ren: let's go i'm going to guide you the earliest memories are on the end of each path. so down the Bad path we go....
Hitsugi-san: hmm all these doors...?
ren: that's where memories reside in this world. hnnn we come to the locked doors.....
~the doors here are padlocked~
Hitsugi-san: i see.
ren: even if someone got in here with out my consent you can't see those behind the locked doors
ren: touch the lock to open the doors.......
~he touched the lock and it dissolved~
ren: ready?
Hitsugi-san: no
ren: hmm good answer.
[darkness....................... light] [the cry of a infant.......a slap from an angry parent][the infant screams louder..... the parent yells louder and hits harder] [the infant realises to keep quiet..... it's view on life corrupted]
~then the visuals~
an infant ren crying........ her mother slaps her to silence screams louder....... her father hits ren harder..... infant ren silences views obliterated so much learned in such a short time
Hitsugi-san: -shocked- -he had felt everything ren felt at this moment-
ren: you ok? it isn't any easier for me these memories come flooding back as flashbacks. the others could not handle this, they might have ended up as a vegetable or comatose from this psychological assault.
ren: to the next door