Chapter 6: Across the Dead Lands

Once again, I've changed minor parts about the characters past, but for the most part, they're still the same. SORRY IF IT'S HARD TO UNDERSTAND! ><


Across the Dead Lands

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Ryo yelled, jumping on his twin brother's bed. Leo slowly sat up, and rubbed his eyes.
"I'm up..." he said softly to his twin.
"Come on!" Ryo whined, trying to pull Leo out of bed. "May said she's gonna have a surprise for us! Hurry!"
Leo sat in bed lazily blinking. They were twins, but he wasn't as energetic as Ryo. Ryo continued to jump around the room they shared happily. He didn't know what day of the year it was, he only knew that it was his fifth birthday and May had a surprise for them. Leo looked at his upper left arm. The day before he and Ryo had both received tattoos on their upper arms. Leo's was on his left arm while Ryo's was on his right. The tattoo didn't hurt, but Leo wasn't used to it. Steel had offered no explanation as to why they each had to get one the day before they turned five.
"Come OOOOON!" Ryo begged, pulling on Leo's hand.
"Okay..." Leo said quietly, letting Ryo drag him out of bed. Ryo pulled Leo across the floor to their closet, having fun by dragging his twin. Leo slowly got dressed in his normal white and red outfit, while Ryo waited, already dressed in his black and green identical outfit. They left their room together, and made their way towards their older sister's bedroom. It was still early morning and most of the servants in the Razada House were still asleep or in the process of waking up.
"Let's walk outside past the garden!" Ryo said, pushing open one of the sliding doors that led outside. Leo said nothing and followed, still rubbing his eyes. The garden was large, with snow blanketing everything. It was midwinter, and all the trees and plants were dead. The small pond was frozen over as well as the various fountains around the garden. Ryo quickly ran across the garden, leaving a trail of footprints where he went. It was cold out, but they could still quickly walk across the garden to the other side without freezing. Leo followed closely behind, shivering.
Ryo closed the sliding door behind Leo. "How come you're not excited?" Ryo asked.
"I am...." Leo said in a low voice. "I just don't feel good..."
"I just don't feel very good..." Leo said. He gave his brother a sad look. "I just feel like something bad's gonna happen..."
"Nothing bad will happen!" Ryo said. They were finally at May's room, and Ryo knocked on the door. Nayota opened the door slightly, peeking out.
"Just a minute!" Nayota said. His eyes were still light red, and his hair was black and white spiked. Ryo and Leo both smiled while they waited. May and Nayota were always busy studying and working, yet they always seemed to have time for their younger brothers.
Finally Nayota opened the door. May was sitting on her bed, holding a small homemade cake with chocolate frosting and five lit candles. "Happy Birthday!" May said happily, holding out their cake to them. Ryo stared at their cake in amazement. Leo just stared.
"I thought we weren't allowed at eat cake for breakfast," Leo said, looking up at his older brother.
"I wont tell if you wont tell," Nayota said, nudging Leo and Ryo closer to the cake. "Hurry, we need to eat this before we go see Father and Grandfather..." Ryo and Leo both quickly blew out their candles and ate their cake. The whole time Ryo was happy and excited, Leo sat quietly, hardly picking at his slice of cake.
"What's wrong?" May asked in a concerned voice.
"He feels like something bad will happen..." Ryo answered.
May and Nayota exchanged quick, but nervous glances that Leo saw. "What? Will something bad happen?"
"No, just get ready, we're gonna go see Father and Grandfather now..." May said quickly. Nayota and May escorted Ryo and Leo to the audience hall of the Razada House in silence. Once outside, May turned to her little brothers, and attempted to fix their hair.
"It's just gonna get messy again!" Ryo whined.
"Just remember, Leo is Lion in Grandfather's presence. And Ryo--"
"Is Demon," Leo finished.
Nayota opened the door, and May led Ryo and Leo inside. The room was in a rectangular shape, with sliding doors to on the right wall that opened up to the garden. On the far side of the room was a throne. It was made from various metals and stones, mainly marble and gold. The floor was made from mats made from straw and grass, soft enough to kneel on for long periods of time. There were six people in the room waiting for them. Three men stood against the left wall, all wearing proper robes. They stood in silence, and they all stared at Leo in silence when he entered. A maid stood separate from the three men, looking worried. In the shadows of the brilliant throne stood Steel. His arms were held behind his back, and he stood completely still. His dark maroon eyes pierced the darkness he stood in and gazed upon his youngest sons. His look was of hatred, and it was cold. It sent shivers down both Leo and Ryo's spine. Neither of them ever spent much time with their father, but they knew they didn't like him.
Sitting on the throne was their grandfather, Head of the Razada House, Kain. He looked about the same age as Steel, but he was much older. His face was slightly wrinkled, and his eyes were red, but they were closed in thought. His clothes were completely white, complimented by his long gray hair that fell past his shoulders. He sat on the throne, with one elbow on the armrest, and his head resting on his hand. He looked old, and almost weak. But no one in the House dared object to anything he said. Alera had been the only person able to get her ways from him, but she was gone. Now it was Steel who was closest to Kain. But even he loathed his father. Kain's eyes flashed open, revealing his red eyes, as Leo and Ryo entered the room. His face remain emotionless, as they were positioned in the center of the room, standing side by side facing Kain on his throne.
Kain remained sitting, observing his two youngest grandsons. Both of their outfits revealed the black tattoos on their upper arms. Kain saw the twin with the tattoo on the left arm, and knew it was Lion. The Twin with the Red Eyes. The other was Demon. The Twin with the Green Eyes. Kain sneered at Demon. He remembered his beloved daughter-in-law, Alera, and the way she bad begged for his life. Kain closed his eyes again. If it hadn't been for his love for Alera, he would have had Demon killed at birth. May the Gods damn him for his sin.
Ryo stood close to his brother. May and Nayota had left and were standing next to the door at their respectable places. Ryo stared at the floor the way he had been told to. He was forbidden to look at his father or grandfather directly in the eyes, because of his green ones.
Kain stood up slowly, and walked towards the two children before him. Lion stood close to his brother perfectly still, staring up at his grandfather. Kain stopped in front of Lion and knelt down closer to his height.
"Let me see your eyes," Kain demanded more than asked. Lion lifted his head more and looked into Kain's eyes. Kain grabbed Lion by the chin and turned his head to the left and right slowly, observing Lion's fiery red eyes. A wicked toothy smile spread across his face, sending fear into Leo's heart. Kain stood and slowly started circling Leo, completely shoving Demon out of his way as he passed.
"This one's eyes..." Kain said loud enough for everyone to hear, "are the same color as mine. They have the same fire...and elegance. Alera was right in her prediction for this one. The Blood of Angels runs strong in his veins..." Kain stopped in front of Leo once again, this time he remained standing, looking down at Leo. Leo stared back with a confused look on his face. Next to him, Ryo remained silent, ignoring the pain in his shoulder where Kain had shoved him.
"This one..." Kain continued, gripping Leo by the shoulders and walking him towards the three men, "will take Nayota's place as my heir. You will study, learn manners, and practice your sword with these men from now on." Leo looked at the three men in fear. Kain released his shoulder and swiftly turned away, letting the three men take Leo by the shoulders and rush him from the room. Ryo watched as Leo left. They exchanged one last look before the door closed, leaving him alone with Kain, Steel, Nayota, May, and the maid.
Kain turned his attention to Ryo, his smile gone. His eyes were cold and heartless. "Look at me."
Ryo slowly and hesitantly raised his head and looked at his grandfather. The instant his green eyes met Kain's, a sharp pain inflicted the left side of his face, jerking his head to the right. Ryo made a small noise in pain before Kain's hand gripped his hair and tugged it back, forcing him to look up at his grandfather.
"You should have known better," Kain said with no sympathy, his eyes still cold, but furious. "You're no longer a part of this family. Never...look into the eyes of a Razada again." Kain threw Ryo by his hair onto the floor in front of the maid. "Give him his work."
The maid quickly swooped down and picked up Ryo. Ryo held his head where Kain had grabbed his hair sniffling. "Don't cry now," the maid cooed, leaving the room with him, "You'll be working with me now, just do as I say and he wont hurt you again, all right?"
She brought him to a section of a hallway. At the end was a bucket and washrag. She placed Ryo next to the bucket and put the washrag in his hand. "You have to clean now, okay? Just run up and down this hallway leaning on that rag and wash it. It'll be hard at first, but you'll get used to it. Do this and find me for another task, all right?" Then without another word, she turned away and left Ryo alone in the hallway.
Ryo stood for a long time looking after her, his hand rubbing his left cheek. He looked at the long hallway, wondering how he was supposed to clean the whole thing. He knelt down and rested his hands on the washrag the way she had instructed, and tried running to the other side of the hall. He fell numerous times, and finally made it.


Steel ordered Davis to burn the table he had carved the map onto before they left. Ryo didn't want to follow Steel north, but he left quietly anyway. He wanted to at least see Mel before he left again, but Steel had other plans. Steel led them out of the Hollow Palace and into the maze of streets. He looked back at his small army. There was eleven of them in all, he just needed two more to complete the group, and begin the real task.
"Where are we going?" Kaira asked Steel politely. Steel ignored her.
"To the lab," Kalon answered in a miserable, almost angry tone.
"Why there?"
"You'll see..."
Steel led them to a desolate part of the city, and to a great white house. The house was two stories high with a dark green roof and broad windows with steps leading up to the entrance. It looked expensive compared to the surrounding buildings. At the foot of the stairs stood a boy near Taj and Davis' age. He had straight black hair that hung over his eyes and gray eyes similar to Kalon's. He wore a white button up shirt with white pants and shoes Ryo looked at Ken with slight surprise. He had never thought of Kalon as being much of a father, or even Caza for that matter.
Ken saw them coming and walked out to meet him. "The professor is inside," Ken said in a very formal tone.
"Yeah, yeah, we know..." Kalon said, passing his son and up the stairs inside. Ken gave his father a bad look, but followed him inside with everyone else.
The inside of the building was darker than Ryo expected it to be. There were sheets covering all of the windows and only few other lights. But the house didn't appear to be a house at all. The whole first floor appeared to be nothing but a library.
"They're all here!" Ken yelled into a door that led to the basement. From somewhere in the basement Ryo heard an odd voice answer something back.
"Professor Bob's an expert on technology lost in the Great War," Ken explained, looking slightly embarrassed, waiting by the basement door. "Steel's asked us to show you some things we've found before we left."
"Why?" Leo asked, looking at Steel, who was still by the door standing in the darkest shadows. "When are we gonna need to know about these things?"
"As I said before I'll explain after we get the Ice and Lightning Users, now stop asking!" Steel snapped.
From the door emerged an old man with untamed white hair and a bushy mustache. He wore square glasses that enlarged his eyes to look twice their size and he wore a white lab coat. "What?!" he asked in a loud, obnoxious voice. Something told Ryo he wouldn't like him.
"They're here," Ken said softer, motioning to the rest of the people in the house. Prof. Bob looked around, and singled out Kalon, at the back of the group, smoking.
"Kalon! Is that a cigarette I see in your mouth?! I told you my studies have proven the harmful effects of smoking tobacco! Even in this ancient book are records of a thing called lung cancer! You'll die from it!"
"See?! See?! I told you it was bad Kalon! Even this dude thinks so!" Dimi bursted out, looking at Kalon and pointing at Prof. Bob. The mad professor looked Dimi over next.
"Why, you must be the Dimi I've heard Kalon complain about so much! Now Kalon! Put out that cigarette at once!" Kalon glared at his adoptive father, before taking one last drag of his cigarette and putting it out.
Professor Bob gave his adoptive son a look of approval, then looked around at everyone. There was a long awkward silence. Ryo could tell no one in the room wanted to get singled out by this assumed brilliant scientist. "Well introduce yourselves!" Prof. Bon said, waving his arms in the air.
Kaira took a brave step forward and offered her hand to him. "I'm Kaira...." she said shyly. The professor grabbed Kaira's hand, and to everyone's surprise, shock, and Ryo's horror, pulled her in for a hug. Kaira let out a small scream but was released right after, looking terrified. Professor Bob gave her a warm, yet creepy, smile and looked around at everyone else.
"Well? Who's next?" Everyone took a step back and Kaira retreated behind Taj and Davis.
"Can't we skip introductions already?!" Kalon yelled out, storming past the group and disappearing into the basement. "Let's just get this over with!"
"Don't mind him," Professor Bob whispered to the rest of the group as he led them behind Kalon. "He's just angry because his body isn't receiving the nicotine it's grown addicted to. That and I suspect he's just an angry person."
"What's nicotine?" Ryo asked Leo.
"A drug that's addicting. I guess it's in cigarettes..."
Kalon flipped on the lights and revealed the basement. There were tables all across the large room, all of them holding random lab equipment or objects covered with white sheets.
"All right! This one is one you'll most defiantly encounter on your travels! It's called..." Prof. Bob pulled a sheet off a large object, revealing it. "An automobile!"
Ryo wasn't impressed. It looked like a piece of bent metal with places to sit inside. "I'm not quite finished with this one. BUT! When it's fully operational, it will be able to move by itself! And people can ride in it and control where the automobile takes them! Isn't that exciting!"
"Impossible..." Taj commented quietly, but Ken heard him.
"Nothing Grandfather says is a lie. It's all true," Ken said, sounding annoyed. Taj scoffed, ignoring him.
"And over here!" the Professor said, bounding to the other side of the room, "Is another thing to show you that is very important! It's a--Kalon! Pay attention!--a weapon used very commonly before the Great War! Shame they turned this ingenious invention against each other..." he revealed a small piece of metal, with a barrel and handle. "People used this to fire small pieces of metal, like this, and it would fly at incredible speeds! It could pierce human flesh, and they used it against each other in the Great War...."
Ryo decided he didn't like it. The Professor was incredibly odd, more so than even Dimi, but Ryo didn't mind too much. He had given Ryo an actual lesson, even if it was brief.
"Now, onto something more exciting! I know you're on a busy schedule!" he waved his finger at Kalon, who gritted his teeth. Professor Bob went to the far wall where there was a small storage closet. "Steel asked me several years ago to create weapons that would specialize in one Element. So that makes one of each of you--wait. He counted the adults and stared at Steel in confusion. "I thought there would be seven Steel! There's only five!"
"We'll bring the others their weapons," Steel said quietly. "Just give them their weapons and we'll be on our way."
"Hmm. Very well..." Professor Bob opened the storage closet and fished out two thin short swords. Both had dark blue velvet sheaths, with the sign for water on the hilt.
"DIBS!" Dimi called out, shoving Jim and Caza out of his way, diving for the swords. Professor Bob raised his hairy eyebrows.
"They were for the Water User among you, so no need to worry!" He handed the twin swords to Dimi, who took them happily, and turned back to the closet. "Well, let's see who's next! Who here is the Wind User?" Caza took a small step forward, but remained silent. "There are for you! Specialty for Wind Users! They'll always come back to you if you will them to!"
Professor Bob presented Caza with a pair of metal chakrams. Both were the size of Caza's forearms with grasps in the middle. They were made from a bright metal that almost appeared to make it's own light. They were both circular with ten spikes. In the center where Caza gripped it was the sign of Wind. Caza raised his eyebrows slightly at his given weapon, as though surprised, but took them without saying a word.
"The Fire User? Who is that?" Professor Bob asked, looking idly around. Leo took a cautious step forward. "Oh you! You must be Leo! Come here, let me hug you..." Professor made a move toward Leo, but Leo jumped back out of reach.
"Well fine!" the professor said, not noticing snickers coming from Taj and Davis. "Here's your weapons Steel required I make for you." He handed Leo a bag. From the bag Leo drew a dagger made from black metal with a red carvings all along the blade. On the handle was the sign for Fire. "Those are your weapons. You can throw them at enemies, and if you wish, you can cause them to explode! Just try not to lose all of them, there's only about fifty or so, I forgot to count...." Leo muttered a thanks.
Ryo looked between him and Kalon, the only two left. He wondered to himself what their weapons were.
"Ice User? Oh Ice User!" the professor called out.
"Give it to Leo, he'll take it to out Ice User," Steel said, sounding annoyed and impatient. "Give Ryo the Lightning User's weapon as well."
"Oh, all right!" Bob said, handing Leo a bow made from light blue wood and arrows, while throwing a small pouch at Ryo. "Now! All that's left if for the Earth User's weapon! That's you Kalon!"
Kalon glared at the professor, his gray eyes piercing through him. "No thanks. I don't need anything..."
"I suggest you take them father," Ken said in a cold voice that held no respect. "You could use them." Ryo looked at Kalon and Ken, wondering why neither of them seemed to have any respect for each other.
"You'll like it Kalon! Here! Look! Gloves!" The professor held up a pair of leather gloves that were identical to the ones Kalon wore regularly. "I modeled them after your dirty old gloves, but I made them more efficient for an Earth User! Look! It has the Earth symbol on the back part here!" Kalon's expression looked slightly surprised, almost pleased for a second, as he took the gloves from the professor.
"Let's get going!" Steel ordered, speaking lousily. "We've wasted enough time here."
"Don't I get something?" Ryo asked.
"You?" The professor looked surprised, big oversized eyes scanning Ryo. " What's your Element?"
Ryo thought a second before answering. "Uh...well...all of them..."
"Oh you already have your special weapon!" the professor laughed. "You have the sword the Steward Eliazar gave you don't you?"
Ryo looked down. It was tied to his waist.
"That sword has the symbols for all six Elements, and is very capable with any Element you summon! The late Steward asked me to make it for him, when he was just a young lad..."
A felt a sharp pain in his mind at the mentioning of Eliazar, but shrugged it off. "Oh...okay..." he said, before turning to leave with the others, who were already gone.

"Oh my god, it's so hot out here!" Dimi whined.
"It doesn't bother me..." Ryo said. "But I've been living out here for half my life, I'm probably just used to it. Just summon some more water and dump it on yourself."
The party had been walking for hours nonstop for several days in a row, only stopping at night in the Dead Lands. Steel led them on with no sympathy or compassion. They all walked behind Steel in pairs, making a caravan. Leo and Davis walked directly behind Steel, followed by Taj and Kaira, with Ryo and Dimi following them, Ken and Jim following them, and Kalon and Caza bringing up the rear. Everyone walked on miserably, but Dimi was the only one complaining. He summoned a sphere of water, then let it rain over himself and Ryo. "I'll just have to do it again in a little while..." Dimi said sadly, shaking water out of his long blue hair.
"Hey Water Sprite! Rain some water over me now!" Kalon said catching up to walk next to Dimi and Ryo.
"Not you too..." Dimi whined, but summoned water and rained it over Kalon. Kalon faced up and let it rain over his face.
"Good to know you're worth something Water Sprite."
"Hey, I'm not worthless! And stop calling me Water Sprite!" Ryo sighed and fell behind to walk next to Caza. Caza said nothing to Ryo and kept walking with his expressionless face. He had never been one to talk much, but Ryo decided he had nothing better to do than try.
"Are you doing all right?" Caza glanced at Ryo, then returned to staring ahead, but nodded. Ryo tried thinking of something else. He saw Ken and Jim ahead of them.
"I never knew you had a son...where's his mother?" he asked, hoping his question was all right. Caza didn't answer. He kept staring ahead with his expressionless face. His golden eyes seeming empty. Ryo sighed, deciding to give up, when Dimi suddenly appeared between him and Caza.
"Hello Caza! Didn't you hear Ryo?" Dimi asked, leaning close to Caza. "He was trying to ask you a question. Hello? Don't you hear me Caza?!" Ryo saw Caza's eyebrows lower slightly but he kept walking in silence. Dimi didn't give up and kept asking. "Hello? Caza? Don't you hear me? Echo! Dimi to Caza!" Caza kept walking, ignoring Dimi's annoying questions. Ryo had half the mind to stop Dimi, but was curious as to how Dimi's pestering would end. Jim looked behind at his father with concerned eyes.
"Dimi to Caza! I know you hear me!" Dimi sighed, and started mocking. "Well, there's no intelligent life on Planet Caza! Might as well go home Ryo--"
"WHAT?!" Caza snapped at Dimi, making him and Ryo stop. Kalon, Ken, and Jim even looked back, surprised at Caza's outburst. Dimi jumped back from Caza and pointed at him.
"OH MY GOD IT SPEAKS!" Dimi said in a loud, surprised voice. Caza closed his eyes in annoyance and stalked ahead to walk with Kalon. "She's dead, all right?" he said as he left. Dimi gave Caza one last surprised look, then put his hands behind his head. "I didn't mean to hurt the guy's nonexistent feelings..."
Ryo sighed. He knew Dimi always had good intentions. His methods just weren't always the right ones. He opened his eyes and saw Kaira running back towards him.
"Dad! Look!" Kaira yelled pointing ahead. "Taj and Davis spotted the mountains!" Ryo looked past and through the heat haze, saw mountains rise out of the sand, hidden behind the mirages of water. The mountains rose from the sand suddenly on the horizon, with snow on the peaks and green vegetation at the bases. Between the two mountains directly ahead of them was a narrow, but traversable pass through the mountains.
"If we run we'll make it there before nightfall!" Kalon said, talking to no one in particular. He dropped his bag and took off running towards the mountains.
"Kalon! Wait for me! I wanna race too!" Dimi yelled ahead, dropping his bag and swords and running after Kalon ahead of the group. Caza stared idly ahead, then kicked off the ground into the air, flying ahead of both Kalon and Dimi towards the mountains. Jim stared after his father for a second, then followed him.
"Dimi!" Ryo yelled hopelessly after his friend. He bent over and picked up Kalon and Dimi's bags. He saw Ken standing near him, staring after his father and Dimi. "Do you wanna carry your dad's bag?" Ryo asked Ken, holding out Kalon's bag to him. Ken stared at his father's bag with disgust, but took it from Ryo.
"That idiot..." Ken said under his breath, but so Ryo could hear. "If he doesn't want to lose his stuff he shouldn't drop them."
Ryo gave Ken a strange look. He still didn't understand why Ken loathed Kalon. Everyone seemed happier now that the mountains were in sight. Steel's face was serious. He stared at the mountains, his eyes looking past the mountains. Ryo saw this and wondered what Steel was planning for all of them. Kaira was happy, hugging her cousin and Taj, congratulating them for seeing the mountains first. Ryo could have sworn he saw Taj's face reddening.
Ryo looked towards the mountains, a part of him seeing the Razada House just beyond the frozen peaks. He also saw Dimi tackle Kalon from behind in an effort to get ahead in their 'race'.

Night was falling fast by the time Ryo and the rest of the party reached the edge of the forest at the foot of the mountains. Caza was leaning against a tree with Jim next to him, looking bored waiting. Kalon and Dimi were both on the ground panting.
"Ha...I...totally...beat your ass..." Kalon panted, smiling to himself at his success.
" you didn't...I was this....this much ahead...of you...." Dimi moaned, holding his side with one hand and putting his fingers close together with his other.
"Shut...shut up....Dimi," Kalon panted, reaching for Dimi's neck, but found that he was too far to strangle, and gave up.
Steel dropped his heafty bag on the ground next to a tree. "Someone go out and find something to eat," he said to no one in his demanding voice.
"I'll go..." Leo said, sounding tired. "Come on Davis..." Davis set down his bag then followed his father into the forest. Everyone else sat down, relieved to be out of the Dead Lands and that night had arrived. Kaira sat next to Ryo happily, with Taj on her other side. Ryo gave her a sideways glance. Ever since they had left Hollow, she had slept right next to him every night. And every night she asked him every question she could come up with, trying to get to know her father better. But Ryo had never asked her anything. Taj was always at her side.
"Jim?" Ryo asked leaning away from Kaira and towards Jim. "How old is Kaira anyway?" Jim looked slightly surprised.
"Kaira? I think she turned seventeen not too long ago..." he answered politely. Ryo thanked him, and turned back to Kaira. She was seventeen. That meant nearly twelve years had passed since Ryo had left to the Dead Lands a second time.
Ken sat next to Taj, watching his father and Dimi wrestle in the dirt over who won the race. "Your father's an idiot Taj," he commented.
"He's not an idiot!" Taj said defensivly. "He just doesn't pay attention to details."
"Which means he's an idiot. My father clearly won that race."
"Why does it even matter you don't even like Kalon!"
"Liking has nothing to do with it."
Taj clenched his teeth, and balled his fists, ready to start a fight. Ken saw this and lowered his eyes. "Don't start something you can't finish," Ken mocked. Taj raised his fist, when Kaira gently grabbed his arm.
"Please don't fight Taj, not now. We all have to travel together..." Kaira said, looking up at him with soft eyes. Taj hesitated, then slowly lowered his fist. He was still furious.
"Goddamn it..." he muttered, getting up and walking away into the forest. Kaira looked after Taj and got up to follow him, giving Ken an apologetic look.
"Shouldn't we stop our kids?" Ryo asked as Dimi collapsed next to him, defeated by Kalon. Dimi looked after his son, then shook his head.
"I don't worry about him. He's eighteen, he can take care of himself."
Taj walked briskly into the forest, hardly paying attention to where he was going. Kaira followed him trying to think of something to say to help him calm down. He exited the forest furthur down the tree line away from where the rest were setting up camp. Taj stamped his foot and let out an agitated yell. Kaira stood a ways away, watching her friend with compassion.
"That dick..." Taj muttered, looking down. A rock the size of his fist caught his eye. He was already pissed. He saw no reason why he shouldn't throw a rock. He picked up the rock and tossed it up and down a few times. Then he gripped the rock tightly and with all his might, he threw it into the forest. Taj stood watching his rock fly gracefully into a tree. To his and Kaita's surprise, there was the clank as the rock hit the tree, sending the rock flying back towards Taj, striking him in the forehead. Taj let out a yell, and fell backwards, holding his forehead. Kaira let out a small scream and knelt to help Taj up.
"Are you all right?" Kaira asked, sounding concerned.
"Son of a bitch!" Taj hissed, holding his head where a small trickle of blood started flowing. He stood up and ran towards the tree. "What the hell?! Who's up there?!" Kaira ran to where Taj stood below the tree and looked up.
Sitting on a tree branch high up in the tree sat a man. He sat on the branch and leaned against the trunk of the tree. He appeared to be near Taj's age, wearing black cotton pants and a short-sleeve black shirt with a studded belt. A silver cross hung around his neck, and a black trenchcoat hung on a branch next to him. His head was tilted slightly downward, letting his slightly longer black hair cover his eyes. In his hand he held a silver sword he was examining for dents.
"Hey asshole! What the hell was that for?!" Taj yelled up angrily.
"You threw a rock at me," the man said simply in his deep voice.
"I wasn't aiming for you!"
"The rock was heading towards me. It's natural instinct for someone to protect themselves..."
Taj growled in anger, and turned to leave. "Whatever Monkeyboy! Jackass like you...come on Kaira!" She remained where she was, looking up at the mysterious man.
"I'm Kaira!" she yelled up. "What's your name?"
"Kaira, don't waste your breath on him, come on..." Taj said, gently tugging on her hand. Kaira pulled her hand away, waiting for an answer. The man turned his head slightly towards Kaira.
"Kyo..." he said.
"Kyo..." Kaira repeated. She wondered where he lived. "Do you live here?"
"Kaira..." Taj said, glaring up at Kyo.
"This is where I stay, yes..." Kyo answered.
"I turned seventeen last month, how old are you?" Kaira asked.
"Don't give this guy all of your info!" Taj said, pulling on her arm again. "Let's get out of here, the guy's a freak."
Kyo lifted his head and looked at Kaira. She saw his sharp silver eyes for the first time. "I'm almost eighteen..." he said looking at her.
"Do you wanna come with us through the mountains? I'm sure you'd be welcome to come," Kaira said.
"Kaira!" Taj said in disbelief. "He's not coming with us!" Kyo stared at Kaira a moment, considering her offer. He sheathed his sword and grabbed his trenchcoat before gracefully and flawlessly leaping down out of the tree directly in front of Kaira.
"I might..." Kyo answered Kaira. Taj glared at Kyo, who ignored him.

BAHD Capter 5: Seven Warriors


Re-reading this REALLY reminds me of how much I changed in recent chapters, so if in the future, what you've read here in the beginning is slightly changed or is inconsistent, PLEASE FORGIVE ME >< I forgot how long ago I wrote this and I've changed things since. Hence why I wanna someday re-write BAHD


Seven Warriors

Ryo woke up with the sun in his eyes. He rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. He found that he couldn't and sat up lazily. He looked around the hollowed building and found everyone else had gone out to find food. Ryo lazily stretched and yawned. He was in no big hurry to get to work. The scars on his back were visible without a shirt, and he slowly found his black shirt and put it on. He paused a moment, thinking. He sat cross-legged, and attempted to meditate. After three seconds, he opened his eyes and gave up.
He'd been living in the Dead Lands for years now. There were no real seasons in the Dead Lands, and he had lost track of how much time had passed. His hair was still brown and spiked, always looking messy. His eyes were still a vivid green color. And he still wore his black shirt, black pants with various pockets, and black boots that went halfway to his knees. After all the time that had passed, there were now days where he could go without thinking about anyone in Hollow. It had taken a long time, but he found himself thinking of them less and less.
An old man dressed in brown rags stuck his head into the abandoned house. "There's a man out here looking for you, Ryo," he said before leaving Ryo alone again. He wasn't surprised. Ryo was the only User in that area of the Dead Lands. People often came to him for help, and Ryo saw nothing much better to do. Ryo slowly walked outside, scratching his head.
The man had grayed hair, and deep maroon eyes. He was slightly taller than Ryo and stood in pride. He wore a white sleeveless shirt and dark brown pants with boots. He had his own broadsword tied at his waist, and his right arm was replaced with a mechanical metal arm. Ryo stood on silent disbelief that Steel had found him. Several other people wandering past stared silently at Steel.
"I told you we'd see each other again someday, Demon," Steel said, giving off a radiant smile. Ryo saw the evil intention behind Steel's smile.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Ryo asked, turning and walking away back inside. He knew Steel was following him.
"Business, mostly," Steel answered simply. He looked around the ruined building. He found it all without taste.
"Don't lie..." Ryo muttered angrily, reaching for his sword that was resting against the wall next to his bed. "You never do anything you wouldn't enjoy doing." Steel gave a small laugh. His voice was deep, and it made Ryo uneasy. Not that anything about Steel ever made him comfortable to begin with.
"You always had a smart tongue," Steel commented. "Remember the night you severed my arm off?" He held up his right arm, the metal glistening in the sunlight pouring through the roof. "That same night you and Leo left the House?" Ryo didn't say anything. Of course he remembered. In a way, that had been one of the happiest days of his life. "I did notice...that night," Steel continued, straying around the abandoned building, inspecting it with his back to Ryo, "...that you used more than one Element...Fire...Lightning...and Water..." He slowly turned back to Ryo, smirking. "I know you can use more than one Element."
Ryo gripped his sheathe. "Why does this even matter?! I knew you knew when I left! What do you want?!" Steel said nothing. He wasn't smiling anymore. His face was serious, and his maroon eyes lowered.
"I want you to come back to Hollow with me, and meet with the Council."
Ryo scoffed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was too unlike Steel to offer something almost considered nice. In his whole life, Steel had never given Ryo anything worth remembering. But a part of him still glowed at the thought of seeing everyone back home...
"Why? Chances are, the Council still hasn't changed; they'll still want me dead. Those bastards never die..."
Steel closed his eyes and shook his head. "Yes, they do want you dead still. But..." he opened his maroon eyes and smiled a wicked smile at Ryo. "...they're willing to forgive you on one condition."
Ryo raised an eyebrow. "What...?"
"I told them you have the ability to use all six Elements, and if you can demonstrate, and prove that you can, they'll forgive you..." Ryo's mouth opened slightly. Prove he could use all six Elements? Only few people in the world could summon Elements to do their bidding, and each person could only control one Element, based on their capability. Leo was a Fire User; Dimi, a Water User; Kalon, an Earth User; Caza, a Wind User; Kaira, a Lightning User and Steel, a Fire User. Ryo was able to use every Element easily, unlike anyone else. He was the only known person not restricted to just one Element. Every Element had another Element that was their weakness, but Ryo was not limited by those laws. And the Council of Hollow was willing to forgive him. All he had to do was prove he could.
"Why would they forgive me for that...?" Ryo asked slowly. Steel smiled. He knew he had Ryo in a good position.
"I told them if you could prove you were able to use all six Elements, I'd convince you to work under them, as their trump card in hard times. After I took you away for some 'training'." Ryo didn't like the emphasis put on the 'training' part. But it all seemed too easy.
"What training?" Ryo asked. "I can use the Elements fine."
Steel sighed, and rolled his head back, getting annoyed. "It's all gonna be a lie!" he said loudly. "I'm not seriously gonna let those swine use the most powerful weapon ever born! I'll lead them on, letting them think I'm gonna gain your trust and convince you to work for them. That way, you get your freedom in Hollow, and I get you to work for me!" Ryo felt relieved he wouldn't have to work under the Council, but working for Steel was not any better, possibly worst.
"I'm not working for you either," Ryo said coldly.
Steel let out a harsh laugh that echoed back in the building. "I think you will," he said. "After I explain something to you and the others."
"I'll explain more later." Steel turned on his heel and started walking towards the exit. "I suggest you leave this dump and come with me. It'll be well worth your while..."
Ryo looked around at what was his current living condition. The thought of being back home, even for a short while, was worth a trip with Steel. "What about the Razada House?" Ryo asked. "Will I have to go back there?"
Steel stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Possibly. But not for long. I can guarantee you that." Ryo placed his sword in his belt and followed Steel. It was the only thing he needed.
"I'm not going because you asked me to," he said.
Steel smiled. "I know you're not."


The palace in Hollow had changed since the last time Ryo saw it. A lot of the city had changed. The gates Steel and his men ruined were rebuilt, but bigger. They were twice as big and now had watchtowers with archers. The gate wasn't as decorated as the last ones were. The palace doors were rebuilt as well, in the same design as the gate, with its own line of soldiers at the front. Steel passed the soldiers without anyone opposing him. Ryo followed quickly. Everyone who saw him either recognized him as Ryo the Murderer, or confused him for the Murderer's twin brother, Leo. The layout inside the palace was the same, only with more soldiers positioned at random locations inside. Ryo figured after the assault Steel laid upon the palace the Council became concerned about another ambush, and hired more soldiers.
Steel led Ryo to the Audience Hall, and stopped outside. He turned to Ryo, seriousness written across his face. "Listen to everything I'm about to say, Demon," he said in a low voice, talking quickly but clearly. "The Council will want to question you about various topics. Don't answer any of them. Leave all the talking to me, and agree with me on everything, lie if you have to. Don't talk to the Council at all. Act like you're furious with them. I need them to believe you trust me and not them, understand?"
Ryo lowered his eyebrows. "I am furious with them, and don't call me Demon. My name's Ryo now."
Steel chuckled, turning to open the Audience Hall doors. "You'll always be a Demon to me."
The great doors to the Audience Hall opened, and Steel led Ryo inside. The room was circular in shape, with marble pillars along the walls, all decorated in gold. The entire room was white marble and created its own glow. Soldiers stood against the wall behind the pillars. All armed. At the far end of the room was a long, curved table. Six old men sat along the table, all dressed in clean white robes. Each robe they wore had a symbol of their representation, one of the six Elements. Ryo gave them al harsh glares. They were all corrupt, and he hated each one of them.
Steel approached the table until he was twenty feet away. He swiftly knelt into a bow. "Councilmen..." he said in his deep voice, sounding unusually polite. Ryo stood behind Steel, refusing to kneel before the Council. He knew Steel's politeness and respect was all an act. There was only one person in the world Steel would bow to, and that man was not among the Council.
The Councilor of Wind made a hand gesture and Steel stood back up, putting his hands behind his back. Ryo remained silent. "You've been gone for two weeks Steel. We were beginning to think you wouldn't find him..."
"I had some trouble, yes," Steel said, still acting polite, "But I convinced him to come back."
The Councilor of Ice looked Ryo over cautiously. "And...will you be giving us a demonstration of your powers?" he asked Ryo. Steel eyed Ryo through the corner of his eye. Ryo remained silent as Steel had ordered.
"He will give a demonstration, but not quite yet..." Steel said, breaking Ryo's silence. His voice echoed throughout the giant room. "But first, you'll recall my request I made before I left."
"Ah yes..." mumbled the Councilor of Fire. He motioned for a soldier, who quickly approached the Councilor's table. "Bring the following Users here," he instructed to the soldier. "Leo, Fire. Kalon, Earth. Caza, Wind. And Dimi, Water." The soldier gave a quick bow and left the hall. "And the rest of you leave us!" The other soldiers in the room left quietly, leaving Steel and Ryo alone with the Councilors.
Ryo gave Steel a questioning look. He never said anything about Leo, Dimi, Caza or Kalon. Steel gave Ryo a stern look, telling him he'd explain later. The eight waited in silence in the Audience Hall. The Council stared down at Ryo and he stared back. Within minutes, the doors opened and Caza walked in wearing his military uniform. His hair was still the same, and his golden eyes looked Ryo over before he bowed respectfully. He waited silently next to Ryo. Ryo didn't say anything, still not sure what was going on.
Another minute later Leo and Dimi walked in, also in their blue military uniforms. They both looked mildly surprised to see Ryo, but also kept their silence as they joined Caza next to Ryo. Ryo stared at them in confusion, the long awkward silence eating away at him. The three of them almost seemed like they had been expecting to see him. They continued to wait for Kalon in silence. Ten quiet minutes passed before the audience hall doors opened again. Kalon walked in, cigarette in mouth. He wasn't wearing his military uniform, but wore his short-sleeved gray shirt, black utility pants with boots, and his old brown leather gloves. His eyes widened in slight surprise when he saw Ryo and he quickly put out his cigarette. He quickly joined the line next to Dimi and bowed. "Sorry, I wasn't at work today, they had to find me at home," Kalon said in his attempt to speak in a formal tone.
Steel stood, looking at the five younger men lined up. A wicked smile the Council couldn't see on his face. Ryo wished he knew what was going on. "Councilmen," Steel said turning back to face them, "I believe Ryo will perform for you now."
The four men next to Ryo looked at him. Kalon and Caza looked slightly confused. Leo and Dimi both already knew Ryo could use all six Elements, and almost looked worried. Ryo took a few steps forward, Steel giving him encouraging looks.
"Prove to us, Ryo..." said the Councilor of Fire, "Show us Flames." Ryo inhaled deeply. He extended both hands in front of him and closed his eyes. He summoned the Element Fire to his hands. His hands became engulfed in flames that did not burn him. They flickered and danced in his palms, slowly crawling up his arms. Kalon and Caza looked unimpressed, as Ryo suspicioned they would. They knew him as a Fire User. The Fire Councilor nodded, satisfied.
The Councilor of Lightning hesitated, watching the Fire licking Ryo's arms. "Show us you can use Lightning." Ryo lowered his eyes. The Council was nervous. He could feel it. Nervous and frightened that he might actually be able to summon and control six different Elements. The Fire died instantly in Ryo's hands, leaving them unharmed. He summoned Lightning to his hands. In the first second nothing happened. Then quick flashes of Lightning shot out from Ryo's hands, hitting his body and the floor. He was careful not to damage anything, and the lightning bolts emitted from his hands did no damage to his body. Kalon and Caza stared in disbelief as well as the Council. Dimi and Leo just stared on.
"Impossible!" yelled the Councilor of Ice, rising from his seat. "No one can use more than one Element! Summon Ice!" Ryo let the Lightning die in his hands the way the fire had died. He focused on summoning the power of Ice. He collected moisture from the air, into a small vortex between his hands. The water molecules froze, and swirled around in the vortex, creating a miniature Ice tornado.
"And what about Earth?!" yelled the Councilman. The entire Council was whispering among themselves. Ryo let the Ice storm fade, and tried thinking of a way to demonstrate Earth. He knelt down to the Marble and pressed both hands against the floor. The marble instantly began cracking beneath his palms, and shattered. The Councilmen gasped and continued their whispering. Ryo focused harder, and the cracks in the marble merged back together, looking good as new.
Without being told Ryo moved onto Water. He summoned Water to his hands, and created a small floating sphere of water before him. The last Element was Wind. Lightning Users had the ability to fly, but not as easily as Wind Users. Ryo summoned Wind, and lifted off the ground hovering in place. He made the air around them move, and created a small breezed and blew up everyone's hair. Kalon and Caza still stared in silent belief, while the Council stared at Ryo in awe. Satisfaction was written all over Steel's wicked smile. Ryo smiled to himself, satisfied in his abilities.
"How is this possible?!" the Councilor of Wind yelled. "It isn't possible! How are you--"
"I'm sorry Councilmen!" Steel yelled over the Councilor of Wind, smiling with satisfaction. "But you remember our deal! I get Ryo to prove his abilities and he gets amnesty for every offense he's ever committed, and for the rest of his life!"
"It's granted!" said the Councilor of Earth. "But how--"
"And the other part of our deal?" Steel interrupted once again. "I get to take these five men for training?"
"Yes of course!" said the Councilor of Lightning. "Ryo, you're--"
"Then we'll need to leave right away!" Steel interrupted one last time, quickly turning to leave. He signaled for the other five to follow him, and they obeyed. "They'll be back after their training is over! After we return, these five men will be your personal soldiers!" Steel yelled back in sick happiness, ignoring their commands to stay. He led them out of the Audience hall and then to the library. After checking the library for any eavesdroppers he turned to them, still smiling.
"Well done Demon. You convinced those fools well enough." Steel said, sitting back in a chair.
"Welcome back man!" Dimi said, wrapping his arm around Ryo's shoulder. Ryo smiled weakly at Dimi. None of them had changed. They all looked the same way they had when he left. He still wasn't sure of how many years had passed. Caza muttered a hello while Leo smiled.
"There'll be time for that later," Steel said, leaning farther back in his chair. "You three," he said, directing towards Leo, Caza and Dimi, "Go change and get your things. We're leaving in half an hour. Are all of your children here as I commanded?"
"Yeah..." Leo said. "Davis, Taj and Jim are in the main hall..."
Steel stood up, his being radiating authority that Ryo was still confused about. "I'll get them. You three go change, and you," he looked at Kalon, "Explain to Demon what's been happening. Where's your son?"
Kalon gave Steel a bad look. Kalon had never liked being ordered around under anybody. He relit his cigarette, "Ken's meeting us at the Professor's lab..."
Steel smirked. "Excellent." He left with Leo, Dimi, and Caza, leaving Kalon alone with Ryo. Ryo turned to Kalon, trying to decide which question to ask first.
"What the hell is this?" he asked. "Why are you guys all obeying him like that?"
Kalon let out a long exhale, clearly annoyed, creating a cloud of cigarette smoke. "Steel's been going around Hollow the past three years, testing Element Users," he began, "Trying to find the strongest in each Element..."
"The strongest Element Users? What for?"
"I have no damn idea. He said once he gets us all together he'll explain more."
"Then why are you guys working for him?"
Kalon took another long drag from his cigarette, looking pissed. "Because....Leo was the strongest Fire User he found," he said. "I'm apparently the strongest Earth User, Caza's the strongest Wind User, and that idiot Dimi's the best goddamned Water User." Ryo paused a moment, thinking it all over.
"You guys are the strongest? The four of you? You all know each other!"
"Hey, it confused us too!" Kalon snapped, sucking the last of his cigarette. "Steel said we needed to trust him. He said there'd be seven of us all together. He didn't say who the other two were. I suspect they'll be the best Ice and Lightning Users, whoever they are...God dammit I'm out of you have any on you?"
Ryo shook his head. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna run down and get my other pack out of my locker...." Kalon said quickly, leaving Ryo alone in the library. Ryo sat down to think. Seven Users he said. He knew the four others were the Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water Users, and the other unknown two must be the Lightning and Ice Users. And he was there because he was the only User in the known world who could use all the Elements.
The door of the library opened and Ryo sat up suddenly. A teenage girl walked in with brown hair and blue eyes. She wore a purple tank top and baggy black pants, with matching hair pins holding the hair out of her face. She had a bag on her back, and she smiled at Ryo.
"Hello," she said happily, closing the door behind her.
Ryo looked away shyly. "Hello..." he muttered.
The girl walked closer and stood by Ryo, looking at him curiously. Ryo sat quietly, wondering what she was doing.
"Are you hungry?" she asked.
"What?" Ryo asked, looking back up at her.
"I asked if you’re hungry."
"'m all right." She stood next to him, not saying anything. Ryo felt uncomfortable. " you need something from me?" he asked.
The girl laughed softly. "You don't recognize me?" she asked, looking him straight in the face. Ryo stared for a moment. Her hair was brown, and went to her shoulders. Her eyes were deep blue, and resembled his in a way. "I'm Kaira, Dad...." she said, smiling.
Ryo's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't realized how many years had passed. She was a grown teenager, possibly close to being an adult. He felt a stab of guilt. He knew nothing about her. The only thing he remembered was a little girl five years old he had only seen twice before. "Kaira...?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist, surprising him.
"I'm so happy you're here!" she said, talking into his chest, still hugging him. Ryo felt awkward, but managed to wrap his arms around her to give her a small hug back.
" am I..."
Kaira let go of him and took a step back. She looked at his face, still smiling.
"Mom was right! You and Uncle Leo do look exactly alike!" she said. Ryo looked down. He wasn't sure of what to say.
"Yeah...we’re twins, of course we do..."
"I have to admit, I don't remember you very much from way back then," she continued on, blushing a little bit, holding his hands. "But I remember you were really nice! Nicer than Janon, from what I remember. I'm so happy I'm finally getting to see you! I have so much to tell you! And you can tell me all about yourself!"
This was too much for Ryo. He wasn't this social. Especially around teenage girls he hardly knew. He reluctantly and awkwardly pulled his hands back.
"Yeah...I guess..." he said lowly, trying not to look her in the face. It was then Steel entered the library again, carrying his own bag. Following him were three teenage boys, all looking about Kaira's age. One Ryo instantly recognized as Davis. He looked almost exactly like him and Leo, but with darker hair and brown eyes. He wore a white shirt with a leather jacket, black pants and brown boots. There was a blonde teenage boy Ryo thought was Taj. His hair was messy and he wore a long-sleeved blue shirt with jeans and boots. The third one Ryo didn't know. He had light brown hair that was tied back, with strands still hanging by his face. His pants were forest green and baggy and he had a white shirt. He must have been Jim, Caza's son. He didn't know Caza even had a son. All three had their own bags.
"Good, you're here," Steel said, seeing Kaira. "Where'd that Earth User go?"
"To get my damn cigarettes!" Kalon yelled, walking into the room, quickly followed by Dimi, who looked pleased with himself. "I would have been back faster if this dumbass hadn't been a dumb shit!"
"I just said you shouldn't smoke!" Dimi said, actually sounding concerned. "It'll kill you!"
"I wish you smoked!" Kalon yelled back, raising his gloved fists. Ryo knew the reason Kalon always wore those gloves was because of Dimi. Inside the leather of the gloves were built-in brass knuckles that he used against Dimi whenever he pissed him off.
Dimi took a step back. "Okay, I was just saying..."
Leo and Caza joined them shortly, all dressed in their normal clothing. Steel looked around and smiled. "So we're ready to go?" he said.
"Go where?" Davis asked.
"And if we're the people you need, how come all of our kids have to come too?" Kalon demanded, playing keep-away with his cigarettes and Dimi.
Steel's smile vanished, and he crossed his flesh and metal arms. "We need to travel North to find our sixth warrior. From there we can work on the seventh," he said solemnly. "The kids are only here in case I need replacements. I'll explain more after we get the other two warriors. I need the seven of you to help me defeat an enemy."
"The North?" Leo asked. "There's nothing North of here other than the Dead Lands."
"True," Steel said, turning to his red-eyed son. "But we're going past the Dead Lands to the North." Leo and Ryo both felt unholy chills. Past the Dead Lands to the North was an enormous mountain range. There was only one pass through the mountains. One place they could possibly be going.
"We're going to the House of Razada?!" Ryo asked, almost yelling. Everyone except Leo looked at him questioningly.
"The House of Razada? What's that?" Jim asked, looking between Steel and Ryo.
"It's where those two were born," Steel said quietly, looking at Ryo and Leo.
"But how? The Dead Lands are barely habitable," Kaira asked. She was the only female in the group. Ryo suddenly realized this, and felt uneasy.
"The Razada House is not in the Dead Lands," Steel said. "It's past the Dead Lands. The people of Hollow are narrow-minded. They're convinced there are no other lands not affected by the Great War. Past the Dead Lands, far to the North, are mountains." Steel took a knife from his sleeve, and began carving a map into the table. "This is Hollow," he said, making a blob that resembled the shape of the Hollow Empire. "This is the capital of Hollow, we're here." He made a dot on the far Northwestern corner of the blob.
"Surrounding the country in all directions is the Dead Lands. No one in Hollow history has ever traversed completely across it, so they assume the rest of the world is in this condition," Steel continued. Everyone stared at the map, examining it.
"Everyone knows that," Dimi commented.
"Dimi, you're too stupid to talk. Shut up," Kalon said.
"Far to the North, past the Dead Lands, are mountains," Steel continued, ignoring Dimi and Kalon's dispute. He drew upside Vs to signify mountains. They went from east to west across the map north of Hollow, with only one pass through the mountains directly north of the capital of Hollow. "This pass is the only was through the mountains. The poisons of the Great War never reached here. In this lone pass, between these mountains, is the Razada House. That's where we're going." He carved a dot between the only mountain pass.

Story Ideas?

So recently I've been thinking over my BAHD story (Blood of Angels, Heart of Demons, the story Ryo and most of my characters come from). I wrote it a long time ago, and the writing sucks since I've improved my writing skills since. XP

But even so, it's been suggested to me that I post it here anyways. Any thoughts about it? I would prefer someday going back and re-writing it first, but eh, I dunno when if ever that'll be.


If all else fails, maybe I'll just post some random clips to show my lameish skills as a writer XD
