vector art, the mall, and NEW CRUSH

Hey all!

I’m having a wonderful day! How about all of you?

Right now I’m using “illustrator” as in VECTOR ART. Never in a thousand years had I thought I would even bother with it again after college. But I’ve been gaining more interest in it after seeing acrylicana’s and Blush art’s works. What really made me finally go back into the fire was this crash course. It made learning illustrator so simple and easy! I usually get overwhelmed trying to use it but since it goes through all the tools I’m able to get a good grasp of it. The only thing about the course is after you get to week three you have to PAY a membership to see it for “free”. It doesn’t even really matters because by that point you can start creating with the knowledge you have and just go to other beginner tutorials for anything else.

Any way here’s the wips…

External Image

The picture I'm vectoring...

External Image

What I have now...

I REALLY want to work in flash next and start working on animation. I remember taking the class in Moore College during 11th grade and the process of making the frames. It’s not really hard but tedious. So at least making simple things move should be a good stepping stone for me.

The following week has been a very fun! My friend Brandon came over and we went to the Franklin Hills Mall that was like 1-2 hours away out of random. Okay not that random, he mentioned it the night before and I was like “we should do that just cause” and we went with that XD. The trip was mega fun despite the wet and cold weather. He got me stuff and everything; I felt so spoiled X3… I really do love my friends. He got me the best T-shirt ever that says “National sarcasm society, Like we really need your support”. He actually got me that t-shirt before he came over.

When we went to the mall he brought me WHAT I THOUGHT WAS a sonic robe, but come to find out it’s a sonic snuggie/"throw robe". So I pretty much got an oversized backwards robe with sonic on it. :| On the contrary the it makes a great blanket (which it is but with sleeves) when you sleep on the coach or playing video games so I love it. Once you want to do more then that it gets frustrating since it’s over sized and kinda retarded. He also brought me a lotion that I wanted in Bath and Body works. It smells really good and reminds me of him now since he used it too. XD He was going to buy me a latte form Dunkins but the damn store was closed when we were coming home. We did more but I don’t want to full up the post with that only. XD

I HAVE A NEW CRUSH… Well kinda sorta, it’s a mild crush. More like adore… His name is Alex Mercer and I met him in the mall. When I saw that blade for a hand I knew it was love. No wait when I saw him cut up a solider like sushi with his huge claws THAT’S WHEN I KNEW IT WAS LOVE… I have a thing for mutant bad boys (fan girl squeal). I’ll be a douche and let you guys figure it out what I’m talking about, who ever get the answer right gets a free sketch or something. :P

I’ll end it here since we got a full page full of stuff! I’ll update again in a few days or whenever haha. Have a good 10/10/10 guys!
