Update.... In HD 8D

Guess who got a Zune HD?!


I got it today after work (which was a pain in the butt). I went to best buy and they had it out on display where you can mess around with it. I held that son of a gun and while I was a bit confused with the menu, getting around a bit, and etc it was what all the reviews were raving about! I was swiveling the menus with my fingers and felt totally flawless and smooth. Let me tell you about that oled screen. FAN-F*UKING-TASIC… I played the video that was in the Zune and was blown away. The colors, depth, and richness are nothing I ever seen on any kind of mp3/phone. I didn’t think you can get that kind of power in a small device like that. Anyway after an hour or some screwing around the store messing with devices and things I finally brought it. The insurance was higher then a giraffe’s ass though. 50 for regular wear and tear and 70 for two year of the “if I do something stupid and drop the Zune in the toilet and it doesn’t work after it dries off” kind. I wanted to get insurance but damn that would have been 300 down the drain right then and there. So I just went without it. I just hope I wasn’t the lucky one with the defected Zune HD. >-<

In other news I had work today. I had to be there are 7:00AM. I wasn’t a happy camper waking up at 4:35AM when I had my alarm for 4:00AM. I had to be out the house at 5:10AM so I had to hustle to get out the door. Thank goodness I half ass planed on what I was going to wear and that my mom brought burgers for me and my sister for work that day. Things went smoothly except the fact the bus didn’t go to the stop we were suppose to get off at. So me and my fellow co-workers, lucky two of them that worked at vanguard for like a year (which I was following) walked half the way there and a friend of one of the co-workers picked us up.

Oh yeah, after I went to best buy I went across the street to King of Prussia Mall. Christ all mighty was that bitch crowed! I couldn’t even get a bite to eat, I had to go over to rite aid to get something to eat and drink. I was totally ready to start snapping necks after 15 minutes of that place.

I guess that’s it for now. I’m glad I was able to update within a week or so instead of a year. I hope everyone’s weekend is going well, see ya next time!

Oh yeah, check out my WIP --> http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/321502/wip I can’t wait till I have it done and posted! XD
