[school bells ring time to go home] [other kids run to their parents' arms hugs kisses.... what a strange world]
[innocent question curiosity snuffed like a midnight cigarette]
~the visuals~
the school bell rings a child runs to their mother laughing smiling.......... why not i try this?.... what?! get off me you pest! ...the teacher approches... Ma'm please i need to talk to you about your daughter she has bruises and... REN LET'S GO HOME!! ...the father beats her LOOK YOU, PEOPLE WERE ASKING ME IF I ABUUUUSE YOU AND YOU'LL TELL THEM NO WON'T YOU?! .... that's a lie and i can't.... YOU'LL DO IT!!... another beating.... ah well
Hitsugi-san: -collapses to the floor in pain-
ren: if they got close to me i would always worry if they were only coming to me to hit me or not most times they would so i kept my distance wary of peoples intentions
[read the dictionary........ look up a strange word]
[love def: affection for someone or something.... affection def: attachment to someone or something..... i don't understand]
i don't understand this love business it's something others understand but I don't.... mom what's love?... HA love? LOVE?! i'd love to see you gone!... hmm love to see me gone? you hate me? ....GAHH yes you idiot! we never wanted you! you were just a mistake! ... oh i see....
Hitsugi-san: -shaking violently-
ren: i was never loved much less wanted
[ah a little friend a bird!......... gunshot....... yellow feathers red blood] [something breaks.......inside]
a little canary flew to me.... a moment of happiness for one moment ....dad shot it dead.... something inside broke... the owner and dad argued a lot...someone else came and mom and dad argued for hours ....it's been hours since they left for whatever they do
Hitsugi-san: -covers ears to block out the intense earsplitting arguing-
ren: i became silent to protect me from backlash
ah i like animals...... i l-love animals and they l-love me
Hitsugi-san: -a sense of happiness washes over him-
ren: since i got no love from people my bond was with animals. for once something that i loved and that loved and needed me too
somthing i can confide to and be safe.
ren: ahh....
Hitsugi-san: -hff hff- t-this is intense...
ren we'll go deeper.... brace yourself.
[a dog hit by a car...... desperation......... death.....]
[person who loved me....... death] [despair........]
a casket..... a single person... silently ren cries