Kelseys B-day gift, art, and SIMS 3

So yeah yesterday as I was finishing Kelsey’s gift (which you should see because its totally epic) my friend Brandon came over and gave me a copy of SIM MOTHER F**KING 3 FOR THE CONSOLE.


I had the game for the PC but my computer is such a piece of crap I couldn’t really play it after like 15 minutes, most which consists of LAG. So when I saw the ad for the console I was like DO WANT. Then Brandon was like “early X-mas gift?” and I was like F**K YEAH. Then he actually got it for me and I totally love him forever and ever. Then he said he had another gift for x-mas any way and I exploded again into rainbows and sparkles. XD

The game is epic, I totally love it and it was something I wanted for way too long. So yeah if you don’t see me in a while it’s because of sims 3 and making hot male sims date each other. HAR HAR HAR.

Special shout out to Kelsey and J.C Elric since it’s their birthdays today and yesterday. I hope you guys birthday was good. Speaking of which I started the sketch for J’s picture. I’ll color it in copics because it’s addictive as well as fun.

There are other pictures I want to start and finished. The one old picture I’ll finish next is the old Mew ichigo line art that Kiro loves so much. She expressed how I should finish it before and I always said that I will or something likes that. SO YEAH EARLY HEAD UP FOR YOU KIRO THAT’S NEXT ON MY LIST.

I also have tons and tons of ideas I want to start up. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY I’m going to start on the prize for Chel the bell. It’s been way overdo but I didn’t want to just scribble something out just for the sake of it. ;A;

Okay I can keep going forever but I don’t want to. Thanks for reading.
