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About CD jackets...

I like beautiful photographs with a little poison in them. Because I have always liked album jackets, when I’m listening to a CD, I like to think about visually comparing the music with the jacket, too. I like to think about things like “why was this kind of jacket chosen?”. But there are also many times when you are deceived by the looks of a jacket (laugh). “Why on earth does this CD have that kind of jacket?”, things like that. Because things like these happen, too, shouldn’t I say that a jacket is better when it is different from the songs on the CD? When a jacket and the music are mixed, I want to make it into something which you can listen to even better. This is why there certainly won’t be any portraits of the band in the GazettE’s jackets. These are my pure emotions! (laugh). I always wonder what I would think if I was someone who bought the CD. We are able to create interesting things, but we also have to choose a cameraman, and because several people are involved in the making, many problems arise, too. And for the shooting we also have to create various original things. This is a time where CDs don’t sell, right (laugh). But it’s a very important point.”
-- Ruki [CD&DL Data January 2011]

source: namelessliberty, Tumblr
