Winds of change

Yeah as the title suggests A LOT has happened since the last post about my life. I did a post about it all but its so me being half ass angry/depressed and I just didn't want to post that up there. I like to post the positive things that are happening in my life so I want to keep that trend going. :)

I will say that my dad and brother is no longer living with us because of the crazy line of events. It started when me and my sister confronted my dad because my dad was acting retarded for a good month and it effects the whole house. So we had a bad falling out that really upset me. Then a few days later my mom totally freaked out on my brother because he wouldn't' give her my dads number since he left since the falling out. Now my mom is totally broken while me and my sister are just "hanging in there".

Honestly despite everything that happened I'm pretty excited for my future yet again where before I was completely depressed and was stuck in a deep rut. But that is what happens when you live with toxic people, it effects you whether you know it or not. But since its only us three here I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. I can focus on the important things in my life and best of all WALK IN MY UNDERWEAR AROUND THE HOUSE.

So yeah things indeed have changed dramatically but I'm seeing the good in it all. I'm planning to get my drivers license and eventually make my way out of this damn house. I'm so sick of the drama and bull shit.

So yeah that's why I just disappeared, I just did my 25 hour stalking of people. Too depressed, lazy, stressed, and super lazy to do much more then hug and fav things. I even haven't touched my drawing table in about a month because I was just too stressed. Things are better now even though a lot of things are still uncertain :)

During all this I made some really cute wallpapers free for everyone on my Candy Sanctuary blog. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post them here since its not anime at all so I just stuck them on my blog. I also did a lot of raffles for my angel readings that went well. I also did a live stream of them on Saturday, that was tons of fun, when the video becomes available I'll show you guys! :D Oh and more great news, me another card reader are currently doing a raffle together that I'm really excited about.

I'm hoping my business picks up so I can MAKE THAT CASH, but I know that things are going to turn out fine. I just have to go with the flow. :) Oh I also made some adoptables too, its really fun so I want to experiment with it more. I'll post them for you guys soon! :D

I think that's it. A lot of things are negative so I can't really full the post up with 100% positive things but the event itself is a change that will positively effect my life! So it all works out! :)

Thanks for reading guys take care!
