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be anglious

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be belovid

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teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight

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the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight

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A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!

wrighters blooks

*shoots self*
yep im going to deleat most of my comic!
man the hardest parts of writhing a story has to be the introduction!!!!
some days before i was drawing a few new pages to my manga Soulryuki and i realised ...i hit a dead end!!!
not because of writers blocks,no.
but because my story lines have alot of due dates
like their are alot of things i have to cover in the first chapter to show a comprason and a change...and bye the second chapter it would be to late
[i have to cover yumi's human side because at the end of the chapter she is no longer human....]then their is the problem if the build up is too long!

and then i have to make my story make sense XD
i have to keep reminding my self that not every one has the background information that i do on my story !!!!
and last but not least i have to make sher my charecters personality's are being viewed in the way that they are ment too.

so im over here ramind my story in to a wall!!!!
* gets peice of paper and crumbels it *
this is y my comicks never get finished lol
tip: wright your whole manga[well like the whole novel for every novel] out before you draw it !!!you never know when you run it in to a dead end

today XD

i had so much fun today
i got to skip school with parental consent
and i got to watch twilight
witch sucked compared to the book big time
i wont spoil the movie but i will say two things
1 i hate Robert patison[sorry to thoughs who like him]
and 2 this movie had the record stare offs!!* falls asleep*
on a side note well yesterday at school i was making my friends make an account [they haven't yet but yah....]
i had aloft of fun regardless lol {ended up finding it funny]
we bot like 26 dolars worth of snacks!! and we sneacked it in lol with like realy big bags but no one seemed to care..
then whene the movie was over we whent to barns n nobles
and i boght vampire knight book 5[finaly]
and the gentelmen's alliance cross book 1[though i have alredy finished the seayrs i am collecting the books now]
and curque du freack book 9?
lol i dont keep track
i cant wait to read it and im hopeing to borow .hack// from my friend [the first game with kait]
also i am realy happy i reached level 85 in valkeri profile
aww the only thing that gets me down is knowing that im working tomorow..
but hey its going to be cold so cross my fingers!!!

have a good night!

world project

lol i havent excacaly been posting alot have i XD!
well ass my titel says im going to try to get more active with my words XD
iv just been so lasy lately XD
*falles asleep*
i have to update all of my worlds [except for the android contest XD]
...well mabe even that XD
i havent exacvaly been in a social mood lately ...so im trying to breake out of it [ i lost if for some days but it hit me realy hard today]

: to zero guardien !!! you got me in to tokyo hotel no i cant get their songs out of my head XD
* stops dorps and roles*
today was such a boring day....lol except for my teacher yelling at me to do my work[gave me an exxtra day ]
"iz going as fast as i can captin!!!"
lol im happy he cares!!
i dont intend to keep you guys long
so ther than that pleas check out the updates i did on my manga
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and please check out these things i recently submitted i worked realy hard on thease and i diding get as much things as i ushaly do ... not to sound ungreat full or anything
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I feel?.........

yesterday i was realy happy
i was playing tenis with this guy and i was owning him!!! lol

then this randome guy comes up to the tenis corts and my friend asks him " what are you doing here you dont even go to this school carsy"he chukels.
and i look up and the guy going in to the corts [the guy that was talking to him was my friend but not the one i was playing against]
and hes hot!!!!
lol he kinda looks asain but hes mexican [or some kind of latino lol] [witch kinda makes it better cause then i dont have to translte...ah feget it lol]
so i found something out about him
one hes awesome at tennis
two hes a pervert lol!
well after we got done playing we put all of out tenis suff up and went out side to for them to wait for their rides[and me to walk home ]
and i see my mom and she was looking for me !!!
so then i new right their that i was intruble!
blah blah blah blah
i told her the day before that i would be at tennis practive and she didnt care all she does is go on and off about how ppl should have no bissines beeing at shool after hours! and i try to reason with her ....but she doesent care
and then i feal so mentaly handy cap ...so verbaly cheated because my spanish sucks and she doesent know english!!!!!
so what could i do i felt like yelling at her in english not in a mean way because shes my mom but to reason with her...
but nothing can get through...
and then all i am able to tell her is that all she wants to do is control me and that im nothing but a caged bird to her and that my house is a cage!!!
because in reality to me it is !!!
and its more frustraiting cause its half true!!! not just something i come up with through my anger and frustraitons...
so im angry cause my mom doesent let me stay after school and she tells me that if i do for any AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITY witch every parent should be happy that theri kids are doing
that she is going to pick me up right at the end of class at the door of my class room
WTF !!! SHE TREETS ME LIKE A CRIMANAL!!! and it pisses me off!!!
and it makes it worse because iv actualy have felt pasionate about playing the game ...and i havent felt that way in fore ever!!!

she told me i could only stay two days a week but i still feel compleatly defeated cause even though all of that she is still compleatly.....
i hate it ...

"look at the moon, all the clowns are cucleing around it "

[talking to my brother
"did i just say clowns?"
brother "yah"
over the week end i found out that my 22 year old manager watches anime
witch is cool except for the fact that he is an ass[and im not the first to say that XD] so its like ....no i will not talk to you about anime!!!!
i found out cause i started talking to him in french over the drive though walkytalky/headset in french
and he was like what?
and then he says something in italian
and i say something i spanish
and then he says something in japanese
ok me beeing an anime watcher im like -w-
lol! your in my teratory now XD!
so im like urusai baka!
and he fliks me off ![knowing what i said]
lol so i told him i new more but i just didnt have any use for it at the moment and that i pick it off of watching anime shows and he askes if its anime and im like yah
and he was like OMG I WATHC THAT TOO!!!
....change of topic!
while i was wrighting this post [yesterday] the powere whent out!
and i was like aAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRggg!!!!!!!!
and then i was like 0.0
thats right i have fire fox and it saves it !!!<3
anyway i was reading the gentelmens aliance cross and i read it all the way till the ending!
dont wory i wont spoil anything on this post!
but it was such a beautifull ending !!!!!omg !!!
anyway i gota go now...i have tons of home work to do and no time to do it....