I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!


I was looking at my view stats today, and it's freaking insane because I've got almost 2,000 views on my fanfiction world, which only has TWO FANFICS. So, because I'm a curious bugger, I go to my porfolio to see how many hugs I've gotten on them, to discover I've only got TEN. WTF, Otaku?! That makes no sense! DD:

Anyway, in other news, I finally persuaded my parents to let me go to the convention in September!! *dances crazily* The one thing I need to do though is compile a list of questions to ask different panel people (animators, comic artists, etc), because saying that it would be a good learning experience on the job front was the clincher in letting me go, I think. Soo... any of you got any ideas of what I should ask? :DD (Since my dad is being a poophead and wants to see the list before I go to the con D:)
