This is my idea of a tO world that copies Twitter
This is my mini-post world or whatever.

An Actual Tweet

Hey guys. Even though I've promised myself that I wouldn't get an iPhone, I've succumbed to the world of high tech gadgetry.

Yesterday, I went to that Verizon store on that highway and got myself a Motorola Droid. I'm typing to you all through my Droid this very moment. There was a lesser model Droid, but it didn't have a built in keyboard (I really hate touchscreen keyboards).

Other than the $30 monthly fee and the $149.99 upfront (I'm including the warranty), the Droid is one hell of a smartphone. I love Twitter, Pandora, and YouTube on this. I love this phone because I'm connected wherever I go.

Besides, its an amazing upgrade from my two something year old Razr.
