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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Why is my life a soap opera these days?

So, today was interesting….

I went to my old school ITT Tech right, so my sister’s boyfriend can print out posters right.

While we was leaving out I saw my old class mate and oh that fate is a bitch because I saw my EX. YEAH THAT MOTHER TRUCKER.

My sister and her boyfriend and I all said “hi” to the old class mate and I saw him turn his head and look at us and turn back to the computer. So I was chatting it up with my old class mate a bit and was debating if I should say anything to my ex. The bastard was acting like I didn’t just come in the room so then after a few minutes I went up right to him and said “what’s up?”

In all seriousness when he looked up at me I saw a completely defeated person. All I saw was shame in his eyes. He didn’t even look up at me at first and he had his hoodie up. My old class mate actually pulled it down and that’s when he finally looked up at me. I saw shame in him, like his whole world is coming down. I’m not sure if it was because I showed up but I never saw him like that in my life. So yeah we exchanged words, I asked him how he was doing since the last time I saw him he looked stressed. He said he was doing fine and things are getting better. I assume things can’t get that better the way his aura was especially after he ditched me. : Then I said as "as long as you’re alive" and continued talking to my old class mate (I did it kinda coldly). When I said my good byes my ex said to take care of myself, he sound like he cared when I’m not sure why (goes through a huge list of whys). I’m glad to see he’s alive but holy shit what are the odds of that? Then to see him like the way he was, just damn. I wanted to be a total dick and say something about what happened but as always I take the polite non-dick route and avoid that all together. He did say “its been a long time hasn’t it?” when he first looked at me. I should have said “uh NO it was only March when you disappeared and act like I didn’t exist anymore, what’s up with that shit?” which is like 6 months. But whatever, I hope for the best for him since he lost the best already or at least went about the wrong way.

And remember my best friend Brandon that had a crush on me when I hooked up with HIS BEST FRIEND/MY EX? We’re even closer now then ever he’s always there for me even when I was going shit in March. He’s such a good friend I wouldn’t trade him for anything in this world. If I remember my ex haven’t made contact with Brandon since March as well. So weird how small this world really is, and how unfinished business always catches up to you in some way.

So yeah that’s was that. Then not even an hour of being home the neighbor kicked up more shit and my mom, sister, and neighbor was going at it. My mom was super upset too cussing and yelling. Me and everyone was trying to tell her to calm and to not let the neighbor upset her but my mom is stubborn and kept yelling. Then my mom and dad were at it. UGH…

Can anything go smoothly these days?

So yeah that’s been my day and I’m still doing the meme but I wanted to update about this.

Take care!
