Okay, I'm the type of person that doesn't really take stock or indulge in "rallies" of any kind. I just like to think positive about the situation and not be apart of a big force trying to stop whatever negativity have caused the fraud in the first place. But this really turned my stomach when I read it.
I literally can't come up with anything to really say right now but I did said this when I rebloged the picture in tumblr.
" Dear person who wrote this: You obviously have no clue how the world "really works". Step out the box that society have put you in and take a good look at how beauty, wisdom, and grace comes in all shape and sizes."
The thing I'm trying to get at is that no one should be looked upon "less desirable" in any way because of their weight or any type of "flaw" that we perceive they have. We all done it (myself included) because we are not perfect, so I don't want to make anyone feel bad out there for that fact, but this is my aspiration for myself and the human race.
"Don't judge from how the skin fits the person, but how the heart fits one's personality"
Stop kicking each others asses because a person's nose is shaped a little different, or someone's hips are a little wider. There is no point in fighting over differences because we always are going to be different from everyone else in some way. Embrace it, love it, and celebrate it.
Stop taking stock in what society shows you as truth, its not. Write your own truth, go out there and see what your jaded beliefs are showing you and strive for a different outlook on life. Don't let one bad experience write the rest of your life. Everyone is different, there are people out there that do care and do have hearts as big as Texas, you just have to find them but most importantly OPEN YOUR HEART TO IT.
Its things like what was said in the "Disney confession" that really pisses me off and is the reason why so many of us are truly divided in this world not just as people but even in ourselves.
If we don't have what we think makes us beautiful, successful, talented or wanted, we brand ourselves as failures and non-contributors to our world. Everyone has something good to say and give to the world. We all are beautiful in our own right because beauty come in all forms, not just physical appearance. If you feel bad about yourself don't be because nothing in this world can truly take away your power and wisdom. You just have to tell yourself that you are beautiful, successful, and desirable in this world and you truly bring joy to others. And if someone has a problem with that or the way you look tell them to FUCK OFF and sort out their own issues.
I'm 5'4' and 150 pounds and I'm damn proud of how I look, what I'm doing, and what I'm striving for and personally, I would LOVE to see a fat, chubby, overweight, curvy, obese, and plump Disney princess. Show the next generation that there is nothing wrong with having dare I say "fat" on you.
And with that said I want to add that there is nothing wrong with taking care of ourselves even if that means losing weight. But saying an overweight Disney princess would make a bad role model is beyond ridiculous.
Love your body no matter how it looks or what anyone has to say about it and for god sakes don't judge a book by its cover.
The fucking end.