Our third placer is rosel D!
My comment: You did a really good job in the image decision on which photos to use and also, you did a good job merging them. I like how you used your imagination to create such imagery and put it to "reality" Though I have some little problems with it.
After I viewed it to maximum size, the sky (the one with the stars) is heavily pixelated. Which isn't so good. That's the only major problem in this wallpaper. One minor problem would be the colors. Well the sky is perfectly manipulated, it would look like one original photo (which is the aim in photo manip) Everything is perfectly merged actually. though the colors of the one with the cliff and waterfalls don't really blend in. Maybe you should have added some orange lighting to the cliff so that it would have almost similar color to the waterfalls. And lighting is one factor. The light source is orange so then the parts that it would hit should also be in contrast.
Difference in style------------- 19%
Creativity---------------------- 18%
Originality--------------------- 18%
Beauty-------------------------- 16%
Clearness----------------------- 26%
Total--------------------------- 97%
Congratulations! You get my first ever lineart! Lawl~! I'll dedicate it to you as soon as I upload it