My Little Brother

It had been two days since H-san and Naruto met. Naruto was getting stronger and healthier every day. Maybe it was because of the Kyuubi's chakra...or it could be because Naruto was excited that H-san would teach him jutsu once he healed enough.

“Ah! H-san!” he cried, jumping out of bed when the ANBU girl came in. “How’re you today? Am I healthy enough yet to train?”

H-san chuckled sweetly, one thing an ANBU is not supposed to do. Then again, ANBU aren’t supposed to do a lot of things that they do anyway. “Not yet.” She said, her voice quiet and delicate, as if it would break if someone touched it. “But soon, okay? Don’t rush it. You were greatly injured.”

“This? Oh, it’s nothing! You should see the other battle scars I have!” Naruto boasted proudly.

H-san must’ve smiled, but Naruto couldn’t see underneath the mask. He stared at the dog mask, as if he were trying to rip it off using brain power. Then again, Naruto doesn’t have much brain power.

“What’s your name?” Naruto turned to H-san. “Your name can’t be H-san. That’s so stupid. Who would name their kid that?”

“I can’t tell you that.” H-san’s voice was quick, as if she were trying to hide something. “A-ANBU orders…I can’t tell you my name.”

Naruto sighed, jumping back on his bed. “Not fair! This totally sucks.” He muttered, throwing the covers of the bed over his head. It was clear that he was mad. “I wanna know your name! H-san is a boring thing to say!”


“Eh?” Naruto’s head popped out of the covers. H-san was standing besides his bed. There was something about the way she was standing that struck Naruto funny, but he couldn’t figure out what it was.

“My name is Hime. My father gave it to me.” H-san, or Hime, said, her voice fragile and quick. “Now don’t ask anymore stupid questions, okay?”

Naruto grinned. “Sure, Hime-nee-san!” he said cheerfully.

Hime was silent for a moment. “Do not call me that.” She said, her voice getting louder. “Do not call me that! Just call me Hime-san! Hime-san!” her voice was now shouting, another thing an ANBU should never do. “Call me Hime-san!”

Naruto was taken aback by this temper tantrum. “…sure, Hime-san.” He said, a bit disappointed. He had always wanted a big sister, but it was clear that this girl did not want to be one to him.

Hime quickly rushed out of the room.

“What’s her problem?” Naruto said to himself. “Geez….that was almost as bad as I get sometimes…”