be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
i feel like im finaly ready to start geting on here more
ofcores there will be times that i cant get on [because of my a-hole brother]
but i will do my best to keep up with your updates when i am on
iv been geting in to alot animes and mangas
my anime news
like pandora hearts[wich i love!!! and wana cosplay the main character alice [my avitar]
i finished the manga for shugo chara though im shure i mentioned that before
i finished the first season of haruhi suzumiyah ...and i have to say its loosing steam...i dont think im going to watch the second season
im going to try to start reading ouran high seance i finished the anime ages ago....
ok the bad news
iv been in a drawing rut lately... iv been drawing things and there is just nothing that i have drawn that captured my eye...[ except this bloody pick i drew of yumi in black and white that i drew with my awesome inc pen]
so if any of you got any ideas to contribute and such i would be more than happy!!![kiks her imagination to wake up]
and the fact that im to lazy to color doesent help eather
this is a quiz that i took after i saw blue heart took it.
the character does fit me in a way XD
...i need to buy me some pastels or something for my back grounds
[other things: work has been fun, i hung out with hatchi,i love interpartysystem i just got in to there music a while back, still a youtube atic]
mood: good[hurray for good mood}
lisening to a cover for love story on youtube.
eating: just got done eating a hamburger form sonic
something? something else
im not exactly back but
lol i actualy have time to get on today!!! yay ^^
Lilium - Techno Remix ( Elfen Lied )
its prity cool after the first 44 seconds XD
so how are you guys doing today?
im acutaly fealing pretty good ^^
iv been on youtube alot i am so addicted to amvs!!!
oth3er than that iv been reading alot of mangas!!!!
elfin lied
i read all of elfin lied[iv seen all of the anime alread] and i loved the ending!!!! it made me cry but i loved it ^^!
it was a pervy manga at some points but i didnt care lol
shugo chara
then i watched shugo chara up to episode 94 but the rest are not out yet!!! grrrr so i just read the manga[and alot of the manga and the anime are in different order so i had to flip through alot of pages b4 i got to the right place] and i loved that " ending" too!!!!! dont read if you have not finished the manga ikuto goes away !!! noooooo but the cool thing about shugo chara is that its ongoing!!! so maybe we will get to see the shugo chara cast grow up in to there would be self's XP
then i started dears on manga fox[got an acount on manga fox so i could discuse things about shugo chara on there]
one of my friends was reading it too but when i looked at the last shugo chara page at the author [called peach pit?] i saw she did dears too!
so i read it! mwhahahahah
dears is a show much like chobits but with a alien charm.
it is a show about an alien race that we humans named dears that crashlanded on japan. and the dears are an alien race of slaves.
it is realy cut XD. and im going to watch the anime soon
other than that iv finaly kiked my self and started to work on my story againg. iv been working on it in the middel of summer but then lost the will cause i didnt like where it was going and im lazy
but i am geting to work on it and then hopefully i will get to work on ryukai as well....im probably going to end up renameing soulryuki and evertying
also for my ryukai manga i have been re-making pages[well iv only done that with one ...he heh]
well my tyeping is geting lazzy now so ill stop XD
i will get to your updates today!!!!!!!!!
listen if you want its just a song...it will give you something to entertain while you read..not that its that longXPedit:[after i was done wrighting post] it kinda got longer than expected i supose^^;
i know i haven't been on in a while, so i dont expect that many comments. Also on that note i apologies for not being around and commenting.gomenesai.[bleh misspelling].
well i havent posted in a while...alot of things have happend lately though nothing special.all my friends are eather on trips or i dont see them cause there is not that much contact between us
so iv been rather lonly
but also i am tyerd.mentally and physically.i sleep and rest and still im tyerd[fire fox is telling me that im spelling that wrong...but i docent give me the correct spelling so what ever!XD]. also i haven't been on here or around ppl because it seems that doing so will always set me up for failure and disappointment....
i hate being forgotten and left behind. and i thank those who have been my friend through all my time on here!. thank you for all your lovely comments
that fill the void in my soulXP, but realy thanks ^^ they make my day allot!
and im sorry to say that i might not start commenting or getting on this sight more often soon.i wish i had my own computer T.T.
i will try to log on every once in a while. though i cant promiss that i will get to your post, i will do my best to coment/hug and posibaly fave ur works so that you guys can get first pag dibs....[or something^.^;]lol
well untill next time otakuties!
i hate my self right now!
im so forgetful i cant go a day with out loosing anything!!!!
wensday i lost my camera that had my freinds sd card in it and she was going to get it back then and i miraculasly found it
that same day i lost my pack of color pencils and i found it in the most retarted place ever![after checking the most ovious places over and over btw the camera was INDISIDE my couch!] in the freazer! wtf?
but....BUT yesterday i lost my bag!!! that wouldint be such a huge loss except for the fact that i hass my debit/credit card in my wallet that is inside of my bag...and my id is in there...and a check...and 60 bucks!!!i found it today but the point is i had no clue where it was!!! [i some how left it in my moms room and i dont even remember going in there!!] i thought id left it at mcdonalds!!!
and yesterday i didnt go to sleep till like 4 so i had all night to stress about it and look 4 it while everyone was asleep...
why cant i be more responsible...and why does my own memory fail me? at first loosing things was owellish and kinda funny but now its just out of hand when i am loosing things that are important *cofffscolorpencilscoffs*
maybe there is something wrong with me....am i starting to get some kind of shorterm memory loss thing?idk atleast i still remeber some important stuff
im starting my own tag thing its very easy ^^
choose two OCs that you want,and pick a song that matches them,whether it be their story,theire personality o w/e
post a pick of the character,theire name, and a youtube vid of the song that fits them
3 every time you get tagged you have to choose two different OCs[lol]
like this
Forget to Remember -- Mudvayne
30 Seconds To Mars - From Yesterday (The Wish)
its odd cause the music video of this song fits him too
now who to tag:
rsrkingdomestars,innocent heart,imouto chan,and aragorn1014