Fresh out of training!

And I’m back again! 8D

Hey all and how is everyone doing today? The holidays are coming up; does anyone have any special plans?

I’m doing fine. I’m done training and now on the floor! Also with that I’m on the compressed schedule. This means I have to be there a whole hour early! I was dreading it all weekend let me tell you. I boyfriend came over the weekend and I just couldn’t let him go on Saturday night. When he started to get ready I was so sad and made my sappy face. He kept looking at me and I just looked at him with my puppy dog eyes. When he was pretty much ready to leave out the door he decided to stay the night. I was so happy! I really didn’t want him to go because as soon as he did I would have been bored and would have nothing to look forward to but work, which I’m dreading in the first place.

Oh yeah, yesterday was my boyfriends first day at vanguard! He’s going to be trained in the building I’m working in so we can have lunch together. I was really happy to see him too and he gave me his granola bar and cashews. I tore them up. I have to invest in work snacks now since I’m there 7:30AM to 6:30PM. I have to get up at 4:30AM and leave out at 5:50AM just to make it in time. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. It didn’t feel any different since it was still dark outside. It is a bit creepy going to the subway though since the sun is not even coming up yet. They also can let me out early (6:00pm) because I have to take the last shuttle home but I can only have a half hour break. Works for me, by 5:00pm I’m dead anyway XD

In more worthy news... I’ve finally got down on my paper clay and made some cookie and macaroon pieces for my deco den/jewelry. Paper clay feels amazing! I love the cool wetness of it. Its really good for the texture as well, I like how the macaroon came out but the cookies look okay, I’m just concerned that it may look too much like paper texture rather then biscuit/cookie texture. I haven’t had time to try the silicone whipped cream yet either which I was head over hells for. I want to make more pieces before I embark on that. I want to make cakes, lollipops, strawberries, etc. I’m also thinking about getting some molds off esty. There are a lot that I can use like the fancy donuts and stuff. I also want to get some of that shrink plastic inkjet paper so I can make some cell phone charms of my characters. There’s so much I want to do so little time! D:

I guess before I wrap this up, I’m getting a Zune HD this week for x-mas! I wanted a new mp3 player for about a year now and since I have the money to get one I want the best that’s on the market. It was going to be either the IPod touch or the Zune HD. The Zune HD came up on top for me. I really wanted to be able to put my pictures on it and have my animes for viewing pleasure. The Zune HD has this fancy oled screen it should look quite spiffy! After I get that, I want to get the 72 set of copic markers. Hopefully I will be able to get a ps3 in time for x-mas but if I don’t I’ll just get it afterwards.

Okay, I’m going to enjoy my two days off! I work 4 days a week now I forgot to mention and I’m working on some pictures too. One should one up soon. It has to do with my incubus addiction. :3

Till next time!
