taunted by two shadow runners and I saved her and since then she has refused to leave my side and as far as I'm aware of she has no living relatives.” Alexa explained as she shifted Emma's weight obviously getting tired of carrying her.
“Give me your hand child.” Griffin demanded holding out her hand. “James take the human.”

Alexa reluctantly handed Emma over to James but she knew as long as Emma was among hunters she would be safe or at least thats what she hoped. Alexa gave her hand to Griffin and she pulled out a small knife and pricked Alexa's finger then pressed it to her lips. Every one including Alexa watched wide eyes. When Griffin finally released her Alexa took her hands and shoved them in her pockets.

“You are not as alone as you think you are Alexa Hex and not to mention that your path will become harder up ahead. Do not doubt your self.” Griffin said with a small smile. “James set Alexa and the child up with a room. They'll start training to be hunters tomorrow.” Griffin said walking away leaving the others to stare after her. Florian and Devin glared at Alexa before leaving most likely going to their rooms.
“Follow me.” James sighed as he carried Emma to a spare room and then showed Alexa to a room of her own. Alexa would be the first demon child to become a demon hunter.