Wish Me Luck....

So yeah...have I ever told you guys that I am a Grade-A procrastinator?? Well now everything is starting to finally catch up with me. I take online core classes on this site called "E2020"...

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Dear School...

Dear School,

I really wish that you would just LEAVE ME THE HECK ALONE!!
I see you 5 days a week, and sometimes you're all that I think about on my days off. But that doesn't mean that I want to be with you ALL OF THE TIME! You are starting to take a lot of my personal time away from me and...I think that I need a break... But I already know that you are going to be there when I am on Spring Break in a few weeks...
Even when I graduate...I will just have to deal with your big brother named COLLEGE Dx

I honestly just want to keep our relationship professional...so why don't you understand that??? You make me want to...like hurt you...if you were an actual person I think I would kick you in the face. >:D

So...would you kindly refrain from bothering me for a while? Even if it's just for a day that would be great. I don't want to start a fight with you, so let's just stay out of each others way.

Yours Truly,

~CrimzonN3k0 z~

Tell Homework I said F*#% off t(=.=t)...I mean "Hi"



the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention

Yes, Yes ~ You are looking at a GRADE A Procrastinator here <3
I have an assignment that I should be doing right now...thats due tomorrow,,in fact I have at least 2weeks to do it ~ but whenever I try to do something early...It comes out...lame or not to my liking XD
So what do I do???
I wait all the way until the night before and B.S. (Bologna Sandwhich)(It really means bull-sh*t) something and it comes our looking AMAZING!!

Now then..I guess I should get started on my work...or later...
(Dont be like me kids >.<)
Well then...hehe bye..off to do my homework XD

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Cuz I dont wanna end up like this...

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School week 1 FAIL

Well my first week of school has just past by and Im really wishing I just skipped that entire week. The freshmen are all short...and Im 5feet 2inches so theyreall like 4ft DX. My classes are lame, walking to school is tiresome. Waking up early sucks. And overall I just really hate school. I havent been able to update my worlds as much as Id like, I noticed my world "Dance Dance Random Nation has reached over 1,000 views, so I will thank everyone later. School is really screwing me over DX
Oh yeah, and the thing I hate the most...HOMEWORK...I need to get a job and...blah something with little work but BIG pay

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