Does the impossible happen? D:

Hey hey everyone! Here’s another update on my life! 8-D

Once again a huge update, I don’t know how to say this but… I’ve gotten my first kiss. D:

Yeah, these virgin lips have finally found another. And I would advise to take cover but seeing that this happened last Friday I know nothing bad happened afterwards. In fact what happened after the kiss was the best part of the day!

That day we hung out at the King of Prussia mall after I left school. Going to the lego store and making some bad ass cars. He tried making a tank like car while I throw my creative edge into the pits of hell making a total abomination of a car XD. All I did was piled legos on top of one another and added wheels to them, but that’s not the best part, I tiled the tower of legos so it was at an angle THEN added wheels. It was epic for sure. I made another car too that was more like a car then a wall of legos. So someone left their chick-fil-a cow toy there and I made a spot where he sit and ride in my car of future death. GOD I love the lego store. So we raced them on this ramp so we can see how epic the explosion of legos will be. My tiled tower of death didn’t fall apart as awesome as we thought which kinda sucked because I wanted to see something awesome. His wheels just popped off the bottom when it hit the end of the track. It was funny as hell. I raced my other car with the cow in it and the cow flew out of it and onto the floor. It was truly badass.

After we took over the lego store for about an hour we headed to the big borders with the love seats I would die to have in my cramped room. He read fairy tale when I read some beading and craft books and magazines. I never realized that there were so many great ideas floating around out there like that. I hope I can get an original idea that can be my trade mark product one day, but till then I shall have fun trying to find it.

Anyway after we left from the mall to downtown it started to rain and gay shit so we went into the borders there to escape the rain till it calmed down. As soon as it looked safe and we headed down towards Penns landing which has an awesome huge river which you can gawk at trash and birds. It starts raining hard again and thunder storming so we hid under a store roof thing. You know when there’s a corner and the store doors are imbedding in the corner and you can walk across in front of them to the go across instead of going around the sidewalk corner? Well if I blew some brain cells I’m sorry, some things I can’t explain for the life of me >__>.

Anyway we were under there and he the freaking gull to ask if I still wanted to hang out as well suggest that maybe cut the date short. I was like “holdup young brother, no rain is going to stop this right here!”>:C… I want my days worth of my cuddly boyfriend since I will go through withdraw of fun through the weekend anyway…” He agreed and we kept the date on. The rain let up too which was awesome because my hair doesn’t like water or moisture in general. So we’re skipping along the sidewalk when my fox senses where tingling. I felt like that we should go to the art museum steps like we wanted to do before, but since it was a bit late we decided to do it some other time. I was a bit iffy but I almost always listen to my instincts so I told him that I wanted to go the art museum steps instead.

So we turned our asses around and went the other way. So we get there and its night time now and there’s a concert going on right on the steps! I don’t know who was playing but we decided to just chill out on the huge statue that has some steps and fountains on the bottom you can sit on. MAN, were those the most awkward hours of my life. We both were clearly thinking about it…about KISSING. I mean I kissed him on the cheek last time I said good bye and he said he wanted to kiss me before on G-chat. So yeah…. The music was going and they were playing some good stuff. There were huge lights around the area so the park wouldn’t be so dark so we saw each other in some really good lighting.

We were sort of talking about it and how his first one went. I was soooo shy that I didn’t look at him much. I wanted to kiss him myself but my boldness would only come but so far with my more rational mind in control as well. Man, it was just soooooo weird, like the atmosphere was perfect, the night was beautiful, we were hearing some awesome music which some was romantic! I was cold and he had his extra hoodie so I had that and we were huddled together talking and stuff. But alas I didn’t kiss him and the concert was over and all the people were leaving the steps. I told him maybe we get up to the steps and see the awesome view and we went up to the curb to cross the street. He said that it looked like that they wasn’t going to let people up there since they have to pack everything up and stuff. So we hang at the statue some more and I said that I would kiss him once all the people left that came from the concert. But by that time it was time to leave. So we head down the steps on to the park path.

I have no clue what happened, I don’t know what entity suddenly slipped into my body, for all I knew I was in another parallel universe where I just did what my brain told me but I snapped. I snapped and said “Just kiss me already! I want to get this over with!” For those few moments it seemed like time stopped, I honestly didn’t know what the hell fell before me to say that out loud as I did. But I did and I meant it in every bone in my body. He just looked at me, smiled, and said “okay?”… I was surprised he didn’t start shaking me around to get whatever bugs that were in my head out. XD

So then I’m like “there over there!” Pointing in the darkest parks of the park where no one can see us. I didn’t want ANYONE to see us. I’m just so shy and private that I’m willing to kiss in a part of a park where a body could be buried in. So we walked down the park path were it was dark since there weren’t any real lights around and parked it on a rotted bench… Romantic. But I wasn’t in the mood to delay this any longer; I was ready to have my first kiss! So then we sat there, I wasn’t looking at him much… I expressed how this was like getting a needle or whatever nonsense I was relating this too. So then he inched up to me and finally he said you know close your eyes, so I did. I felt his face get closer to mine. I got a wee bit tense and was ready impact. Then Wham-O the bird has landed and his lips were on mine for a few seconds. I was surprised that it lasted as long as it did which were just about 4-5 seconds but I thought it was going to be those quick ones.

And like that it was over and I was rendered useless because I was speechless. I finally done it, I got my first kiss and it was from something that I cared about and he wasn’t bad looking either! So we sat there still and chat a bit. How was it? Was it as nice as you thought it was going to be he said? I couldn’t do anything but said yes, because it was. I wouldn’t give it up for anything in this world. Oh, and he also said I had soft lips hehe… He leaned in for another one but I moved my head out the way. My shyness kicked in again and I just wasn’t ready, just… So soon, I don’t know! XD… His head went down and we both laughed while I hugged his head.

So a few moments later while he was saying something fire works start going off! What amazement! Just like that it seemed like the universe was celebrating my small rhapsody of love. I got so excited because we wanted to see fireworks all summer and here at this time and place here they were! So being the big kid I am I run out into the parking lot to get a better view and yelling at him about the fireworks. He was surprised too and we held each other and watched the fireworks together. I even gave him a kiss! I was like “come here you!” ha-ha. I swear I never case to amaze myself… Anyway the fire works were just gorgeous and they were right be hide the art museum so we had an awesome view, besides the trees being in the way a bit on the bottom.

After that we went home like champions! I have to say that’s one of my best nights I ever had, may be the best ever. I came home and told my sister and mother and they were all “Awwwwwww” he-he.

So yeah, that’s the story of my first kiss beginning to end. We hung out after that too and I’m like more and more. He’s so caring and such. Wouldn’t want to give him up for anything. :3

I have to update in a more timely matter so the smaller details won’t get fuzzy and stuff. Plus I want to let people know that I’m alive even when I don’t post or comment. I’m glad everyone is taking the time to read this! I’ll post again soon.

Till then peace, love, and ramen!
