I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!

Dress Up Church

External Image
Dress Up Church

It looks like writing posts in yearbook class is becoming a trend

Hoooooshit, today was kind of bad. It’s okay now, and even kind of good, but it began badly. D:

Alex came to school looking really upset, so I asked her what was wrong and she just blew me off and said something like, “Get the fuck away from me!” I kind of gave her space but still followed her to our normal morning hangout, the library computer lab. She continued to ignore me, so I asked her if she was mad at me and she said no but was still upset… I tried to get her to tell me but she wouldn’t, so I went to get the counselor and it took a while and a few class periods later but she finally told us what was wrong… Which was exactly as I suspected, since usually that’s the only thing that gets her that riled up. But anyway, she was still kind of depressed during Algebra so I got her to play the Three Word Story Game with me and that cheered her up some, and then we were playing Flash Flash Revolution in Tech/my independent study and she pretty much cheered up to normal. Oh right, I forgot to say that I also wrote her a letter earlier on that said that I’d never desert her, that I was always there for her, and that I loved her no matter what. She didn’t make any comment on it, but she did read it and it did make her more willing to talk, I think. Anyways.

The love front… I sort of kind of told them, but I think they probably interpreted it differently than I meant. Still planning on telling them this weekend! <3

Parody "Game"

Well, I made this Phoenix Wright/Monty Python and the Holy Grail crossover "game" (it's more of a fanfic, really), but I figured I'd link to it here since I might get more views that way! :'D


...A little help, please? ^^;

Okay, so I'm making this crossover game with Phoenix Wright and Death Note, only I realized last night that I'm going to need audio clips of L saying "objection", "hold it", and "take that". Does anyone know if he says those in the English version ever??? I haven't even finished the Japanese version of the anime, let alone started the English one yet. XD

The help would be much appreciated, even if the clips sounded like he wasn't saying them in court.

Oh, and all I really need is for you to tell me the episode number and probably minute count -- I can download the episodes and rip the clips myself. ^^;
