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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

new computer+updates

Hey all!

It’s been longer then usual since I last posted. I think Thanksgiving and that was like 2 weeks ago.

To start off I’ve been working on my calendar picture for some time now and I’m making GREAT PROGESS. I should be done way sooner then I thought. Today I started the night sky/starry sky and it looks EPIC. It was my first time making a spacey nebula, milky way-ish sky and it looks really good. Of course I looked up some tuts but I never followed any of them. The only good one wasn’t even “step by step” but more techniques and I didn’t even bother with that. I decided to learn as I go and have fun with it and it paid off. YOU KNOW UNTILL I TRIED TO SAVE AND SAI WANTED TO FREEZE UP ON ME AND SHIT.

Luckily, it saved and I decided to leave it alone for a few hours. I took a nap and came back to it for the same crap. So I thought getting rid of everything but the sky and stars (since the file is huge) would help but it didn’t do much. But I mange to add a few more colors and save it (taking it like forever because it likes to freeze) and I just do the fire works on another canvas. As well as adding the more epic stars in the sky picture. After that I have to make adjustments to the picture and add more lighting and shading then I’m done. So yeah, up to this point it’s been easy as in I can save it without a problem but now it’s a lot trickier. So I have to break the picture apart and put them together. : But yeah besides all that, its going fine…

ON A MUCH MUCH LIGHTER NOTE I’M GETTING A NEW COMPUTER. Like brand new which I’m SO happy because for about 2 or so years this computer have been making a super loud crazy noise. It does that when I’m doing something uber but its gotten REALLY BAD. Like I can’t play any flash games, I can barely watch any videos, and I had to stop cging in photoshop because of it. The main reason I even got so in depth in sai in the first place besides doing line art. Every time I wanted to blend in photoshop it would get super laggy and a complete mess. I forgot to mention that my sister just got a brand new laptop so my computer is completely mine. So now I don’t have to monitor all the crap that’s on it and stuff. (plus more space for yaoi HAR HAR HAR)

It’s super late and I’ve been side tracked for hours because of egoraptor’s livesteam so I’ll end it here.

I’ll post a wip next time so be on the look out for that. See ya later!


I’m going to be participating in the Manga Bullet’s Calendar project. The calendars will be sold ALL AROUND THE WORLD and will go to the web site’s maintenance. This is the first time I ever been in a project like this. I’m just speechless that I’m going to be doing this, especially along side some of manga bullet’s most talented and nicest artist I know.

Hanel, the one who had the idea and the one setting it all up threw the concept out there. She asked if any artists would be interested. I was really skeptical at first since I never did anything like this, plus the usual self doubt started to set in. But a bigger part of me was totally confidant and knew that this was a piece of cake so I hopped in there like a rabid dog. I’m so glad I did, I really loved the idea especially being a part of a special project for Manga Bullet. The site is great and I love the artists there. It’s such a warm and special place. I can just go around comment on everyone’s art or journal posts with complete ease and I get a lot of nice replies back! Something I can’t really do everywhere I go. XD

But getting back to the project itself, I got the month of JULY. I totally got the fun month of the year. It’s so much I can do with it (besides the 4th of July). THROW ME SOME IDEAS GUYS. The dead line is a solid month away and we get to work on a HUGE CANVAS. 3375x2354 to be exact, that’s the biggest canvas I ever worked in but I’m so eager about the picture.

I AM SUPER EXCITED… I’ll start this week once I get the perfect idea. *U*
