My Little Brother

“Hime!” Kakashi called, knocking on Hime’s apartment door. “Hime, open the door!”

It had been three days since Hime had said her ‘goodbye’ to Naruto. Kakashi knew everything.

Kakashi kept pounding on the door. “Open up, Hime.” He coaxed. “Come on now, your father made me promise to take care of you after he died. Now, you don’t want me to break that promise, do you?”

Slowly, Hime opened the door. The sight almost brought tears to Kakashi’s eyes…err……eye. Her blond hair was even messier than usual, and her blue eyes were red-streaked with tears. It looked as though she had been crying there the entire time.

“Now, Hime.” Kakashi walked into the lonely apartment. “What’s wrong?” Kakashi stroked the younger girl’s hair. “I need to know so I can help you.”

Hime shook her head, pushing Kakashi’s hand away. “Kakashi-nii-san……Why do people die?” her innocent look, along with her question, took Kakashi by surprise, not that he would show it. “Why do people have to die?”

“Well. It’s the circle of life. Everything is born, and everything dies.” Kakashi said, his calm voice attempting to sooth her. “You can’t do anything to stop it. Why are you asking me this?”

“I asked why people die, not why it happens. I know how people die—I know it—but I…….I just……Why? Why did father have to die? Why did mother have to die? Why do I…..why do I have to die?” Hime looked up at the older man. “I don’t want to. I don’t want anyone to die! I don’t want…..Naruto-otouto-kun…..I don’t want him to die…!!” she sobbed.

“So that’s it.” Kakashi took the young girl and wrapped his arms around her. “Shhh…’s okay, it’s okay, Hime-chan. He isn’t going to die. I promise.” Kakashi smiled at the blond ANBU girl. “I’ll protect him, just like I protect you. So you don’t have to cry. Okay?”

Hime nodded. “I’m scared…..I’m scared……” She shut her eyes, attempting to stop the tears from falling. “I’m scared, Kakashi-nii-san….”

“Hey. Do you remember when you were younger—about Naruto’s age?” Kakashi pulled the younger girl away from him and looked her straight in the eyes. “Do you remember that every time it started raining, you would run to me, because you were scared of the thunder? You didn’t have a mother then, so you ran to me.”

“What’s your point?” Hime hiccupped.

“My point is, that when you’re scared, you can come to me. Or better yet,” Kakashi’s eye glinted. “ to Naruto.”

Hime looked up. “What are you implying? I’m nothing to him. Not anymore.”

“Are you sure?” Kakashi smiled underneath his mask. He let go of the ANBU girl and stepped out of the apartment. “Naruto’s getting out of the hospital tomorrow.” He said cheerfully. “Make sure you visit him!” and with that, he disappeared.

“What is he saying…..” muttered Hime. “Is he saying that Naruto cares about me…..a useless bodyguard who didn’t even do her job….?” A smile played on her face. “I wonder…”