Welcome to my world. I'm a interactive designer working in the Seattle area. I love anime and have been an anime artist for about 4 years now. I love meeting new people and commenting on work. I also love receiving comments and criticism too. I want to be a better artist and The Otaku is the place to do that.

Hypergate Studios.com

Hi everyone!

I am really excited to share with you one of the major projects I've been apart of for a long while now. Hypergate Studios is a company that I founded with a few others. We have had quite a few different projects over the years like Bebop Redemption and AMV production and even Artemis. But now all of our projects and mechandise are located in a single website.

Hypergate Studios is a web design/comicbook production company based in the Seattle area. We publish local artists and writers and promote their work on a world scale. On top of that we offer small and medium businesses the opportunity to work with professional designers at a small studio prices to get the best websites on the web.

Hypergate Studios.com will be my online store and the best way to get in touch with me. I am now starting to take commission work. If you like my style and want me to draw something of your own, Hypergate Studios is where you'll want to go.

The site is completely brand new and features never-before-seen artwork right out of the pages of Artemis.

So please if you have time, check out our new site! You'll be able to get your issue of Artemis, keep track of Artemis updates, watch our progress on Bebop Redemption and hire us for commission based artwork. There is even a page about joining us at Hypergate Studios.

Thanks a bunch for all your support of the years.

Hypergate Studios

PS. I would love to hear comments on the new site too, just like any of my fan art submissions.

Sakura Con and Emerald City Comic Con

Hi everyone!

Sorry its been a while since I've updated my journal but I suppose that everyone starts like that. So moving on. I want to announce that I will be appearing at both Sakura Con (in Seattle April 10-12, Washington State Convention Center) and the Emerald City Comic-Con (Seattle April 4-5, Also at the Washington State Convention Center). I'm very excited and grateful that I get to participate in these extraordinary Conventions as an Artist in the coveted Artist Alley.

At the conventions, you can expect to meet me in person and the staff of Hypergate Studios, the business that publishes all my work. We will be offering prints of content found on this site not available in the print shop as well as issues of Artemis. Also we will be debuting the sequel to Cowboy Bebop, Bebop Redemption, a fan produced graphic novel/manga at Sakura Con! This will be for sale for the first time at Sakura Con, so don't forget to stop by our table in Artist Alley.

For more information feel free to contact me here or via email at Eric.Johnston@space-cowboy.tv.


Hey everyone, I'm three weeks away from GRADUATION!!!! I'm going to be a real person soon, lol, not a student but a college grad. Of course this doesn't mean my work load has gotten any less crazy. Right now I've started a huge project. I want to make my own Comic/Manga Hybrid. I have plans, big plans. For now I'm not going to reveal much but I want to share with you all my newest work. Click below.
