Hello, there. My name (or names) is(or are)

Or,just simply, Sensei Ryuu.
So yeah, I joined the community here at theOtaku back in 2007 and havent been able to stop since.
I try to update frequently, but unfortunately there are unentertaining dry areas in my life, so taht happens...
But yeah, I was introduced to manga by my cousin and my favorites are...

Samurai Champloo
One Piece
Death Note

Though I still like manga alot Im slowly drifting towards photorealism more and more, so my portfolio is a bit of a mix.
Music is great.
I play guitar, and I adore Jack White. But not in a gay way.
And if you havent caught on yet, I am a boy.
Colplay and the Killers also rock.
I like alot of other bands but I wont go into it.

Be kind dont diss on me and comment or I'll sick a something horrible on you...and it wont be pleasant...

ALSO--Background credits go to somegirl.


One Piece and Such.

Today Im gonna talk about...
Not much.
Just sayin that my first electric guitar lesson is today so wish me luck!
Also, I read the first four volumes of One Piece, and I'm kinda indecisive whether I like it or not. Anybody got any reassurance whether I should continue the series or not?

Well, thats that....

Blood on top of Sickness


Sorry, I needed to get that out because my health life has been marauded and bashed to little pieces in the past four days and let me say why...

Ahem, well.
Tuesday night I knew I was coming down with something cuz I felt incredibly weak and so the next day I sure enough had a bad cold and stayed home from school. On wednesday afternoon my Mom and Sister left for Ireland.
Thursday morning the incredible chaos started.
During my sleep on wed. night I had had two minor bloody noses. I didnt think much of them cuz bloody noses happen alot to me.
when I woke up at six o clock I had an incredibly bad bloody nose which lasted an hour and a half. Then it finally stopped and I was fine the rest of the day.
That night, at around 8:40 the bloody nose started again. It was a very bad one and I dont know how much blood I lost. My dad was afraid I might go into shock from loss of so much blood and also I was starting to choke on my own blood and I was coughing it up and it was an awful situation. So he took me to the ER. We had to pull over a few times so I could hack up blood in the snow.
When we finally get there they ask me a whole slew of questions which I really couldnt answer to the best of my ability cuz I was so weak. and then they put me on an IV...and when they put it in it hurt a whole helluva ton.
Then I began to get thirsty and I could barely talk cuz my throat was so dry from being unable to breath through my nose.
So that was bad. And Im still not done. They they dissappeared for a couple of hours, they were doing blood tests, and when they came back they out this pack in my nose. It was basicially this stick that gets really soft, absorbent, and really annoying.
Then said I had to have it taken out by doctors on SUNDAY. (today) And that was a long time to have a big annoying tissue in yout nose. But, last night I woke up in the middle of the night to blow my nose or something and it fell out, and I was fine.
So I didnt have to go the hospital this morning and now I just have a moderate cough.
But that all SUCKED.
And, btw, I am workiing on some actual projects instead of just character designs and I would have them finshed by now but with the sickness and all it's difficult.
sorry about the long post.



Title: Eh, I was gonna call it "Birthday" but then I thought "real orginal, pasq".
So hence originality.
Anyways, yesterday my school had this Euchre tournament which I volunteered at.
Basicially I ra aaround bugging people if they wanted a refill on anything.
But it was okay because all mis amigos were there, and from there we proceeded to the aggravatingly inactive IvoryDragon's house for his birthday.
So then we stayed up till 3:30 watching School of Rock (epic movie) and had extremely uncomfortable sleeping conditions involving scratchy blankets and rolled up sheets for pillows.
But this morning we were gonna go to this uberly beastly gaming place where epicness reigns and such.
BUt we were informed that the place had been closed for weeks.
So we went and played laser tag and amusingly entertaining racing games...

So thats my life, hows yours?



So, yeah.
Today my school had a "Wacky Dress Down Day"
My favorite day of the year, except for the last one....
This year, I wore these creepy sunglasses which have orange-ish green lenses and they make your eyes look really eerie and hypnotical...
And a cardboard box and a christmas stocking and mismatched shoes...
So yeah.
every year I've gone crazy on this day because there is always one winner from the whole school...
ANd I've never won.
This year it was different because they just chose two ppl from each class and then they won...
So there was no ONE winner...
BUt yeah, I was chosen and I got a dress down pass...
Which I just lost.
Well, tommorow is "comfy" day and we get to wear sweats and slippers and bring a pillow and a blanket!
Which rocks beyond belief!
So thats gonna be good...
I did a second version of Daniel, so I'll probly post that...
And I got an idea for another character, Anita's egomaniacal ex-boyfriend, and a creepy doctor who thinks he can give Daniel a soul...
So thats also gonna be good...


And He Returns

I am back. I got in at about 10;30 last night and practicially fell over cuz I was so tired.
That morning I had gone to the Smithsonian and met up with one of my friends who was also at the March.
So yeah. Im at the library right now and the Teen section has been completetly renovated so Im kinda confused but tbney added all these rteally fast computers so this is kinda awesome.
And I also drew some char desifgns whicvh I actually like for once.
I'll post them later today maybe.
Bye everyone.