This is my idea of a tO world that copies Twitter
This is my mini-post world or whatever.
- Created By Sherr
It probably is just me, but has anyone ever felt "withdrawal" after finishing school?
Right now, I'm feeling a bit miserable without my classes.
Whenever I went to school, I'd feel more at ease there more than home.
Even if the studying was long and grueling, I feel like I need more information to keep me going.
I watched about 3+ movies today and took notes on this A&P review book.
I feel like a mess. I want to go back there..
I really miss my classmates too.. I'll most likely text them or something later on.
Maybe my new high is constant knowledge on a "university-based" level..?
What the heck just happened?
Well, I just woke up from one of the most straining naps/dreams ever.
I wished I could know what exactly was going on with my body during this, but wow.. I gotta admit it was kinda trippy.
Well, I always have these bursts of tiredness. I got it today probably because I worked for the whole weekend.. jogged yesterday after work.. and I woke up today at 6.
So I fell asleep. I was on this computer that I felt like was MY computer even though it looked nothing like it. It had all my data on it, but all of a sudden my friend, Bartan, decided to mess everything up on it.
For some reason, I felt inclined to sleep over his place. I also wanted to say hello to his sister, who I know from work, but I felt too tired there. So I went to sleep in a purple sleeping bag. After a few seconds, I heard her friend, Jess, right outside of my bag. I could've gotten up to say hello, but I wanted to just remain sleeping.
I felt so tired that I couldn't do anything.. until I heard dogs. So I turned my head and there was a long dog parade passing by right next to my sleeping bag. Perplexed, I decided to look further at who's devising this dog parade, but then I abruptly "woke up."
I was still dreaming at this point. It felt like I was exactly on the same spot on my bed that I was sleeping on, but I saw a cockroach fly out randomly on a string. I didn't see it, but I knew that it had to crawl on my bed and on me at some point..
Well, my natural inclination would be to get the hell outta there! Nope.. my eyes were wide open, but my arms and legs wouldn't move a single inch. My mind was falling in and out of sleep, but at the same time, wanted to run away. I couldn't and I was trapped in that somewhat fetal position waiting for that cockroach to crawl on me.
I eventually moved and I woke up in the same position. There was no cockroach at all.. : I'm inclined to have an "analyst" examine my dream and correlate it with my thoughts in real life. I've been having a ton of dreams with huge bugs and cockroaches just recently.
Ze Band is Here
Right now, I am soo inclined to buy this entire set.. for NO reason.
I like K-On!(!). I personally don't think it's that great of a series..
But for some reason, I want to get the entire set.
It's going to cost me at least 2+ weekends of work, but eh.
I already pre-ordered Mio and Yui. I really want to get Tsumugi as the third..
But if I get Mugi, then Asuza and Ritsu are left..
And that's only TWO left out of the entire band!
Gah. Money money money.
In the end, the whole set is going to cost me around 200+ USD.
Vent 01
I hate people who put down others just to make themselves feel better or "superior."
I'm pointing at this one guy at work. Sure, we have a few friendly laughs here and there, but he said something disrespectful to me before I left work today..
That really pissed me off and bothered me.
Although he was true, but why would you even say that in the first place?
You don't go to someone who looks overweight and tell him, "Oh, you're obese!"
Or you don't go to an anorexic person and say, "You're an anorexic."
My natural reaction is to simply let it go, but the guy is about 15+ years older than me.. (I wouldn't mind getting him in a headlock and knocking him out though)
And he even has kids. That's the messed up part about it.
You'd think that an adult would be mature already, but nope. Not this guy.
It's funny. There are adults out there who believe that just because they have "age and experience," their point of view is automatically correct.
Some adults never learn. They're just stupid children in old bodies w/ more "privileges" than before.
I'm just gonna ignore him. I'll report him to our boss next time the he's hostile with me.
Thoughts 02
Here's another thoughts section. This has been reoccurring in my head for close to two months now.
Over my past lifetime, I feel like I've done so much and I've learned so many new things. I have skills and capabilities of doing things not many people can do, such as:
Playing instruments (I can play drums, keyboard, bass, and guitar)
Cleaning and fixing computers software-wise.
Typing precise and organized notes (My WPM is 100+).
Creating decent art and video using Adobe Creative Suite.
Maintaining a 3.45 GPA (Average, but not bad).
Have an expanding knowledge in health (I'm subscribed to close to 10+ health-related websites via RSS).
Get complements from peers and professors on my college paper writing.
Have really good hand-eye coordination.
I feel like I'm versatile in a good number of aspects, but ultimately..
I feel like I deserve something...
Something I want or need....
You can call this a very messed up mentality, but hear me out. I'm sure you've felt the same way during some event in your life. You felt like you've done so much and you believe you deserve something at least.
I know that there are people who do so much, yet expect nothing in return. I want to be strong like those people. My current way of thinking is do so much and get a lot in return.
Maybe this is all in my head. Maybe our positive actions do ultimately affect others. Perhaps I'm receiving something indirectly?
The main thing I'm trying to learn is to lower my expectations. Doing all of these things only to receive something specific from another party doesn't sound fun.
Maybe we do receive something unexpectedly different in the long run.. Hmm, this is starting to feel like a very open topic.
If you have anything that's thought provoking about this topic that you want to add, please do.