~Konichiwa minna and welcome to Quote Crescent!~

Sometimes that's all you have when you have nothing else. If you have it, you have everything" ~~ One of my favorite quotes.

In this world, I'll be posting quotes and how I feel about each one of them. Then you can comment about them!

Visit my other worlds!
AN-IMEzing World!
Meme Tower
Blogging Blowup

Hope to see you all soon!




I sure have to keep update with my worlds! I'm such a procrastinator. *Sigh*

But anyway, here's a quote!

I feel like this picture has just summed up all the life quotes that I've ever read. This just portrayed life in a different scene. It shows you that you're in control of it. It makes me feel powerful. ^^




Since I haven't posted a quote in a while, I shall post one right now! ^^

"A smile is something you can't give away, it always comes back to you."

It's true! Usually, whenever I smile at someone, they smile back. And I can't not smile. It's way too contagious for me. lol

Let's spread the happiness everyone! :D


Long Time No Quote!


In my blog, I think I said that I have to start posting here again. So I shall!

"Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it." William Feather

I have been one of those people a few times. Now I understand what I'm missing, I'll now cherish each happy moment to it's fullest. :)
Leave your thoughts in the comments below!




Holy cheeseburgers and chicken wings, it has been so fudgin long since I last posted!!! OMG!!! Over a month!! I'm sorry, forgive me. Pweese? *Puppy face* lol

What has been up in your world? Not theO worlds, I mean your life!! Ugh, I make the worst jokes in the history of the world. I need to shut up. NOW.

Anyway, since this is a post in Quote Crescent, I have another quote for ya'll!:

"Things end. But memories last forever. ♥"

My thoughts: This is so true! Everything comes to an end someday. But memories always sprout from it. It's like taking pictures. :)

Tell me what you think in the comments!

P.S: I FINALLY put an intro in Blogging Blowup and should be starting to blog soon. I'm sorry I sound like I'm high on something or I sound like I've been smelling too many Sharpies. I just feel great to post again. Love you all so much. <3


Scars and Hope

Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in this world for a long time! You can check my latest post by clicking here. Also I say thank you to Hifsa who made a wallpaper for me just to cheer me up. :) It means a lot to me. Click here to see the wallpaper.

Anyway, here's another quote I'm reading and re-reading over and over.

"Someday everything will make all perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."

For me, this is my current favorite quote appropriate for this time. It makes me feel like there is no reason to be sad, just fight back and everything will be just fine. ^^
