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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

New pictures!

Hey guys!

With my days off I finally had time to submit some art! Even though I’m finally being creative like I want too, I feel completely frustrated with life. I feel like even with the few days off I have, I really don’t have time to do the things I really want to do. Hopefully this feeling will pass soon. (yeah, I know I keep saying the same nonsense over and over again)

In much better news, I did upload some pictures and some really good ones that I’m very proud of. Please take a look at them and give them some love!

Mew Whipped cream <

Macaroon Lolita <

New year's resolutions and deco pieces!

Okay this post will be the continuation of my holiday update post. I said I was going to list all of mine resolutions for 2010.

Art resolutions

• Work in flash and learn animation
• Work in illustrator
• Work in 3ds max
• Develop a more cleaner, fresher, and professional style
• Work in after affects
• Work in dream weaver
• Start shading with pencils again
• Start working with REAL backgrounds and sceneries
• Learn copic markers and keep up with my colored pencils
• Learn different mediums and style and keep trying new things
• Practice on manga paneling and such
• Practice with my clay deco-den
• Start sewing and even make a hat for myself

Career resolutions

• Make a professional portfolio that I can show employers
• Make a web portfolio
• Make a blog for my professional works
• Put myself out there and self market myself

Business resolutions

• Actually start selling my clay creations and art
• Start commissions
• Sell at least $200 worth of stuff this year
• Market my shop

Social resolutions

• Make new friends on and off the net
• Draw gift art for all my friends
• Sign peoples guest books more and comment on peoples works that I don’t know
• Keep up with my friends more. Start PMing people and just showing people that I’m there for them
• Be more active on all the sites that I’m on.
• Get an account on “twiter me” or whatever its called XD
• Chat with my friends online (does anyone know any good ones?)

Okay, that’s JUST about it. Man, I knew I had lots of resolutions but sheesh! You’re more then welcome to skip that part. I don’t want to bore people with the things I been wanted to do for the last few years anyway haha!

Moving on… ^__^

Here’s my pride and joy! My heart shaped and regular macaroons, cookies, and ice cream scoops. I think I worked a few hours all together getting them done. Its so much fun too, I feel so alive! These will be using this batch to decorate something; I should try to get some jewelry boxes and some picture frames to decorate on. I still have a lot of things to make like crapes, cakes, strawberries and etc. I also want to make some for jewelry/charm purposes. I’ve been surfing the net and found LOADS of deco-den sites. All of them are Japanese but they provide so much inspiration! I think my favorite is “Dolce Deco”, her stuff is amazing and now I claimed her as my deco den idol. XD

If anyone wants some links to the sites I’ll be more then happy to give them to you. Just remember to translate the sites to make it easier for you to navigate through.

Hoilday pictures!

Okay so here’s the first batch of my holiday pictures! These are some of the first pictures I took with my camera. I swear this is best camera ever. The auto and easy mode really take awesome pictures and you don’t even have to do anything. Just point and click!

The cutie below is my guinea pig carmel. I love her to death but she annoys the hell out of my a LOT. There's are really sad looking x-mas tree. It was really last minute (we put it up on X-mas eve) so it looks really crappy. The epic piece of meat was the prime rib roast we had. It was so good too, it just melts in your mouth. Uh, the candy canes, jucie, and cake were very random, I just wanted to test out the camera. XD

Okay, I’m going to stop my rambling and show the pictures. Oh yeah, my deco pieces will be the next batch!
