I know I'm beating a dead horse with this one but

I can’t stand it when a really popular artist goes on every damn art site out there and get rave reviews. But never comment, follow, or even be active on site itself BUT post art.

This never surprises me since I’ve seen it for years; I get it and all that.

But it’s like a wtf to me.

I mean yeah, they can do what they want but if you’re joining a site, generally you want to be a part of it, mingle with other artists, and be somewhat active in the community. So why JUST post art and that’s it? I could easily say that they are just fishing for MORE popularity then just the one site that they are on, but I don’t want to be so judgmental. I know there are two sides of every story.

But seriously, seeing one artist on three art sites with monster popularity that barely does anything but post art really annoys me at best. But hey if my art had tons of mass appeal for no goddamn reason I would want to spread the disease too. At least I would want to do something with that power besides getting praise, free subs, and digital panties bringing thrown at me.

Then on this site there’s an artist that I freak’n LOVE like a lot. I took a look at the artist’s profile and to my surprise there were less then 200 comments, less then 200 art posted with over 10,000 hugs, over 400 subscribers and the artist been here since 2005. Then my stomach turned when the artist only had watched 7 other POPULAR artists that do the same thing. After that their art was good but I felt somewhat taken like a damn sheep.

It was like someone hit me upside the head with a baseball bat. Then I saw that the artist was on deviant art and was the cats meow there too… I TOTALLY DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING.

Pro tip: Don’t take the internets seriously, because the things you’ll see you will have to laugh at.

One last thing, this feature fandom crud makes me puke. There is yet another fan art that was on the front page THE DAY BEFORE…

Just for shiz and giggles what would YOU want to add to theO?

I would want something so level the playing field here or something. I don’t know, I been accepted the way things are on the internet so yeahhhhhh.
