The Short-Tempered Ninja

A Bad Start
Lloyd: So you're a ninja, huh? (smirking)
Farah: Yeah, what about it? (normal)
Lloyd: Nothing, it's cool I guess. (thinking)
Farah: What do you mean by "I guess"? (annoyed)
Lloyd: Calm down, what's got your panties in a bunch? (smirking)
Farah: ARGH! Is this how you treat all new people to your group? (angry)
Lloyd: No just the ones I like. (smirking)
Farah: Wipe that stupid look off your face. (angry/embarrassed)
Lloyd: Perhaps we may have had a bad start. (smirking) My names Lloyd, nice to meet you. (smiling)
Farah: ... (angry/embarrassed)

Farah's Confusion
Manda: How are you getting along with the group, Farah? (normal)
Lloyd: (smirking)
Farah: Good, I guess. There are those that get on my nerves. (annoyed)
Manda: Hmm? Like who? (head tilted)
Farah: No one really. (normal) ... (shocked) I said wipe that smirk off your face before I wipe it off for you! (angry)
Lloyd: What? This is my normal face. (smirking)
Manda: Yeah, when you're thinking something sinister... (sighing)
Farah: ... (annoyed)
Iggy: Who is this intruder in Iggy's fortress?! (angry)
Farah: F... Fortress? (shocked)
Lloyd: Iggy, this is Farah, she joined our group not that long ago. You were there remember.(normal) And this is a campsite, not a fortress. (sighing)
Iggy: She joined Iggy's group without Iggy's knowledge? (surprised) You people have betrayed Iggy. (crying)
Farah: Sh... she's crying? (shocked)
Manda: Don't worry, she'll forget in a few minutes. (sighing)

Too Much Information
Farah: So who are you meant to be? (normal)
Toshi: Toshi. (normal)
Farah: Have you been around here long? I don't exactly see you around much. (head tilted)
Toshi: I've always been here. (normal)
Farah: Oh well then you need to make yourself noticed more. (uninterested)
Toshi: ... (normal)
Farah: Not the talkative one, hey. (smirking)
Toshi: Not really. (normal)
Farah: So I guess there's nothing that phases you. (smirking)
Toshi: ... (normal)
Farah: Not even if I tell you that I'm wearing sexy pink lingerie? (sinister grin)
Toshi: ... (normal)
Lloyd: Well that certainly is interesting. (smirking)
Farah: Lloyd?! What the hell?! *smack* (angry/embarrassed)
Manda: Well it is... different. (surprised)
Farah: Manda, you too? (sighing)
Manda: Should a girl your age be wearing sexy lingerie? (head tilted)
Farah: I'm not really! (embarrassed)
Iggy: What does "Lon Jor Hay" mean? And why is Farah wearing it? (confused)
Farah: This is your fault! *smack* (angry)
Lloyd: Ow! What did I do? (hurt)
Toshi: ... (normal)
