My Little Brother

Hime stood at Kakashi Hatake’s door. She had made her way from the hospital and wound up here. She knocked quietly.

“Oh, Hime.” Kakashi said as he opened the door to his home. “It’s been a while. What’s up? Why’re you here now?”

“Kakashi-nii-san…” Hime uttered. “I’m his bodyguard.”

Kakashi’s eye looked surprised. “Now, really? You’re Naruto’s ANBU bodyguard I’ve been hearing so much about? That seems nice. You can get closer to him now.” Kakashi stood back, opening the door wider. “Come in, Hime.”

Hime shrugged. “I guess so.” She said, stepping into the house. “He really is similar to the fourth Hokage. I was surprised.”

“Now, really? Even after watching him all these years, you’re surprised at his energy?” Kakashi laughed. “Really, Hime. It’s Naruto we’re talking about. Of course he’d be energetic.”

“It’s not that.” Hime replied, placing herself on one of Kakashi’s couches. “Kakashi-nii-san…he’s so nice. He really is the kind of person who can easily make friends, and could become Hokage one day. He doesn’t need me watching over him now.” Hime's hands gripped her shirt desperatly. “I wasn’t even able to protect him that time. He’s so strong…”

“Now, Hime.” Kakashi placed his hands on top of Hime’s hand. The blond spikes poked out from under his hand. “He does need you. Even if he doesn’t know it, he needs you. Don’t give up just because of that.”

“Kakashi-nii-san.” Hime cut in. “You’re his sensei. You’re supposed to help him grow. But me…..I’m just a bodyguard. I can’t do anything to help him right now. I’m just……useless.”


“I-I can hardly tolerate being so close to him. It just hurts so much…” Hime looked up. “You understand, right Kakashi-nii-san?”

“To put it bluntly, no.” Kakashi replied. “You’ve been watching over him for five years, and he doesn’t know how much you care about him--he hardly knows you exist. He doesn't even know about the time you went after him during the mission to get Sas—”

“Do we have to go into that?!” Hime shouted, standing up. “I didn’t do anything! You were able to get there first! I didn’t do anything!"


“So I didn’t make it in time…” Kakashi said, standing over Naruto’s unconscious body. He picked up the blond boy. Kakashi looked at Naruto’s face, the serene, yet sad look. “He wasn’t able to stop Sasuke.”

“Kakashi-nii-san!” Hime’s loud voice cut into Kakashi’s thoughts. Hime appeared next to Kakashi. “Kakashi-nii-san, is he okay?!” Kakashi could tell from Hime’s tone that she was worried.

“You followed me?” Kakashi sighed. “Hime, you’re an ANBU. You shouldn’t be following me.”

“It’s not about you. It’s about Naruto.” Hime panted. “Is he alright?”

“Yes, he’s fine.” Kakashi said, motioning to the sleeping genin in his arms. “You shouldn’t worry so much. I know you’ve been trying to protect him and all, but you have your own—“

Hime fell to the ground, panting hard. “Thank God.” She huffed. “I was so scared that he wouldn’t be OK.” She reached up and scruffed the blond boy’s hair. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to make it in time, Naruto. I’m so sorry.” She stood up. “Can I hold him? Just for a minute.”

Kakashi handed Naruto to Hime. Hime stroked his hair, holding the boy like a mother would a newborn baby. “I’m so sorry….” She whispered. “Can you forgive me….little brother?”