Hello, all. I am Taigapakkunari4ev. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I have centered my life around my faith. I find joy sharing His word with others, so once I figure out how to post things up here, I will do so.

The path of Christ is a difficult journey that will change you forever.

Are you up for the trek?

My Definition of darkness

Okay, well, my definition of darkness is sin: a life without Jesus, my Savior. I have felt the darkness, and I have been saved from it. I used to live a life of complete sin and hopelessness and hate; a life where I hated my family, myself, and I questioned my faith. There was a day that finally came where I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart, and I have lived out of the darkness, hopelessness, tragedy, sin. I still have my slip-ups, but He forgives me with a loving heart, and welcomes me back with open arms! Darkness is a life without God; without love; without guidance; a death-sentence. Darkness can be cast away, but only by the love of Jesus Christ! :)

if anyone has a comment or question, feel free to PM me! :)
