Oh Hey, there!

It's been a while eh? Well forgive me. I am currently in the process of moving into another apartment. ((Soon I will be moving out on my own, but not today TT^TT)) But yeah...this post isn't going to be really long....

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Blech, absolute Bleh

Things have gotten so busy as of late =_="
I can hardly ever keep up and sometimes I wonder
All of the important stuff like school, and studying, and...other junk I dont care about is really cutting into my personal time!!
I mean I have all of these ideas and stuff that I really want to do ~ But 0-time for it...minus when Im going to bed..but im suppose to sleep then...bleh I need another me ~ there will be me the real me who gets to do a ton of things that can help me in the future...like get famous QUICK XD lolx
and then there is Yes-man me the one who does all of the things I dont like lolx
kind of like havin my own unpaid intern XD

School week 1 FAIL

Well my first week of school has just past by and Im really wishing I just skipped that entire week. The freshmen are all short...and Im 5feet 2inches so theyreall like 4ft DX. My classes are lame, walking to school is tiresome. Waking up early sucks. And overall I just really hate school. I havent been able to update my worlds as much as Id like, I noticed my world "Dance Dance Random Nation has reached over 1,000 views, so I will thank everyone later. School is really screwing me over DX
Oh yeah, and the thing I hate the most...HOMEWORK...I need to get a job and...blah something with little work but BIG pay

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