Welcome, KitsuneWannaBe2! And the Lock-in

I can't believe how many subscribers have started watching me in the past month. At least 5!

Anyway. I went to a lock-in last night, which is basically a party with video games, movies, and food (that they freakin' make you pay for ). They lock you in after 10 and don't open the doors until 7 in the morning. It's fun.

So me and Alexianne entered the Halo Tournament, only we needed a team of 4 or we wouldn't be qualified. We pretty much just grabbed the first two un-teamed people we could find, and WOE -- they had never played Halo before in their lives. XD; Also, we found out the tournament was using Halo 3, which me and Alex have never played before, because she doesn't have a 360. So we lost horribly (I think the final score was something like 39 to 11, eheh). But then we were playing Halo 1 and 2 against random people for a while, and we kicked butt then~

We also got to play Brawl for a while, which was fun. I kept winning while I was Pit, and even against the people who owned the game. XD; They kept asking me "Are you sure you weren't lying when you said you've never played this before?" Also, there was this kid who kept being Kirby and going "I want to suck you!" It was kind of strange, but funny.

And then we had a sermon in the middle of the night because it was held at a church, but pretty much it was just the youth pastor guy rambling about random things. I think the end message was something like "No matter how bad you've messed up in the past, God will always love you." I'm not sure though, I zoned out and started thinking about other things during it. ^^;

And then my mom got pissed at me because she parked on the wrong side of the building to pick me up, even though obviously it was on the main side that we were coming out on. OTL
