Welcome to Pokemon Cupboard, a world for fans of all things Pokemon!

This is a world where I’ll be posting various things about the Pokemon franchise. Here I plan to talk about some of my favorite Pokemon, favorite locations in the games, perhaps reminisce about playing the games or my favorite episodes of the anime, and maybe much more.

About Me

I got into Pokemon during the mid to late nineties. At first didn’t want anything to do with Pokemon. Back then it was part of my nature to rebel against all things popular. But my opinion about Pokemon changed significantly after seeing the first four or five episodes of the anime. I got into the series and soon wanted to play the games. That Christmas I believe I had received a Gamboy Color and the Blue version of the Pokemon game.

Eventually I also played the Red and Yellow versions, mostly to see how they differed from Blue. I played the games that followed up until Ruby and Sapphire. At that point the anime had started to go downhill. I really didn’t like it when they replaced Misty with that girl May and her annoying little brother Max (god how I loath him). The games started to lose their appeal too. I didn’t like how Ruby and Sapphire didn’t have a lot of the Pokemon from previous games. Of course at the time I didn’t realize that they were going to do remakes of the first generation games.

Still, by that point I was no longer as into Pokemon as I once was. My focus had turned more to Yu-Gi-Oh! and other things. But I still keep tabs on the Pokemon franchise. I think that the anime is a lost cause, but I have read about the newer games, some of which actually look pretty good. I’m also currently working on a Pokemon Fan Fiction project. So in short I’m basically an old-school Pokemon fan.

Guest Posters

My interest in Pokemon ebbs every now and then. So to make things more fun and keep this world alive, I’m going to allow other Pokemon fans here on TheO to post things here. So like me you could post things about your favorite Pokemon or talk about your favorite anime episodes. But you can do so much more too.

  • If you play the games, you could use this world as sort of a journal and share your adventure with everyone. It doesn’t have to be the mainstream Pokemon games either; it could be Pokemon Conquest or one of the consol games.
  • Another use for this world could be to post Pokemon fanfics you may have created. Or perhaps share the profiles of your Pokemon OCs (if you have any).
  • Maybe you have some big Pokemon related art project you want to share. You could use this world to chronicle its creation.

You could do all that and much, much more. As long as it has to do with Pokemon, the sky’s the limit. So if you’re interested in becoming a guest poster, or maybe just have a few questions, please contact me via comment or PM and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Current Guest Posters

umchan649 * dfdfdfdf * xXShayde WolfXx * Ikemarth * Ritsuki * elricbrothersfan

Rise of Noir Mask

Summery: Part 1 of the Noir Mask Trilogy. Before she was Noir Mask, she was a girl who was betrayed by her friends and family for crimes she didn't commit. To escape she joined an army of evil. To survive she dawned a mask, and...

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Legendary PKMN of the Week 6

Yes, it’s once again that time of the week. It’s time for another post about one of my favorite Legendary Pokemon. Last week I talked about the shadowy yet misunderstood Darkrai. So this week I’ll be talking about Darkrai&rsqu...

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SoulSilver Playthrough Journal - Day 9

Alternatively Titled: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (the sequel)

Nami - Meganium - lv. 34
Zoro - Onix - lv. 35
Vivi - Vulpix - lv. 34
Chopper - Yanmega - lv. 34
Robin - Espeon - lv. 34
Sanji - Seadra - lv. 35

Badges: 5


I apologize for not being here for the past forever. I moved into college on Thursday, so every day before that was packing and now every day after has been orientation. Blargh. There is a video game shop nearby, and they sell Pokemon stuffed animals, so there is a bright side. I'm actually planning on spending all of today in my Team Rocket costume and buying one. BUT ANYWAY. Enough about the real world, let's get on to Pokemon!!

So I saw Suicune and battled Eusine, who really wasn't any kind of challenge. The battle was completely unremarkable and I really don't have much to talk about besides it. Do you ever fight him again? I don't remember, but I always considered that fight kind of a pointless battle that I usually get through in a minute or two.

Then I was supposed to train, but, to be honest, there was nowhere to train. I mistakenly thought that the way to the Safari Zone would be open before the Safari Zone itself (I've made a lot of mistakes in this playthrough, and there's more to come, even in this post.), and I remember Route 48 as a really good place to train Pokemon. But since I couldn't train there, and the only other place that had Pokemon at levels high enough to give sufficient experience was in the water (and two of my Pokemon were weak to Water and one could do nothing against it), I decided to just wing it and go through the Cianwood gym at my current levels. Which, to be honest, was a piece of cake. I can't remember which Pokemon exactly I used to take out Chuck's first Pokemon (probably Vivi, she's becoming my powerhouse), but his Poliwrath went down easy to Nami, and that was that. As I reward, I got the Fly HM from Chuck's wife, which was great except CHOPPER CAN'T FLY. So we just surfed back to Olivine to give Ampy some medicine, then surfed back because the Safari Zone was open and it was time to train! I'm attempting to get everyone to level 35 before I take on Jasmine in Olivine, even though I know that Vivi is just going to kill everything anyway with her Flamethrower.

Sanji evolved into a Seadra rather early into the training, and soon after Chopper learned AncientPower and evolved into Yanmega, a fourth-generation evolution that was added to the Johto Dex because Yamna's evolutionary methods couldn't be prevented before the National Dex. I can't say I've noticed any significant improvement with a Yanmega, but it sure looks cool. And then, I decided to look up where to get certain evolutionary items that I need for Zoro and Sanji.

Guess who can't get a Metal Coat until after the Elite 4?

I was quite upset, but then I found a solution: the Pokeathlon Dome! Added in Gen IV, it's basically the response to contests, only a little more fun. To be honest, I'd only done this once before, so I really had no idea what to do or expect. But I read online (always a bad sign) that Tuesday (the day I was playing at the moment) was a day when Metal Coats were offered for 2500 points, so I set out to get that money before the day was through. After first trying out the Skill and Speed contests, I finally found my niche with the Stamina contest, which involves three events: a free-for-all, a race, and a block-breaking contest. Nami was my star player in all of them. (The other two Pokemon I used were Zoro and Chopper.) Since I made about 500 points each time, I just did the Stamina contest over and over til I made the points. However, between earning enough points and turning them in for the prize, I had a baseball game to attend. While it was indeed very fun and I enjoyed it, I always got very concerned looking at the clock. We got home with fifteen minutes to spare before midnight, so I immediately ran to turn in the points.

...there was no Metal Coat.

I almost had a heart attack. Immediately I went to Serebii.net to see what the hell I had messed up this time. Turns out, Metal Coats are only sold on Tuesdays AFTER the National Dex. (This was not my fault. There were two separate lists, and while one had Pre and Post National Dex, the one I looked at only had days of the week.) I was ready to scream, until I found out that before the National Dex you could get them on Fridays. (insert Hallelujah chorus) So the next time I write, I'll have a Steelix instead of an Onix. Thank Mew that's done with.

Now there's the problem of the Dragon Scale, which is apparently hidden in Mount Mortar. However, if I can't find it, I'll probably just use the Pokeathlon again, and same goes for a Fire Stone; I've decided that if by the time I'm ready to take on Pryce I haven't gotten a call from that guy, I'll just buy one at the Dome.

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully I'll have a bit more time in the coming days to work on Pokemon stuff, but until then, ciao~!


Character Salute: Joy and Jenny

I’ve found that I have to rethink the next chapter of one of the fanfics I’m currently working on. So in order to help do that by taking my mind off it for a bit I thought I’d do another Character Salute post. For this salute I...

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Interesting Specimen: Shedinja

It’s once again that time of the week; time to talk about one of the more interesting creatures of the Pokemon world. This week’s specimen is not only interesting, but a bit creepy as well. And while it’s classified as one of t...

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