Holy cheeseburgers and chicken wings, it has been so fudgin long since I last posted!!! OMG!!! Over a month!! I'm sorry, forgive me. Pweese? *Puppy face* lol
What has been up in your world? Not theO worlds, I mean your life!! Ugh, I make the worst jokes in the history of the world. I need to shut up. NOW.
Anyway, since this is a post in Quote Crescent, I have another quote for ya'll!:
"Things end. But memories last forever. ♥"
My thoughts: This is so true! Everything comes to an end someday. But memories always sprout from it. It's like taking pictures. :)
Tell me what you think in the comments!
P.S: I FINALLY put an intro in Blogging Blowup and should be starting to blog soon. I'm sorry I sound like I'm high on something or I sound like I've been smelling too many Sharpies. I just feel great to post again. Love you all so much. <3
I know you're looking at the title and thinking, "Crayons?! What does that gotta do with quotes??". Well look at this quote:
"We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.
I wish everyone all over the world are like this. Then there won't be a thing called bullying, judging people, bad talk, and all things like that. What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comment below!
P.S: Happy Easter Sunday!