be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
in ongoing time we ferget our selves
the things we did: the things we said
hoping never to return to those flaws that scared us
wishing to become what we couldint
speacking of untangeble goals; dreaming of unwakeable dreams
those close doors will never open
so we try to ferget that wich is unspoken
but fergeting was the flaw as one recalled and sung
as of nothing, became a word
wich echoed to from the concreat world
"Never ferget your self" it said
" your only demise is loosing those dreams you hold dear"
" your locks: destroyed. the doors shall open"
" dont close your eyes just keep fighting"
" and some day you will reach for what you were climing"
randome XD
im not very good at poem making so yah...
nothing has realy happend todya
here is my to do list
to-do list
i no real order
art trades/ closed
request/ closed
contest/dear me if i enter another contest i will not make any dead lines
i still have to make the secret santa for ++++++ XD not telling request
avrice's request 0%[is still in sketching phases
mewmew bday gifet0% [wow i need to get working but so tyered}
trinity light bday gift 0% sorry havent started that yet....
contest entrys
emotion contest 40% done
zelda comedy contest 0%
late contest entry to funination 0%
leona drawing for ikaki wariors gallery 0%
contest prizes
contest prizes : L for full mettal chease 60% done and
contest prize 2 for fulll metal cheaese 60% done
other rsr's prises 30%
dafeather's ed drawing 0%
.....................not telling what this is but it 0% done
so far.....
other things that are done
kie love lock 100%
shai'a randome pick 100%
randome gift for zero guaridan[2]
hrm...what else?
well idk...
* scraches head*
my brain hurts
if im missing anything please tell me!
guess i have no time to waste
a bunch of my freinds have filled this out so i felt compeled to fill it out...i had to read it and i know some of you will post this so eh revenge XD?
nah you dont HAVE TO read it but im not stoping you XD
gah i work today...my brother is playing metroid on the wii....wit his own comentery some of it is funy XD
well im going to TRY to get on chat i havent done that in a while
Name: kie [no last name [last name implies being born wich i wasent [answeres
that as charecter]]
Birthdate: october 30,1991[im oldXD [real bday]
Birthplace:i cant rember nor do i care
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color: Dark brown and a lighter brown that used to be gurgandy but now looks like a dark carmel
Righty or Lefty: righty...and proud
Zodiac Sign: scorpio!
Innie or Outtie: uuuh...inny
Male or Female: Female[or thats what i look like [charecter reply] but my other body looks mail[is realy femail]]
The shoes you wore today: none
Your eyes: light brown not hazel
Your fears: randome things that surprise me, zombie, beeing alone, realy nasty things...
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: your moma,your face[cause of my stupid brother]XD and lol on the comp
Your thoughts first waking up: cant i sleep some more,i dont wana go, gah, somethng defying the laws of phisicks better happen today [XD]
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair! height, face
Your best physical feature: errrmmmm...-.- im a very grown highschool girl [thats all ill say]
Your bedtime:i dont have a bed time though i think my limit is 12 on school nights over the sumer thoug i go nocturnal XD [but then again i work DX]
Your most missed memory: the only guy i loved
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: pepsy makes me thursty and coake is like drinking air ...so none[sprite XD]
McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds they have the best fries
Adidas or Nike: i dont realy care as long as they fit right[they could would sandals for all i care]
Chocolate or vanilla: i like choclet but not in icecream form
Cappuccino or coffee: coffie i dont think iv ever had cappuccino
-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: nope
Cuss: like a sailor sometimes and some times i dont at all some ppl get shocked when i do XD
Take a shower everyday: most of the time some times i get lasy over the sumer and skip a day....but then i feel nasty so i doXD
Do you think you've been in love?: yes once in middel school*sigh*
Want to go to college: i guess i need to do something productive...pluse hatchi wil kik my asss if i dont
Like high school: y not at all ^.^[its alright i guess]
Want to get married: some time in the futer i dont like beeing lonly and [and only to some one i love ] pluse...my mome wont be happy with me moving out till i do....
Type with your fingers on the right keys: most of the times but i have my stupid days
Believe in yourself: errrr....i dotn think about that much
Get motion sickness:no not that i know of
Think you're attractive: some what if i wanted to be
Think you're a health freak:i would think im the oposit[often takes helth for granted]
Get along with your parents: when we dont talk XD
Like thunderstorms: yes as long as the power doesent go out!
Play an instrument:i wish, i wana play the violin
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: unfortunately yess
Eaten sushi:i dont like it though i wish i did
Been on stage: nah
Been dumped: yes and no
Gone skating: wants too
Made homemade cookies: i dont cook!XD well not bake anyway
Been in love: no
Dyed your hair: wants too
Stolen anything: i think so...just to spight some one though [wasent something imoportant XD] i took some of my friends milk XD
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: Yes
Missed school because it was raining?: mabe once if it was rainging realy bad and i had no umbrella and no one to take me to school
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: errr i wish i had
Cried during a Movie?: the pokimon movie and 13-going on 30 [others i supresed]
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: um...duh ! XD
Had an imaginary friend:i dont know
Cut your own hair: Yes, it looked hilarious
Had crush on a teacher?:no that would be a tad useles and miserable thing to do !
Played a game that required removal of clothing?:eh? not that i know off >.>
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope.
Been called a tease: mabe once...[though i dont realy know what that means ]
Gotten beaten up:kinda
Been in a fight: these two guys from schoool tryed to sexsualy heras me once and rann off so i beet them up....
Shoplifted: Nope, things have more value when you buy them
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: when i feel its right?
Numbers and Names of Children: 0 and 0
How do you want to die?:never
What do you want to be when you grow up?: doesent exsist
What country would you most like to visit?: englend,italy,grease,japan
-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: hazel and blue[brown is good too XD]
Best hair color: doesent matter to me but iv been having a blond streack lately
Short or long hair: long for a boy, and spiky hait [sora XD]
Best height: tall
Best weight: Average
Best first date location: it depends ho much im in to a guy, like if i dont like him as much we might go to a movie, but if i like him more then we will go to eat XD
Best first kiss location: it dosent matter as long as their are no ppl waching >,>
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people I could trust with my life: idk
Number of CDs that I own: i dont realy know
Number of piercings:one on each eat i wana get another two on my ear
Number of tattoos: none but i wana get one on my neck XD[wow what a role model i am!][kinda like zero's]
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: zero so far but it will alot in the futer {headline: mass murder has struck again at the back of a beningins ]!!!
i kidd i kidd
Number of scars on my body: y would i count XD
Number of things in my past that I regret: i try to not count
Shampoo: i use hair and sholders i have no prefrences
Fav Color(s): dont realy have one but i gues yellow,gold, white,orange,red
Summer/Winter: Summer
Fave Cartoon Character: erm...kie?XD
Fave Food: hambugas
Fave Movies:i dont have one[not twilight *coff coff*]
Fave sport(s): i like tenis
Fave music/song:anything realy im not too big of a fan of contry though
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: jeans,shirt XD
Drinking: nothing?
Thinking about: erm...[taylor swift song i was lisening too]
Listening to: my brother talk about something?
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: nope
Worn jeans: i just said i was XD
Met someone new online: hm...did i?
Done laundry: i did that saterday
Drove a car: nah
Talked on the phone: nope
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: i guess
Your friends: Yes
Santa Claus: i belive in killing hime for sport?
Tooth Fairy: my parents we never good at phlaying it [sence we are mexican they have no idea what it was at the time]
Destiny/Fate: ofocres...and so many questions go with that
Angels: Yes[i have two]
Ghosts: their excistance could be here....but iv never witnessed anything like it
UFO's: its very likely
God: Yes, yes i often get suprised how defencive i get in my head when ppl tell me thy dont
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: my name is mine
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No
Do you like anyone?: a littel bit
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: hm...idk
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: hatchi
Are you close to any family member?: i guess a littel to my brothers
Who do you hang around the most?: none
What's the best feeling in the world?: the glowing fealing you get in your heart?
Worst Feeling?: Sadness
What time is it now?: 321! oh crap i need to go start drawing!
i have far from fergoten about this world!!!
i am just thinking of what to do next! like contest wise/competishan stuff XD
so while i am thinking i will post this vid XD
hope you like it is realy good XD
i submitted new art please look XD
other than that thats about it for right now ^.^