My Week in Anime #36

It seems kind of ridiculous to say this, but I am actually still catching up on some series, despite how much I watched this past week. There is just that much anime to watch. Not that I am complaining at all. Anime discussed: Aoi Hana...

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Escaflowne spoilers:

WHY IS ISAAC FUCKING NEWTON RUNNING AN EMPIRE ON GAEA AND CHANGING FATE SERIOUSLY WTF. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME. I think the director and lead writer hung out with Tony Montana for a couple of days and took a nosedive into his coke stash when he wasn't looking. Guess I got what I wanted when I asked for insane twists instead of inane romance. Would have been nice to not sit through over 9000 hours of info dumping though. SERIOUSLY ISAAC NEWTON WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS.


Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter visit Bang Zoom.

Funniest part is Conan encountering an androgynous character and saying, "That's a girl! I would jump that!" Hahahahaha.

My Week in Anime #35

My few days in Vegas makes this week a bit shorter than usual, but I'll make up for that next week, since I have a ton of series to catch up with. Yikes. Anime discussed: Axis Powers Hetalia, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood...

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lol back

So, I had a good time in Vegas. Ended up about $10 down from what I originally bought for gambling, which isn't so bad, I guess. Knowing when to get out (about $10 too late, but still) helped out a bit, haha. Mostly I played at the slot machines, ...

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