Gijinkas Unite!! 8DDD

Welcome Pokemon or Gijinka... or actually BOTH lovers to POKE GIJINKA REVOLUTION! This is a RP world filled with Gijinka Pokemon. Make a gijinka pokemon and take an adventure surviving the mischiefs of Pokemon Bounty Hunters, Drama, Battles and so much more. Enjoy!

Leader Board

Otomi Babii- Leader Lupe the Lopunny

Naomi Bear- Co LeaderEstelle the Espeon & Zaishi the Zangoose

Eneko- Vice Co Leader Nyarth The Meowth

Team Plasma N-Secretary- Lux the Luxray & Xio The Dark Luxray


Vdr-07- Hoom the Houndoom& Lunette the Lumineon

Animelover7310- Shupple the Banette & Tanner the Tangrowth

Kyouyarenge- Shola the Sharpedo

Dutch13- Hon the Houndoom

Bluesen12- Chii the Chinchou & Cheruu the Cherubi

Artgrrl- Kiki the Kirlia

Krokun- Roselyn the Roselia

Kitty K.O.- Aberius the Absol & Raine the Ralts

SaiKat- Arc the Arcanine

Dixiewings- Umbre the Umbreon

Kc Inoue- Ava the Altaria

xXShayde WolfXx- Moyasu the Shiny Flareon & Rikku the Dark Pikachu

Elix3r- Fresia The Froslass

Sacrificed908- Gale The Girafig

DeathApple3- Patrick the Pachirisu


Thyme Girl- Melody the Mudkip & Luis the Lucario

Animelgirl1981- Bella The Bellossom


Ground Rules (MUST READ TO JOIN)

New Application.

Berry Points && Ranks!

Gijinka Private Worlds!

Drawing Assignments && Missions!

STF! (Story Thus Far)

Taking the Dangerous Way

I was all for going the safe, long way in the tunnel, 'cuz I'd hate to lose anyone else. Another gijinka, a Zubat, accidentally spooked Faye and she let loose an Ice Beam, which made a cave-in. Exactly blocking the tunnel that led to the safe way.

I couldn't be mad at her for even a second, though. She looked so apologetic and embarrassed, so I walked over to her and held her hand.
Looking up (because she's taller than me) I said, "It's okay. You didn't mean it, you just got scared. I don't think anyone's mad at you."

We started walking through the left tunnel, and after a while the ground sloped steeply downward in a wide chasm. There were wooden posts in the ground on either side, meaning there used to be a bridge, but no other remnants of it were here. All we could see down the chasm was darkness. It probably went on forever. How could we get across?

I mentally went through all of my abilities. I could do nothing. Maybe someone had some ideas, or we had a rope on hand...

Sorry for not telling you people, I kinda went to the beach last week. I'll post more often now though!

Swept Away!!

(Gomen for not posting in a while! Hope this makes it up a little :D)

We came to the immense, beautiful bridge. It was made of light. It was really shiny, and I could barely keep my eyes off of it. Emmett the Empoleon said that it dissapeared when the moon dissapeared.

The Pikachu girl seemed very nervous. "Are you crazy?! Lots of gijinkas have disappeared from this bridge never to be seen again! How can you expect us to cross it?!" She exclaimed.

Faye didn't look scared, I wonder why. I could clearly see the huge, dark, rapid river far below us in the darkness. We could easily be drowned if we fell in! Then I looked up. There were clouds in the sky, but the moon had just entered a big patch of clear night sky. We might make it across... maybe.

Emmett calmly said, "It is the only way. If we want to reach the cave safely we must go now. Before the moon is gone!" He started across.

Nina looked down and exclaimed, "You can see through it!"

"We have to go now! The moon is going to disappear, and the bridge will go with it!" Emmett looked up at the sky. The moon was dissapearing. "RUN EVERYONE!"

The bridge started to dim underneath our feet and I was barely across the other side when I heard screams. I turned around and there were Poochy and Vara, falling into the water! All we on the ledge could do was watch helplessly in terror. Would they survive??

Emmett took a deep breath and murmured, "Come on... we gotta get to the cave safely. Later some of us can double back and look for........them."

I hope this is okay, I kinda used Emmett without permission!

Are My Ears Deceiving Me?

Ugh TheO just ate my other entry so I'm going to have to re-do it ALL! This is definitely not as long as the other one. Deal? D:<
I started to scratch a rectangle-sized garden to plant my berries, when I heard someone cry for help. I looked around, everyone was working on the treehouse dilligently. The Glaceon and the Froslass were looking the other way, maybe they heard the cry too. But it wasn't coming from where they were looking. My ears told me that.

I scurried off into the woods toward the sound after hurriedly gathering my berries into my poffin case and slinging it around my shoulder and neck. They won't even know I'm gone. I'll be back soon.
Sorry people I really didn't want to re-do it all.

Entre Nyarth~

~~Nyarth used to be a regular Meowth and his parents are real Pokemon. His mom's a Persian and I'm not going to tell you what his dad is. So picture Nyarth as a small baby Meowth here.~~ ........... My mom and dad and I were out on ou...

Read the full post ยป
