Welcome to my world. I'm a interactive designer working in the Seattle area. I love anime and have been an anime artist for about 4 years now. I love meeting new people and commenting on work. I also love receiving comments and criticism too. I want to be a better artist and The Otaku is the place to do that.

The Aki Con Disaster Podcast

Hey everyone!

Oh man I don't know what it is but I am loving podcasting! It's been so much fun! As many of you know Aki-Con was a bit of a disaster for Hypergate Studios but one gem that did come from the con was our podcast. We recorded our thoughts on the con live from the hotel bar on the second night. Now maybe its because I was in it and its always fun to hear your own voice but I loved it. This episode was so much better than I our first one. We clearly learned a lot from our previous podcast. I would love to hear your thoughts on it, I am on one knee, begging you guys to take a listen, maybe while you are at work and want some background noise. We are having such a fun time and seriously want to know what you guys think. Check out the new podcast at http://www.hgscomics.com. All the details of the train wreck that was Aki-Con are stored in this gem of a second episode, "What are we doing here - Episode 2 - Where the hell are we".


Conventions Back to Back in April

Hey everyone!

I'm a relatively new artist when it comes to the convention season but as I understand it, Convention Season is upon us. For those of you who don't know (which can't be many I talk about it all the time), I am a partner in a company called Hypergate Studios. HGS (Hypergate Studios) publishes a comic book called Artemis that has been my love, my pain, and my brain child since about eight months ago. We are launching our second issue this month and will be at two conventions! I'll be at both Sakura Con
and The Emerald City Comic Con representing HGS.

On a personal note:

I'll be in artist alley for both conventions. You can come up and say hi if you like. I'm selling a lot of prints from my gallery below as well as doing DIGITAL COMMMISION WORK right there in front of your eyes and at a discounted rate! Thats right, I am going to take 2-3 commissions at each convention and create the work digitally. We will have a monitor set up facing the crowd so you can watch as I work! Commissions will be on a first come first serve basis. We can print or email the final work when its done, I'll work that out with the client at the con. So if you've ever wanted me to draw something for you this is a great chance at a discounted rate or if you've ever wanted a print of any of my work (That Sexy Hinata Picture) its an awesome opportunity to pick some up!

On a professional note:

I'll be at these cons with my partners and we will be selling HGS works too. Posters of Artemis, comicbooks, signatures you name it. At Sakura Con we might even be giving a panel on photoshop and comic books. Look for Photoshop and Comics 101 in the Sakura Con Schedule. One of the benefits of having our power set up at the con too is that we should be able to answer photoshop questions for you too if you want to swing by the booth and ask us.

Whatever your reason for coming out we are very excited to be at these two cons and look forward to meeting new people! Hope to see you there!

~The Space Cowboy

Sakura Con and Emerald City Comic Con

Hi everyone!

Sorry its been a while since I've updated my journal but I suppose that everyone starts like that. So moving on. I want to announce that I will be appearing at both Sakura Con (in Seattle April 10-12, Washington State Convention Center) and the Emerald City Comic-Con (Seattle April 4-5, Also at the Washington State Convention Center). I'm very excited and grateful that I get to participate in these extraordinary Conventions as an Artist in the coveted Artist Alley.

At the conventions, you can expect to meet me in person and the staff of Hypergate Studios, the business that publishes all my work. We will be offering prints of content found on this site not available in the print shop as well as issues of Artemis. Also we will be debuting the sequel to Cowboy Bebop, Bebop Redemption, a fan produced graphic novel/manga at Sakura Con! This will be for sale for the first time at Sakura Con, so don't forget to stop by our table in Artist Alley.

For more information feel free to contact me here or via email at Eric.Johnston@space-cowboy.tv.

Lets make a change

Sorry, on second thought I am going to re-write this and come back. I want to better explain my thoughts.


AHHHHHHHHH a Cowboy Bebop Live action movie. I am so excited!!!! Click the link below for more information!

Cowboy Bebop Live Action Movie