I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!


OH MY GAWD GUISE I JUST BURNT OFF PART OF MY FINGERPRINT. But other than that my day has been pretty neat. Alex got back from the conven...

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Silence and Subscribers

Sweet, I've got 8 subscribers now! I welcome you newcomers!

Now to srs bzniz.

My parents are retarded and decided not to let me go to the convention (which was this weekend ), so starting Friday I haven't said a word to anyone (with the exception of when this one lady called me on the phone and when I accidently said "yeah" once to my mom ^^;). Pretty much it's starting to piss everyone off, except guess what?

They're going to have to deal with it for a WHOLE 'NOTHER WEEK. MWAHAHA!

...I wonder how I'm going to do the whole silent thing at school. *ponders*


I was looking at my view stats today, and it's freaking insane because I've got almost 2,000 views on my fanfiction world, which only has TWO FANFICS. So, because I'm a curious bugger, I go to my porfolio to see how many hugs I've gotten on them, to discover I've only got TEN. WTF, Otaku?! That makes no sense! DD:

Anyway, in other news, I finally persuaded my parents to let me go to the convention in September!! *dances crazily* The one thing I need to do though is compile a list of questions to ask different panel people (animators, comic artists, etc), because saying that it would be a good learning experience on the job front was the clincher in letting me go, I think. Soo... any of you got any ideas of what I should ask? :DD (Since my dad is being a poophead and wants to see the list before I go to the con D:)

Good parenting? Don't make me laugh...

My life could pretty much get no worse than now, unless something horrible happened like Alex dying. Other than that, though, my life is utter shit and it's not going to get better anytime soon. First of all, no one likes me. They might act...

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