I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!

Is it just me, or...

...is The Otaku kind of really fail now?

Half the time I come here, it's down... the other half the images are down and won't load. Also, no one ever seems to notice my work, even if it's like ten times more detailed and time-consuming than some silly 3 minute paint drawing of whatever is most famous these days. Is it so much to ask for some comments? And comments with substance, not just "LOL CUTE" or "KAWAII OMG."

The only reason I stick around is because of the friends I already have around here... otherwise I'd be gone, gone, gone.



Man, sometimes I hate the Otaku. It’s really hard to pretend that I’m doing something else with the huge logo and stuff up there. XD;

Anyway, update on the love front. oAo; I haven’t told them yet again, but I got closer to it, sort of. They were doing a bunch of cute things again that made me laugh, and then they got mad at me because I was “making fun of them.” So I told them that it was because I thought it was cute (they got pissed that I called them “cute”) and so I rephrased it with the word “endearing.” That works, right? It’s close to saying I love them, right? >>;
