- Created By Chel the Bell
Paint it Black
THAT SONG. I kind of hate it, kind of love it. BUT UGH, the first time i heard it was when I first played Paint it Black... and it was like one of the few songs I couldn't sing... BUT EVERYONE ELSE COULD. But hahaha I had my revenge when it was the only song that didn't work. It always broke at one part and just started repeating this one line over and over until you shut off the system. BUT NOW EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO IT I THINK IT'S SUPPOSE TO DO THAT AND GET WEIRDED OUT WHEN IT DOESN'T. BAH.
Also I'm an Art Major now. Here'shttp://www.theotaku.com/backroom/post/ to getting a degree in which I never make any money off of~ I hate how everyone is always like "DO WHAT YOU LOVE" but my bros are all like "FFF YOU AREN'T GONNA MAKE ANY MONEY" SOBSOB BROTHERS WHY ARE YOU LOGICAL?!
Also ugh friend stress. So I know my friend is going through a tough time right now, BUT UGH SHE'S BEING SO DUMB I CAN'T STAND. First she gets her belly button pierced, which I think is gross and frivolous... But y'know I understand, some people are idiots and like that retarded kind of thing. So whatever I let it slide. And then she got a tattoo. And I was all "That's dumb. A COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY DON'T BE STUPID" But does anyone listen to me? No. So she got it, and I was "Hmph I'm not impressed and it's just weird and *DISAPPROVE*" And then she was talking about other tattoos she wanted and at first I was all "Yeah that's really dumb. REALLY DUMB" and I let it slide. And I was talking all enthusiastically (Woah I spelled that right!) about furniture. And I saw some cigarettes at her house, and I was all "Don't jump to conclusion they could be someone else's" but then we were leaving and SHE TIRED TO LIGHT UP RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. And I was all "OH I DON'T THINK SO. I'm not going to hang out with you if you smoke." and she was all giggling and I was like "You think I'm joking, but I'm serious. I refuse to associate myself with someone who smokes" I was all *glare* and she was "Fine I won't smoke in front of you" and I was like "It's disgusting. And it's worst because my grandpa died of lung cancer from smoking." AND UGH SUCH A DISAPPOINT. Like I seriously can't handle people who smoke. And then we were walking and she was all "I wanna get a tattoo all up my arm and on my ankle" AND I RANTED LIKE CRAZY ABOUT HOW IDIOTIC AND STUPID AND SUCH A WASTE OF MONEY THAT IS. BECAUSE IT IS AND GOSH I'M SO ANGRY ABOUT IT. And She's freaking "Withdrawing" from college, being all "I'll be back next year". GOSH How can I get it across to her that this behaviour is simply unacceptable. Ugh I swear if she likes comes around me smelling like smoke or tells me she was drinking again (WHICH IS ILLEGAL I MIGHT ADD), that's it. I really don't want to ditch her because I feel I'm the only good influence in her life (She said I was so I'm right believing this), and I really don't want her to make more stupid decisions, but I refuse to associate myself with this type of person. Y'know? Am I just being too much of a prude? I DUNNO GUYS. I dunno what to do in this situation. What would y'all do?
HERPDERP I wanna doodle a bit, BUT SHOULD PROBABLY STUDY GERMAN. I want to but FFF I really don't understand Accusative v. Nominative v. Dative. I DUNNO HOW YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO KNOW. I think Nominative is if It's the main subject of the sentence... BUT THEN WHAT IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACC AND DAT? I DUNNO. I'll look it up online or something. I'll get on it...
Angry, Angry.
My mom just yelled at me because my room is as clean as she wants it to be. I mean it's not all the way clean yet, I was going to finish cleaning earlier this week, but I'm a huge procrastinator, and I only have to throw away a couple of things an...Think for Yourself
I am beyond ticked off. I'm absolutely enraged. And It's my own fault. I'm enraged at myself and my pansy attitude. I'm all "I don't want to go to school because I can't realte to anyone *whine whine*" Now I'm all 'SUCK IT UP YOU WHINEY FACE WHINE...Baka-Onii-san.
My least favourite brother got surgery today. It's nothing to serious! They just fixed his jaw. His lower jaw used to be pushed back quite a bit resulting in an overbite... I think? Whatever it was it made it so he was hard to understand and even ...End