Greetings readers. This first tale was inspired by an episode from the second season of the Digimon anime called, The Call of Dragomon, or as it is known in the dub, His Master's Voice. For those of you who don't remember that episode, it's the one where Kari gets pulled into that dark ocean realm of the Digital World. Many of the things in that episode were inspired by the horror fiction of H.P. Lovecraft, a writer who worked during the early 1900s. There was going to be a story line based on that episode later in the anime, but the writers decided to drop it for some reason, so it just ended up being a loose end that was dangling at the end of the series. So I am taking it upon myself to complete that story line. I feel I should tell you that I'm a little new to writing fan fiction. I did write a short story for a creative writing class once, but that was a few years ago so I'm a little rusty. Still, I will be writing the best story I can. Here's the setting of our tale. Many years have passed since the events of the anime. The DigiDestined children are now in college, and Digimon are now a common site in the human world. I should stop right here and note that I'll be using the dub version names of the characters because that's how I remember them. With all of that said, I shall begin this tale of horror, sci-fi, romance, and cool digital monster battles.