I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!

It looks like writing posts in yearbook class is becoming a trend

Hoooooshit, today was kind of bad. It’s okay now, and even kind of good, but it began badly. D:

Alex came to school looking really upset, so I asked her what was wrong and she just blew me off and said something like, “Get the fuck away from me!” I kind of gave her space but still followed her to our normal morning hangout, the library computer lab. She continued to ignore me, so I asked her if she was mad at me and she said no but was still upset… I tried to get her to tell me but she wouldn’t, so I went to get the counselor and it took a while and a few class periods later but she finally told us what was wrong… Which was exactly as I suspected, since usually that’s the only thing that gets her that riled up. But anyway, she was still kind of depressed during Algebra so I got her to play the Three Word Story Game with me and that cheered her up some, and then we were playing Flash Flash Revolution in Tech/my independent study and she pretty much cheered up to normal. Oh right, I forgot to say that I also wrote her a letter earlier on that said that I’d never desert her, that I was always there for her, and that I loved her no matter what. She didn’t make any comment on it, but she did read it and it did make her more willing to talk, I think. Anyways.

The love front… I sort of kind of told them, but I think they probably interpreted it differently than I meant. Still planning on telling them this weekend! <3
